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Lunniy Korabl

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Posts posted by Lunniy Korabl

  1. At the moment, the answer is basically 'you can\'t' -there\'s no actual lift, so it \'flies\' like a normal command pod.

    Indeed, that mod was made a while ago when I had no idea what I was doing. The Weka flies though. More so than its avian namesake.

    Now that there\'s more spaceplane mods out, it\'s a lot easier to figure out how to get things working. I am currently in the process of getting all the control surfaces animating (looks like each wing will be coming in two parts). Estimate release sometime this weekend.

  2. OP updated! Weka is released. You can now find out what the heat shield looks like.

    After the Kergin Galactic (love that name) update, I\'m doing a custom decoupler and service module for Weka. The module will contain extra fuel, RCS, ASAS and habitation for longer duration missions. Also a docking ring for space stations. I think I may draw inspiration from the shuttle mir docking module, which is also orange!


    Maybe won\'t make it orange though.

  3. Sneak Preview: Weka lifeboat spaceplane!


    The Weka lifeboat spaceplane was intended as a cheap re-entry vessel for use in emergencies. Due to budget cuts and project cancellations, this manual flight only (no ASAS) budget spaceplane will soon be available for general use.

    Now that I\'ve got my head around spaceplanes with wings that actually produce lift, the Kergin Galactic v0.1 with proper wings is also just around the corner.

  4. Nuclear power has been used for both earth orbit and long duration missions. It\'s also the power plant for the new 'Curiosity' Mars rover that NASA has launched. I\'ve seen them also proposed for power on human mars missions.

    Not meaning to get too off topic, but it\'s important to note that there\'s a massive difference between a nuclear reactor and a radioisotope thermoelectric generator (RTG) like the one used on Curiosity. One creates and controls a nuclear chain reaction, the other generates a small current from the heat given off by radioactive decay.

    Back on topic, loving the BACEs, although I feel they could be a bit bigger and more stackable. These are going to be amazing after the persistance update, but for now what I\'d really like is to be able to land them all at once.

  5. Also, landing on a moon/mun (are they muns even when they\'re not the mun?) of a gas giant will be quite a bit more difficult than going to a mars-like planet. The design of the solar system should reflect the baby steps it takes to get the hang of interplanetary travel before doing something more complex.

    In the current layout, I for one will be sending my first interplanetary mission to Eve, hopefully in less tries and more softly than the deceptively named Venura 3. It\'d be great to have another interesting and relatively inexpensive terrestrial target to play with before attempting orbital musical chairs with a gas giant system. It\'s funny watching people new to the game shoot straight for the mun and totally fail because they didn\'t first figure out orbiting kerbin properly. Baby steps.

    Anyway, aside from that, I like the way it\'s looking. Can\'t wait to start exploring a diverse selection of muns around Juniper, aerobraking with a ballute like in 2010. I hope there\'s one that looks a bit like Iapetus!

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