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Everything posted by davidpsummers

  1. Looks like it can be separated at the docking ports into 2 parts? I would launch those separately, always helps. Then you will have less drag in the top.
  2. I landed my resource harvester on Bop. I let it run and went to go back to it after doing other stuff. Now, esp. lately, ships have sometimes done a bit of a "hop" when I switch back to them. (Which has been a problem in itself). But this time is explodes! Happens overtime! Function 3 gives.... I had a similar problem when I was trying to edit a ship on the ground, but this one was not edited. It seems to be a problem with ships that are landed. Here is the ship in orbit (yes, it is a little weird, it was built initially to land on that big airless moon the Jool system.
  3. So that is "friction against the ground" and not "friction used to stop the wheel turning"? Good to know.
  4. Its not weight. If I use the small gear, it would have no clearance. I'm taking off with out a runway on sloping terrain. Can Kerbals really push? How do you do that?
  5. I have a space plane I use to land on Lythe. Given that I don't have a runway, I just drop it down by parachute. Then I look for a someplace I can take off. The has worked so far but... I find that the landing gear no longer are able to turn planes (except the smallest one that doesn't do what I need). RCS don't seem to be able to turn the plane very fast at all. The same with the small reaction wheel module. Any help? Where is a picture of the plane.
  6. Thanks for the answer. It was good. Another question. The Ore is full. The drills aren't bringing anything up. Do they still produce heat or does one need to shut them off? When I looked at them, I didn't see that they produced any core heat? (Ie. they have fins and cool themselves?)
  7. I have a question about cooling the ship pictured below (yes, there are some things wrong with it, but at the moment I just need to know about cooling). The Convert-o-tron is running too hot. But the three cooling panels are not being used 100%. Is that because I'm using up all the Core Heat Xfer and the Cooling Percentage listed for the Max Cooling? Ie. you can't get as much heat into it as you can cool (which seems dumb).
  8. So what are you suppose to do, sit there and keep turning it on and off?
  9. When I am in the tracking station, the icon for debris lists "0". No tracked objects are listed.
  10. In my game, debris is being deleted immediately when a switch away from it. the problem is that this means, aside from not being able to temporarily label things as debris, anything without a control module gets deleted. Like the fuel tank you left in orbit for your return. In settings, my max debris, is set to 250. but when I go the space center and look for any debris, there is nothing (zero). I'm running version on a Mac Powerbook, OS 10.12.6
  11. >GameData/Squad/Parts/CompoundParts folder to see if the fuel line folder is spelled "FuelLine" or "fuelLine". It was indeed "FuelLine". (i.e. Capitalized). The change suggest worked.
  12. I updated to 1.3. Installed the new version of EVA Transfer. When I try and load my save, it gives me... "Vessel Jules Verne Station was not loaded because it had the following parts missing: EVAfuelline". There is a file EVAFuelLine.cfg in KSPosx/GameData/EVATransfer/EVAFuelLine. I tried copying it to the Parts directory (KSPosx/Parts) and no help. I'm using a MacPowerbook (15% inch, new) with macOS Sierra (10.12.6). Here is the log file... https://www.dropbox.com/s/zqf2imiwzkgvxzu/KSP.log?dl=0
  13. Thanks. I was sure I had just dragged and dropped, but I guess not...
  14. Is the file you need? https://www.dropbox.com/s/kh64t6jp905lij9/KSP.log?dl=0
  15. I'm trying to use EVA Resource Transfer. I install the mod on my fuel carrier. It sticks out (?), not like in the video? On the Mun I try and use it but nothing happens when I click on it? What am I doing wrong? I'm using 1.2.2 on a Macbook Pro, System 10.11.6
  16. How do you put cones on the back of engines, doesn't the thrust need to come out there? Nukes are awfully heavy, you think I'll win after the push to space? Not sure about how well it will pick up speed on only three engines in the air, especially with the extra weight.
  17. its "pretty pointy". See below. It is probably the parachutes. The problem is that I don't find spending hours practicing landing "fun". I can land some, maybe I'll just use quick save to do it again if I crash on the grounds that Jeb is a better pilot (and has a proper joystick).
  18. The craft still makes orbit and returns just fine. It's just that the margin to reach my station once its up there has become tight.
  19. I recently used a space plane which I have used quite a number of time, but not too recently. (I think maybe since before I last upgraded to the new version of the program). The amount of fuel left when I hit a 75 km orbit was lower than when I had used it in the past. Now either I've forgotten something about flying them, or something changed about it. Has anything change that would affect space plane performance in the last version upgrade or two?
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