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Everything posted by davidpsummers

  1. The issue of having one antenna take to two different craft at the same time is hand waved in the comment rules right? You only need one relay antenna on the relay probe?
  2. Turns out I was wrong in the last one. It is was a mod issue (sort of). Thanks for everyone's help. Part of what I was going for is one's approach to finding problems. I guess it is mostly.. 1) Verify your attenas. 2) Calculate the signal you should be getting. 3) Look for occlusion (are occlusions listed, like for the solar panels)? 4) Worry about more rare situations.
  3. Removed all mods. Fortunately, the one I was looking at wasn't one of the ones that didn't load. It didn't change anything. I noticed that another ship, about ~65 Gm out, has a signal, but a tiny one when it should have a good one? I guess I'll try a reinstall. If that doesn't work, submit a bug report?
  4. Here is a screen shot of the craft. It is a small lander with a ion engine to get it out there... Deployed both. Difficulty is "Custom", I think because it was a pre- 1.2 game which I turned Commnet on for. The Range modifier is 1. I don't have any relays that would help here. So I'm tring to get a direct connection to Kerbin. I'm not any signal to nothing.
  5. I have a craft 101Gm meters from Kerbol with two communotron 88-88's on it. It will be a bit further from Kerbin, but less than 10% (see image below). According the calculator I downloaded it, with a level three tracking station, it should have signal out to 165 Gm. But I get "no signal". Where do I start figuring out what is wrong?
  6. I assume that when I switch to 1.2, parts previously installed will work (my craft is going to Jool and not likely to arrive before I switch.) What version does go with 1.1.
  7. I made a simpler craft. See below for .craft file. Same behavior (nothing happens on right click, no actions for action groups). I found "KSP.log" and will upload that (see below) hoping that is "the log file". I am running KSP 1.1 on a Mac Powerbook (OSX 10.11.6). https://www.dropbox.com/s/kh64t6jp905lij9/KSP.log?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/t2q2gpbq6new8y2/Test.craft?dl=0 The other surface experiment I tried (Seismic Impact Hammer, Micro Goo) give the same result. The magnetometer boom gives a value for ore, but no actions (don't know if that is what is expected. It is an orbital experiment?) I put the micro goo, solar particle collector, and orbital telescope in orbit and the same thing. The magnotometer Boom gave "too high" but no actions.
  8. I tried them the other way around and no luck. I would be happy to send log files if I knew how to get them. Would the .craft file help Edit: If you mean install the software. I took the game data folder and plopped the contents into the same one in my KSP install.
  9. Installed the drill and the laser ablation experiment on my rover (image below). Right click doesn't produce any actions. Nor do any appear as action groups. What am I doing wrong?
  10. I have this probably trying to switch internally (docked ship to another part) on my space station. It has always been difficult. Even when it works, I have to click over-and-over. (Because it is large?)
  11. Yeah, it always the cockpit and the Mk1 is one of the trickiest. (I've had it overheat on ascent! To low a cimb rate after I switched to rockets.) I have a space plane of each of the three sizes and the Mk1 I bring in the most shallow. I have to be trying to climb before I hit the atmosphere. I haven't had to use a PE higher than 30 km yet... But, in the end, if you drop down slow enough, anything will work.
  12. When I pitch up it is for lift, not drag. There seem to be two approaches. One is max drag so you slow down before you heat up. The other is to use your lift to keep from dropping deeper into the atmosphere than you can handle as far as heating goes. The latter you come in shallow and catch lift at 40 km (ish, maybe high 30s?) to control your descent. The OP tried this last one but had a problem with spinning out, which I don't get. A couple of points that might help. -I do use airbrakes as I come in. You put them in back and they help with the spinning out, and slowing faster never hurts, no matter which approach. I've done my approach without them, but it easier with them. (Other than that, I don't know why your plane is spinning out so I can't help on that). -Also, it is easer if you are pitched up 15-20 from the horizon before you hit the atmosphere. It i have touble with the plane not wanting to pitch up no matter what, I move fuel from a front tank to a back tank. Though maybe a few more control surfaces would be a better way to go.
  13. For the record, what I do is set a PE around 30. As I come in, I am pointed maybe 20° above the horizon. As I enter the atmosphere, I generate lift that slows my descent. When I'm dropping maybe 50 m/s, I level off and continue the drop. Then it become a matter of dropping my altitude as a slow down. As I loose speed my heating decreases. As drop the in the atmosphere my heating increases. And I balance those as the craft is too hot or has margin for error. Note, the rate of drop is not the amount of heating, but the rate of the increase in the amount of heating. It takes time, that high up, to level off or climb, so you need to leave a margin of error. These numbers will probably vary from craft to craft. So for a first craft I might set my PE to be 40 km, and point above the horizon until I have complete leveled off and then descent cautiously.
  14. I do use EVE. But it would be cooler if it wasn't a shadow. <Covers ears goes "nah" "nah" so he can't hear what he doesn't want to hear.> Well, it was late and it's hard to come up a good pagan god or something for every mission! If that is how it's going to be, I won't tell you my mission to Pol was called "Polly".
  15. Fired up KSP today and there was a big black spot on Jool. Maybe its the apocalypse (apokalypse in Kerbalese?) or maybe its how the krakens get out to crash on bop. OR maybe it is because of the Juno probe. Anyone seen this?
  16. I had the same problem as in Wcmile's picture. I started when I upgraded to KSP 1.1.3, and upgrading KAC to the latest version fixed it...
  17. I had tried it without the fairing module complete, since that has been a source of trouble and no luck. OTOH, I use a Mac and your fix in the part.cfg module worked. Though, ironically, removing the orange tank did fix the problem, except that was whole point of the launch. :-) Will this make my rockets more wobbly? Should I change it back now that I have launched (since it doesn't happen most of the time?)
  18. I have a problem with the game crashing when I try and launch a certain craft. (Pictures and link to craft file below.) The radial boosters stage just fine. But when I go to do the first stage on the central stack, the game “quits unexpectedly”. The problem seems center around the stage with the orange tank. But this is the fuel transport vehicle that I’m trying to get to my surface base on the moon. If I remove the orange tank (and thus anything attached to it) the problem doesn’t occur. I normally run modded, but I've verified that the problem persists when I run unmodded. The craft file and pictures... https://www.dropbox.com/s/jzlulk3zgq1e46x/Fuel Carrier for Lauch.craft?dl=0
  19. With Chemical, I woulds say dozens of minutes. With nuclear, a fair fraction of an hour. With ion, 2 hrs, maybe more ( can't remember, I might have done one that is a number of hours)? I just set them up (before a TV program, going to bed, etc.) and use Kerbal Alarm contract to stop the game just before they are done. For me, ion engines are good.
  20. Good question! So I tried it an I could. So I decided I should play with the situations of the Kerbal who I want to plant a flag. It turns out all I had to do was have him jump in the air and "bam", the option was there...
  21. reloading, quiting are restarting, nothing helps....
  22. I have landed on the Mun. I have all my Kerbals gathered for a little flag planting ceremony, just like I've done dozens of times before. But there is no "plant flag" button to press! Any ideas on what is wrong?
  23. On the ailerons, what does "deploy" do? How are they different when "extended" and "retracted"? Also, I see references to "flaps" (ie the things that don't control pitch but do increase lift). I seems to me that ailerons can be used as "flaps". How? Is that what "extend" doesn?
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