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  1. All via CKAN. That's the issue with CKAN. It just tempts you to install everything. Scrolling through, you're like "oh, that looks good, and that looks good, and oh, I need that too! You are correct on the OneDrive thing. I must have grabbed the wrong link when I was mucking about with it. Can you edit your quote post to remove it please?
  2. It has been years since I've actively played KSP, and the most recent version I'm familiar with is 1.3.1. I'm trying to get back into it, and get mods configured and working again, and I am having no luck with Trajectories. The Trajectories mod does not seem to activate. No red line and X appears in map view with an atmospheric entry. I can't even get the button to show up on the default stock toolbar, nor Blizzy's toolbar. It does not show up as an option to move between toolbars either. It is like it isn't installed, but it is definitely there. Log file: [edit removed]
  3. Greetings, all! I'm trying to get back into the good KSP, and haven't played any version more recent than 1.3.1. In 1.12.5, is it possible to use KCT and still select the different suits for kerbed missions? If so, how do I manage that?
  4. Woah, is ALCOR coming back? Is it making a return? I'm going to start playing KSP again if it is.
  5. I'm sure they probably could be adapted, but I don't know the requirements for Texture Replacer anymore. The main suit files can probably be renamed, but I doubt the visors will work, and there isn't as much support for the standard vs. elite vs. badass that @HaArLiNsH had in TRR. I'm certain these textures will not work at all with the new suit that Squad has released. They would have to be entirely redone and wouldn't be able to have the class logos on the rear of the helmets like I did here. The helmet textures are mirrored down the middle, so the left hemisphere has to equal the right. Feel free to reverse engineer my old packs and adapt them as possible to TR and the new game version. You certainly have my blessing if you want to take the time to figure it out. I can give you all my template files too if needed. The license allows for anyone to make their own modifications, as long as the license is kept the same.
  6. I honestly don't know, @Deckard. I haven't played anything past 1.3.1. I'm sure they probably could be adapted, but I don't know the requirements for Texture Replacer anymore. The main suit files can probably be renamed, but I doubt the visors will work, and there isn't as much support for the standard vs. elite vs. badass that @HaArLiNsH had in TRR. I'm certain these textures will not work at all with the new suit that Squad has released. They would have to be entirely redone and wouldn't be able to have the class logos on the rear of the helmets like I did here. The helmet textures are mirrored down the middle, so the left hemisphere has to equal the right. I actually fired up KSP for the first time in a long while just this weekend, and went back to my 1.3.1 install. I like TRR and my suits too much to give them up. I wish HaArLiNsH was still working on his. I loved the visor customization he managed. Feel free to reverse engineer my old packs and adapt them as possible to TR and the new game version. You certainly have my blessing if you want to take the time to figure it out. I can give you all my template files too if needed. The license allows for anyone to make their own modifications, as long as the license is kept the same.
  7. @Trekkie148 That is a known bug. I can't remember if it is a TRR thing, or a shader thing from Windowshine, but it isn't fixable at this time. I think I remember it being Windowshine. @HaArLiNsH Any news and progress on updates for TRR?
  8. That's honestly a better question for the TRR thread. I'm pretty sure they shouldn't go in the TRR folder. @HaArLiNsH designed it to have each pack have its own folder structure, and be implemented by MM configs. If you put the skyboxes in my folder structure, just add the line to the MM config too. If you keep the naming convention the same, it should be: EnvMap = TRR-Cetera/EnvMap/
  9. @CaribeanSoul Yeah, that has to be something different or not functioning properly in the unofficial 1.4 version of TRR. We'll need @HaArLiNsH and a full release to fix that, I think. My screenshot is from the 1.3.x, and seems to be working identically to your 1.3 screenshot. I don't currently have a 1.4 install going, so I don't have anything to test with. I can send you one of my flags, though. They are at 2560x1600, and you can put it in your install and see what happens to them. It'd be a good way to test.
  10. What happens if you replace them with higher-res flags? Maybe just find a few higher-res flags online and put them in your folder, to experiment with. I'm curious, too, what would happen if you just doubled the resolution of the current flags. There wouldn't be any more info in them but if they are getting resized and compressed, they might end up with something approximating their original info. Do you have screenshots of before and after?
  11. @CaribeanSoul what is the resolution of the texture files for your flags? I suppose it is entirely possible that my flags ARE experiencing the issue, but I've got them at a higher initial resolution that the downscaling doesn't hurt anything.
  12. There's something else going on with this, then, 'cause I have no issues. My flags are all in .png format, not .dds.
  13. You might have to ask on the TU thread. I'm barely familiar with TU, but it seems like it provides functionality for other modders to use, and doesn't do anything itself. If you are using Windowshine to provide the window reflections and emissives, then you need to use TRR. It is built for and requires TRR.
  14. Largely the same stuff as TR. TR's primary author left for a few years, and TR was getting some community updates to keep it functional. @HaArLiNsH wanted to add a lot of features for the suit pack he was making, and with some collaboration with @RangeMachine and @Ger_space they fixed reflections and window emissives too, and the project grew from there. It started as a way to update TR and get it space-worthy again, and suffered terribly from scope creep, as most projects eventually do. At this point, I far prefer TRR for what it allows us to do, and I LOVE the reflections and window emissives it makes possible. It is much, much more complicated to set up, though. The complexity of output requires complexity of input. If you are trying to install my suit pack, you have to have TRR. If you want to use other suit packs made for TR, then you need to use TR. They aren't compatible. Pick whichever allows you to use the assets you're looking for. By themselves, there isn't much point to either TRR or TR without the modded assets.
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