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  1. Just getting into RP-1 after a long time away from KSP - still at the sounding rocket stage (just managed 3000km down range tonight) but I'm really enjoying it and the challenge so far! Thought I'd report one snag from setting things up - I did a clean install and believe I followed the 1.8.1 install instructions exactly. But I couldn't add rockets to the build queue initially, it turned out I neded to install the SpaceTuxLibrary from CKAN, which wasn't mentioned anywhere. I guess something has a missing dependency. And I have one question - the Early Film Camera only seems to take pictures for me when flying low or in space, not when flying high. Is that a bug or is the wiki wrong?
  2. Hi Sarbian, those links seem broken. Jenkins isn't reporting any build artifacts in https://ksp.sarbian.com/jenkins/job/ModuleManager/9/artifact/jenkins-ModuleManager-9/ for some reason.
  3. Latest version looks good But ModuleManage 2.0.9 seems to have problems with Realism Overhaul - the parts weren't resized. On load the number of patches found was down by ~80, so presumably it just somehow failed to load the config files? Going back to Moduel Manager 2.0.7 seems to work OK.
  4. Sometimes the engineers at KSC have a few beers and come up with a crazy design for a rcoket stage. Jeb was going to fire them for being under the influence while on duty, but they ended up making a bet that their rocket could get him to the moon, and Jeb hasn't been seen since... What I was trying to do here was use an SRB core with liquid "booster" engines around it. Originally I had a liquid engine in the middle, but I got fuel crossfeed issues. To match the burn time I tried just reducing the amount of fuel in the SRB and hit this - I agree there are more sensible enginering solutions than that though
  5. I believe (1) is to account for the axial tilt of Earth, which can't otherwise be done in KSP. To launch in the right plane, I rotate the camera around Earth to line up the ecliptic so it appears to cross Earth horizontally near the latitude of KSC, then fast forward time until KSC is in the middle of the disc of Earth facing the camera. Hope that helps
  6. I'm also having this problem with the latest update. Also I'm having more issues than normal with my rocket falling apart, though that started before I upgraded from 0.9.5 to 0.9.7 - I thought I'd upgrade to see if that helped, but it didn't seem to. Finally, if you set an SRB to less than 100% fuel, it loses that setting on reload.
  7. Nathan, no worries - if you're doing a bunch of releases then would be good to get them out first anyway! And don't forget to sleep sometimes
  8. I grabbed the moon texture from github - looks great! But the side of the moon facing Earth isn't right, just eyeballing it it looks like the texture should go east by about 120 degrees. Looking forward to the release of 6.1
  9. The old 0.9.3 release is still up on github: https://github.com/Swamp-Ig/ProceduralParts/releases/download/v0.9.3/ProceduralParts.0.9.3.zip
  10. I don't know about conflicting mods, but I believe you can change the key to Alt-<something else> by changing the line right near the top of BoulderCo/Clouds/cloudLayers.cfg: GUI_KEYCODE = N to select a key of your choice - that might help?
  11. Hey Cerberus! I recently started playing with RSS too and I like your videos Will be interesting to see how you get on with the RPL tech tree - I love the idea but I got stuck first time I used it so I've left it alone for now. I figured out how to get city lights working on Earth - see: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/55905-0-23-5-7-3-EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements-NEW!-VolumetricClouds!?p=1121728#post1121728 I'm also trying to put together a "known good" bundle of realism mods so it's easier for people to get started with realistic KSP - would you be interested in helping with that?
  12. I've just been getting this working with Earth in RSS. I found this post: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/55145-0-23-5-Real-Solar-System-v6-4-7-14?p=936002&highlight=city+lights#post936002 for the city lights, and got it to work with the new version of EVE as follows: - Take the EarthLigths.png from there and convert to TGA - Use the following cityLights.cfg: CITY_LIGHTS { altitude = 100 fadeDistance = 0 pqsFadeDistance = 500 main_texture { file = BoulderCo/CityLights/Textures/EarthLights offset { x = -0.0025 y = 0 } } detail_texture { file = BoulderCo/CityLights/Textures/detail offset { x = 0 y = 0 } scale = 60 } } That works great, except the lights sometimes pop out from behind clouds as you rotate the Earth. Any ideas why that might be happening? I've tried raising the cloud layer altitude a bit and that doesn't seem to fix it. Also, city lights don't work in tracking station view - is that a known bug?
  13. So I thought I would try and get an easily installable bundle with all the mods I'm using together. I've outlined the idea over on the Add-ons forum and I'm contacting people to try and clarify a couple of license issues.
  14. In fact the thrust problem with SRBs is just all of the SRBs of one type are capped at the same thrust - nothing to do with staging. I worked around it so I could have two different thrust vacuum SRBs on one rocket by duplicating the whole of the vacuum SRB definition in SRDRFHigh (I'm using Real Fuels), and just changing the name and title of the duplicate.
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