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Everything posted by Yukon0009

  1. Apollo lander download https://www.dropbox.com/s/1hzbr04zk4la9vo/Apollo%20lander.craft?dl=0
  2. PLEASE READ DISCLAIMER BEFOREHAND The week's top spacecraft! Anagorek' SpaceShipOne Anagorek has created a fantastic looking replica of the SpaceShipOne and White Knight, hop on over to this thread for more details. BlueCanary's Ford Kraptor A mostly reliable pickup truck that can be rocketed, warp drive powered and has ejection seats, what's not to like? Jon144's Relentless E.3 Tank A stock tank with working armour and weapons AND revolving turret! Feny'a Dump of Stuff Fenya's dump of stuff has some very interesting designs and spaceplanes, check them out! cb_co Combat Aircraft Clown_baby has made some sweet looking combat craft that can dogfight and do stunts, check them out! Jolly_Roger's Millenium Falcon \ Jolly_Roger has created an impressive replica of the Millenium Falcon that actually flies and shoots! Crafts that were considered and nearly made the cut Columbia's Jetliners Yaeh's Su-27 Logan.Darklighter's Battlestar
  3. I'm pretty sure FASA has some nice launch clamps.
  4. It's actually nice and I've already used it for crew transfer, but it's already Friday for me here. Sorry.
  5. Hey Space Scumbag, did you ever get your Jebsy Danger to work past 0.25?
  6. You're the loyal Hypetrain driver who rasks for a pay raise or promotion
  7. I see you everywhere Also my most complimented person.
  8. Someone should give this to KSK to see what he can write out of it. Also it would be fun recreating some of these in KSP.
  9. Off topic, but Chris, do you have a link to a higher resoulution image of you sig?
  10. I also have this more Apolloesque lander that I can provide if you want it.
  11. Pacific Rim. The're about 70-80 metres tall in the movie. I also have crazy plans to build 5 of them. God bless me. For reference this is a clip from the movie. Also unrelated, I just found out my grandmother was nearly killed by the Japanese (she was a child during the Japanese occupation of Hong Kong) and I would have nearly not existed.
  12. https://www.dropbox.com/s/gjv32pjcmn9vldt/Demolander.craft?dl=0 Should be the right craft.
  13. I am insane. I'm working on two 40 meter tall, several thousand ton mechas.
  14. @Columbia Actually I forgot task what image editing programs do you use? @Veeltech Sorry mate yours will have to compete with all the good crafts out there but not saying it's bad though (I cannot into SSTO)
  15. Reminds me, why did Squad take Spaceport down?
  16. Actually thats the Mars lander from the cancelled Constellation program, there's a group of forumers who's been working on a replica of that by the way.
  17. Since solar panels cannot be fixed on EVA, is there a mod that lests them be? Or did I miss something that was included with stock?
  18. Slapped a lander together based off you requirements. Over 2k DV, high TWR, full RCS system. Download coming after I do some more testing.
  19. This was a payload test, turned out it could take wayy over 30 tons to orbit. This is the Apollo 11 configuration, so no rover yet, btw you apollo was awesome. Yup it's pretty off porportion, but I was aiming for a lower part count (my previous attempts always ended at 400+ parts.) Not enough lag to render it non playable, but still uNpleasant.
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