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Everything posted by Yukon0009

  1. That must have been memorable, the only historical plane I've seen is the DC3.
  2. Wow dude you must have spent ages on this thing. Very impressive.
  3. Sorry mate, but you're gonna have to compete with all the other crafts posted within one week.
  4. Nope, just lacking some motivation, will eventually return to this. Plus the **^^^*& overheaing bug.
  5. Come to think of it, has anyone tested the classic K-Drive (landing legs) in 1.0.x?
  6. Yeah, landing is 100% possible, but it takes a long time because it's so small.
  7. Strange, the decouplers even at 100 percent force shouldn't do that.
  8. Yeah I do. Also I might build even more crafts with this pseudo prop engine. Time for some WW2 love.
  9. Jup, just the old reaction wheel trick, sgt_flyer did his in a fairing IIRC. I don't really like how the fairings function now.
  10. Hey guys, I managed to make a small rotating prop that can fit on the DC3, but it isin't functional, just pretty.
  11. I think there is a mod for this but it dosent make parts black.
  12. Assuming Spacecraft Friday becomes a regular fixture, it would probably only feature stuff from within the exchange itself. So post it here is you want the next one to have a chance to feature Kidonia (it's very impressive btw)
  13. How about we start a group of people who maintain Spacecraft Friday so if one of us can't do it, another will take over tempoarily?
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