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Everything posted by philotical

  1. Lol - poor guy.. - I'm sorry for the trouble.. but it's not tested for career mode - I won't lose sleep over it right now hahah :-) Coding: dowload something like visual studio express - it's the free version.. then download a simple plugin from the forum - take one with project file included.. after that, try to figure out what you see there by using google and online docs.. after two days, you will have your own little plugin - even if it's only writing your name in the logs.. that allready counts.. and you will smile for an hour if you read your name in the logs as expected.. from there on, it's just one step after the other - take up challanges and succeed in them by not giving up.. it's like a cross word puzzle.. if you don't feel like, don't - but if you think "I would like that" - then start right away - you will never regrett it. It's even more fun than playing KSP..
  2. Planets - sounds great - we could have too much G or too much heat on reentry.. I guss I can implement some damage with that.. If you are allready fascinated by my posts, you should start coding! You might get a regular boner by doing it your selfe.. :-) Happens to me every day.. All you need to code, is fascination for the product you intend to do.. The coding is like learning how to use a hammer.. it's just a tool and part of the task but no big problem.. Go on, start coding.. - I'll help as much as I can.. as a teaser related to this: Subsystems are now seperate DLLs - so everyone can add subsystems by connecting to my ILCARSPlugin-Interface.. I just learned how to do that 2 days ago - but now the LCARS system can be extended by anyone at any time.. In other words, if you start coding, I show you how to include your own subsystem! Deal? :-) I can send you the "Dummy-Subsystem", and you can experiment with that.. Just add some text to your own LCARS-Subsystem and learn to do more by doing it. ok - the experimenting needs to wait until I release an alpha form MarkII - but that won't take long I guess.. Now you say "Uhh, I never could do that" - but you are wrong - trust me.. If you can solve a cross word puzzle, you can code a subsystem.. it's not harder, just different. No colledge degree needed - if you have one, it doesn't hurt - but not needed. I don't have one btw..
  3. if the game hangs on load, you will see why in the KSP.log file.. please post the last few lines of the log.. The last line should contain the part that failed and what failed.. Btw: The part that is on the loading screen, might not be the culprit - it might be the "next" part that failed to load but the loading sreen didn't update the display..
  4. Well, that's what I ment, those functions are on that list.. I didn't test them, but at least they claim to do that
  5. (Sorry, I missed that one) HAHA - lol - well, ok..!? StarDrive85, you seem to see my intentions - kind of - it's intended to allow such techbabble to be part of NCI solutions/missions.. For example: you could be required to use a tachion converter on the object first to be able to find the artifact - if you don't you'll never find anything To allow such quirks, I had to rewrite LCARS - old one couldn't do these kind of intractions with other code.. However - I'm not sure this will go farther than getting a message (visible at the Comunication Station) from NCI to use the tachion converter. Maybe, there won't be any tachion converter other than the button you get from NCI to use it. Why, I also have no clue "what it would do/how much power it would take/or what it would look like" Still I'm very inclined to include such stuff.. - I'd love to have dozens of such things to use as NCI story elements. Just need to find a good way to do so.. - if it does absolutely nothing except in this one "mission", it might not be worh, the effort and added lag you carry around in all gamesituations, even if you don't play that one story. In other words, keep em comming those suggestions - they do help! If you have more such specific ideas - please post them here.. Now is the right time.. Edit: I just had an idea how to cope with it.. but I need a extensive list of such systems to make it happen All things you can remember from the show, please list here.. I start with - Tachyon beam -Tachyon converter - Polaron device - Magnetic Pulses - (I just got up, my brain's still tired - so I continue later when my memory is awake) Such systems could also be combined "Reroute the EPS flow to overload the defletor dish" might just be what's needed for a Magnetic Pulse" who knows hihi After that, a repair team has to be sent to revert the damage. Teto, that's a good question - right now, only the functions are done to inflict or repair damage.. But right now, damage never happens on it's own.. I need to code that part.. Please feel free to make suggestions.. So far I thought it will be be as followed: - Torpedos and Phaser shall damage systems if the ship is hit - Natural Causes shall be able to damage systems.. "Captain, that EPS-Interference nocked out our navigational controlls and the Propulsion matrix, we are a drift" Than you can send a repair team to fix it (you have 3 of them) The NCI-damage will be inflicted by a required script included in the NCI-Object - Maybe, I add a gravity-jolt sensibility. Gs above a certain threshhold and some damage may be inflicted.. Each system has an "integrity" of 100% at first, and damage can be inflicted on a decimal level. So anything between 0.00001 and 100 is possible - many such small damages from g-jolts will eventually bring a system down. But just send repair teams all the time and you can keep all working.. Now - if you think there might be some more possibilities to use that damage code, let me know.. I'm open to suggestions..
  6. Glad you got it solved.. Just to prevent that you guys think, this is dead.. LCARS Mark II - Dev Preview this LCARS version will be up to the jobs planned for it in NCI.. NCI will become a huge thing - and I alleady love it.. So if only for NCI, it's worth the work to restart LCARS from scratch.. Edit: =================== Official infos on LCARSMARKII The new tasks NCI demends from LCARS made it necessary to restart from scratch! New features: - Better performance all LCARS ship are now levitated by one single background worker - Plugin based subsystems code your own subsystems and let them be loaded automatically into the game. - Damage capable all ship systems and panels can be damaged with visible effects - it's planned to have many different damaging causes in different magnitudes and a random spread on the systems you can assign 3 independent ExoCom-repair teams to fix If you attack a ship, you can just attack it as a hole (as it is now) or select a subsystem to disable - if you only target the propulsion matrix of a hostile ship, that system will take the most damage - better code structure and clearer class hierarchy - interplugin communication - LCARS can communicate with NCI or any other plugin with some API- The GUI is split up in the typical Star Trek Stations 1. Bridge/Command - Ship status, etc and formation command 2. Helm - you guessed it - the helm 3. Engeneering - powersystems, ODN, Damage Controll, and stuff like transporter, tractor etc.. 4. Science - scanner and experiments also somespecial subsystem to solve NCI mysteries 5. Communication - it will open up automatically everytime you receive a message. Messages can be: "Engeneering reports Tractor beam is damaged", "Sir we picked up an automated warning signal - It sais: Stay away from my refugee", stuff like that Also the shuttle bay communications and fueltank dialogs oght to go there somehow - we will see.. 6. Tactical - as seen on the screenshots, I try to recreate the target scanner form the old Frontier-Elite game. Tactical will be a lot of fun if I have it my ways - it's ambitiouse for me - so cross your fingers..
  7. have a look at this page (if you didn't allready) http://wiki.unity3d.com/index.php?title=3d_Math_functions if might give you an answer.. in general you must do two things 1. find out the nose vector and the prograde vector 2. calculate the angel between them the tricky part is to split that up in two relative to two planes so you get seperate values.. iirc the page above has a function to do that somewhere.. not sure if it still works - the page is a bit older..
  8. :-D good luck.. optimism is allways good hahah Unity (transforms/rotation) isn't much better if you ask me - after hours of testing I get it to work too usually - but don't ask me why it works now and didn't before :-) there is KSP and unity alike for guys with my knowledge. A big mystery in many things..
  9. I can confirm, there is cause for confusion.. but I'm not sure it's allways as you describe.. While working on my tractor beam, I found strangest things happening too.. for example the calculated center of mass for an other vessel (parked beside) starts to rotate in weird direction if the active vessel moves.. I'm sure there is a unity-typical explanation around that needs an own documentation to be understood.. My conclusion was "Ohh well" - and still is btw.. If strange things happen with positions and especially rotations, you might not be as nuts as you think and unity might not be as intuitive as it should be.. I know, not very helpfull but maybe comforting..
  10. this is actually what I ment - but as allways, if xEvil explains it, it sounds like a valid doc.. amazing.. Einstein said "If you can't explain it to a child within 2 minutes, you didn't understand it your selfe".. guilty as charged.. back on topic, here's the code that works for me.. this is called if the radar altitude get's below 100 and it toggles the landing gears automatically I'm sure someone could write this with 20 lines less - but well.. void runLegAnimations() { if (legState == 0) { if (legAction=="down") { legState = 1; foreach (Animation animation in this.vessel.rootPart.FindModelAnimators("LandingLegsLower")) { animation.Rewind(); animation.PlayQueued("LandingLegsLower"); } } } else { if (legState == 1) { if (legAction == "up") { legState = 2; foreach (Animation animation in this.vessel.rootPart.FindModelAnimators("LandingLegsRaise")) { animation.Rewind(); animation.PlayQueued("LandingLegsRaise"); } } } else { legState = 0; } } } hint: if your part is not the root part in any case, modify the code accordingly.. hth
  11. my best guess is: you fall for the unity documentation scam! you went there and naively thought "Hey example code" - but naaahhh.. it's just "dummy code" - or at least not copy paste code.. the example uses a object with the name "animation" - that is NOT there from it's own.. => null ref the documentation didn't mention the fact, that thi code will only work, IF there is an object "animation".. The above code works for me only inside a foreach loop made on every animation in the model and additionally an if-statement to filter the right one by name.. To me, that doesn't seem logic that way - but it's the only way I got it to work.. hth
  12. omg - that sounds horrifyingly aweseom.. An other mod I won't be able to install because of framerate.. - I mean, one of those I would love to install hahah my PC has a crappy graphix card u no.. lol Well, to your problem - I'd try it that way - since you can change crew capacity on the fly, I say a setting will spawn an invisible vessel (inside a building mesh or so) with exactly the amount of kerbals in it as the setting calls for. Then you use something like my transporter code to position them on scene start at the calculated locations you intend to provide.. After that, the vessel will just sit there and be "hidden" The hard part will be the locations - the spawning is copy paste from my code.. (just a dirty outdated version - but the transport is stable) https://github.com/philotical/StarTrekImpulseDrive/blob/master/Beta6/LCARS_TransporterSystem.01.cs#L791-L811 that's it - it's even more than you need, it ads stuff to the kerbalEVA. HTH the spawnEVA-function has one downside - it switches vessel to that kerbal - I guess you need to find a way to stop that if you want to loop through 200 of them.. Or better - try to do it while in space center - then the vessel change does probbably not happen But let me ask an other stupid question.. There is a class named "GroundCrew" or so - I assume those kerbals are less load intensive - wouldn't it be a good idea to hoock in there? About magboots - I got the code that holds the kerbal in place, rotated to the ship wall he's standing on and he can move around by appling forces to invisible game objects.. then I went on to other projects for now - next on my to-do list is the animations - all I have so far is a list of clip names but I have no clue how to use them.. your snippet might allready help a lot, thank's - I will consult it when I get back to the boots in a few days..
  13. like this? http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/92806-WIP-PaladinLabs-Dev-Thread-DeepFreeze-cryonic-crew-storage
  14. 6. check out that one too.. tremendouse dev-spledifier.. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/60880-0-24-Magic-Smoke-Industries-DevHelper-v0-5-July-18-2014
  15. I see, my spawn code uses valid "Parts" and requires a part cfg - since we don't have that for KerbalEVA, it could become a problem in the details once more.. I'd like to give you advise on what to try further with your project - but, honestly, I have no clue where you plan to go. - why do you want to spawn kerbals, how many, where? I can't seem to find the post now, but didn't I read something about planning an AI ? - similiar plans at NCI for an AI for shooting satelites and hostile ships that come after you.. but what your plans are, no clue - so if you care to elaborate in more detail, I'll do my best to make valid suggestions as far as my knowledge goes.. If you prefere to keep a low profile for now, I (or most likely no one else) will be able to suggest anything more.. at least for the best way to spawn.. it depends on the planned use.. :-) Magboots: lol, I guess not.. that wouldn't be practical anyways, since I need force perpendicular to the ground you are standing on and not centered to the CoM of the "Celestial-Ship-Body" However - that part works anyways.. it's just while I move them around, the Kerbals hang there in space coma - I'd like to call the walk animation while I push the button.. it's no big deal though, just a quite tricky, totally undocumented and extremly well hidden thing - in other words - default KSP API work.. :-D but enough of the magboots - back on topic..
  16. 1. only display the window if some bool is "true" - the close button would only change the bool state. if that's not the answer, please clarify the question 6. yup - we al feel(*) your pain (*= share) good luck..
  17. I'll try the landed - but I'm pretty sure, this will also summon the kraken.. I did that with LCARS vessels and it's unstable to have something landed while it's not.. spawn: I learned how to do it from some code from KAS.. it seems, the parts on the back of kerbals are also one part vessels - after some experimenting, I had it working.. Kerbals - in LCARS, I have a transporter system - to spawn EVAKerbal out of a vessel is simple.. never tried to spawn out of thin air though.. Elaborate, where from and with what functions did you try to sapwn?
  18. awesome progress.. I'm eager to reproduce this as an alien sickness for kerbals in NCI - suddenly he grows tentacles.. lol You seem to have experimented a lot with the EVA animations.. Did you by any chance stumble over a way to trigger the walk animation while in space? I've made working magboots but the animation needs to be called by script somehow.. sorry for offtopic - but maybe you found that out in the experimenting process..
  19. how about you type in here the unity version number? and stop yelling at us.
  20. as I said, I've learned exactly this with the above.. but I appologize for anoying you with that.. btw, first link, first point is what you want - who can read is clearly in the advantage..
  21. That's how I found out: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/25040-Unity-to-KSP-A-Detailed-Tutorial and now there is a sticky thread.. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/25482-TUTORIAL-Getting-Started-With-Unity-BACK-FROM-THE-DEAD! Then there is the rumor, that a doc exists about unity editor: :-) http://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/index.html I hope one of those 3 or all combined will answer your questions hth
  22. if only one vertex is assigned to an other UV, you will have this result - blender will NOT display a second material slot when you redid the texturing, you where more precise with UVs, problem solved.. still, it's what OrbitusII said..
  23. yup - there's a lot going wrong with the LCARS window and with the vessel_manager.. I can't debug why it happens from those logs but I can confirm it's LCARS that's failing.. Let's stay for now with the following conclusion: LCARS prevents save file upgrades for now.. As said - I'll rewrit most - so let's just skip it and hope for the best for next verision :-)
  24. I've never used DMP so far, so I can't even say.. but if you are willing to play guineapig, I could arrange for you to have a test version and we could test that out together.. Can't DMP block certain things? Like, block this plugin in general? I'm not sure how I should elaborate how many objects "other" players spawn.. Well - I guess I have to check it out once.. You own/run a DMP server? Still slots free for testing things like this? :-)
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