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Everything posted by Electrocutor

  1. Will do; this is easy to adjust with multipliers as long as your original alpha gets loaded (thanks for the link by the way: didn't know this was a thing; I had thought that when you selected a shader that didn't have transparency, it would always just ignore it).
  2. @Nils277 Did you want any help with TU configs for post model changes? If you are breaking the models into mesh by material type, then the ideal solution would be to set them up for recoloring, which can be done a number of different ways.
  3. USI Konstruction has weldable ports. After you dock them together, you just right-click the port and weld, which will remove the docking ports and have the original attachment points combine.
  4. You hammered through making all these pretty fast; better to take a good break then come back later otherwise you'll get a bad taste in your mouth. Honestly, I can say without doubt that I see your model and texture work as being foremost in the KSP community; much appreciated.
  5. For stock parts, I believe ManWithNoName is quite a ways ahead of myself; but I think he doesn't believe that he's reached a "release-worthy" point yet to create his own thread.
  6. That's why I called it an issue; that right module has no specular set, so the whole thing is 100% specular. In that visible screenshot; the left-most has seemingly 0 specular, the middle hub has average, the top has slightly less than that, and the right is 100%. These values are not being set, but pulled directly from the parts' dds specular alpha channel. From my perspective, they ought to be standardized to either match the middle or the top one.
  7. shader = SSTU/PBR/StockMetallicBumped This uses the pre-existing specular alpha layer from a dds and uses it for reflective specularity. For SSTU/PBR/Metallic, the specular map is set via: texture = _MetallicGlossMap,<path excluding .dds> ; specular on alpha, metallic on red.
  8. @Nertea If you're interested in nit-picking, I can help find small issues for polish. Starting with 2.5m: As far as the ones I would actually consider an issue when compared to other parts would be PPD-A1, A2, A3, PPD-F12M, PPD-20, and no shiny windows on PPD-8, PPD-PTD and PPD-PTDFlat. Note that I am only applying metallic to the above screenshot to help make obvious the differences in specular values; in my actual TU config, all the padding defaults to the correct white as per design. When removing metallicy, you can still see the differences in specular; it's just more difficult to make it out. Congrats on release by the way; I would consider this as a necessary part mod for anyone wanting to build stations or bases. Here's the config that I use to make comparisons if you are interested:
  9. The squad standardize cfg wasn't meant to be used with Ven's or the generic stock TU cfgs. The Ven cfg currently assumes that stock parts have their normal stock cfgs and not updated to using MODEL{}. In all honesty, Ven's pack in itself will likely need a cfg overhaul after 1.4 comes out, so I haven't bothered to adjust it yet. The reason I dropped 000_Standardize_Squad in here was just to be useful for anyone who may want to have it (it is unrelated to TU): the idea is the start of something similar to Skyrim's Unofficial Patch, where the community comes up with a mod that effectively fixes all the bugs that Squad has not fixed, but the road to get there is a rather long one.
  10. Short answer is maybe; longer answer is that I'm waiting to see what 1.4 has in store for the game since they are doing quite a lot of Unity and graphics updates. There is also the Making History DLC, which they have already shown as including a soviet pod much like what Ven includes and some of their listed changes included things such as engine boat tails. It also appears they will now have a default module for model switching, which would be good to setup things like Porkjet's and Ven's as a simple 'Next' option for looks on the same part; but in so doing, that will break any of the KSPTextureSwitch modules for TU (only KSP_MODEL_SHADER would still be fine). During this hiatus, I'm playing through Dragon Age 1, 2, and 3 again; it's quite amazing what a couple textures and reshade can do with older games.
  11. @RoverDude Have you considered expanding upon the current warehouse/logistics system to use a more pseudo supply chain where a vessel created/saved by the player would be selected for moving cargo? Allowing things like time for loading/unloading and travel would be based on vessel capacities, mass, thrust, fuel, etc; also would allow for contracts to spawn a broken-down supply vessel between baseA and baseB should it "run out of fuel" or "break down / damaged wheels". The refueling for the vessel could also be removed from a base for each trip.
  12. @Nertea Would it be helpful at all if I pointed out specific parts that needed a texture pass for some reason, or do you go back over things like that at the end? For example, the PXL-9 not having specular windows or railings.
  13. There are also 46x46 individual icons. base, debris, eva, plane, probe, relay, rover, ship, spaceobject, station, unknown
  14. Having an alpha channel on your diffuse textures is very useful for default KSP too, because that is your specular glossiness. If you created a metal map (metallic on R), that would allow for proper metal values without needing separate settings per mesh and would also be more accurate given that the parts are not entirely broken up by mesh. You could also create the maps needed to use Masked shader, which would allow full recoloring of parts to whatever the user wanted. If you want to split up your models into multiple meshes, that would be fantastic and makes it much easier to create pbr stuff because then you don't have to worry about making maps for everything and can simply specify different mesh names having different values. I was told that breaking models into more defined meshes for KSP is incredibly difficult though and that you cannot simply select a bunch of triangles and split them off into their own mesh. The ideal mesh break-up would be to have a mesh per physical material type and keep the names of the meshes identical between all parts for the same types of components. You may also break a same-material type into more than one mesh if you wish to allow recoloring of different levels. For example, consider that you may have glass, rough metal, shiny/polished metal, and 3 colors of painted surface. In this way you could force the glass and 2 metals to be statically metal and allow recoloring of the 3 painted surfaces. You could also specify 2 sections, one to recolor the metals and one to recolor the paints. You can also include texture changes with TU, so if you wanted a group of meshes to select between 2 or 3 different normal maps for the same section to give a different look, you can do that too along with the ability to recolor.
  15. Modeling or texture work? I think an awful lot of people would love it if you did a PR on @RoverDude 's USI parts to add specular and normal maps to them.
  16. I made a TU config for this procedural fairings: https://github.com/rsparkyc/ProceduralFairings/releases here: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1lwy4FtafkUOiNoYXMdYQ5ybDs_IljfIL It allows you to just color them however you want including metallic and reflections, but doesn't offer any new design textures.
  17. You should be able to just use texture replacer. OrbitIcons is the name.
  18. So far as I can tell, every one of the parts in that are made entirely out of exposed metal, so you can just use this: @REFLECTION_CONFIG[default]:NEEDS[TexturesUnlimited] { %enabled = true } @PART[*]:NEEDS[TexturesUnlimited&CxAerospace]:HAS[@MODEL:HAS[#model[CxAerospace*]]] { MODULE { name = KSPTextureSwitch sectionName = Appearance currentTextureSet = CxAerospace_Metal TEXTURESET { name = CxAerospace_Metal } } } KSP_TEXTURE_SET:NEEDS[TexturesUnlimited] { name = CxAerospace_Metal title = Metal TEXTURE { shader = SSTU/PBR/Metallic PROPERTY { name = _Color color = 1.75,1.75,1.75,1.0 } PROPERTY { name = _Metal float = 0.75 } PROPERTY { name = _Smoothness float = 0.75 } } }
  19. Pass 1 is complete; I want to get it to pass 2 to match Porkjet Stock for recoloring, but don't have the time at the moment. As soon as v1.4 comes out I'm going to consolidate everything into a TexturesUnlimitedConfigs mod zip file that just includes everything.
  20. Honestly, were it me, I would at the very least remove the tint that I had done and replace it with the full recolor mask that you had done. I've not worked on pass2 of non-pork due to getting busy with other things. Plus, non-pork are much harder to mess with due to most of them not even having specular alpha on the diffuse and simply being RGB. What's more, almost none have normals either. I wish there was an estimate from Squad on their v1.4 release; not knowing if it's something we'll see in 2018 or not even makes it difficult to know if I should put in the effort yet. Between @Shadowmage making a stock-compatible mask shader, @Avera9eJoe having maps for all stock parts with proper speculars, and you having properly made mask textures, I think we could piece together a pretty good stock metallic workflow recoloring for all stock parts. We would still need someone to make some normal maps though as most stock parts have none or the ones they do have are sub-par.
  21. All of the parts made by @Nertea are superb; I am starting with his soon-to-be Station Parts Expansion Redux because I feel it fills a noticeable gab in stock parts, but I will eventually work through all his packs. Been busy with other things lately, so haven't had much time to hammer through configs; will get back on it soon.
  22. The PorkjetStock has recolor (marked as pass 2); the original generic stock does not. Note that the current recoloring is only a tinting mode so you have to tinker with colors a bit; more details had been posted previously. It looks like ManWithNoName will have a viable pass 3 recolor for stock parts before too long.
  23. You and I are clearly on two different pages. It's fine, I'll just wait until the first release then see if some of them were missed and let you know. Somehow you seem to have the idea that you actually have to use the PBR aspect of TU and that you need to change values for things to make them look right in TU, which is not the case. As far as different parts having vastly different specular or no specular at all, that is completely your choice. In my mind, I had thought anything made of the same white padded material would be the same specular pattern, especially so when its different areas of the same part with the same material. I anxiously await this mod, as your detail-oriented and highly practical parts here fill a large gap in KSP. (I was trying to be helpful; but I think I am only causing frustration which is the the exact opposite)
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