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Everything posted by Electrocutor

  1. Just a quick example. This is stock except I replaced the shader and picked a different normal map... Bob: "I found it like this when I came in this morning..." Bill: "Seriously? As if I don't already have enough work to do!" Jeb: "Err... They promised that the roller derby was harmless. By the fourth lap, though, I suspected something was up." Val: "*snicker*"
  2. The biggest problem here is that I'm not an artist by any means; all I can do is take other people's work and try to put the right shaders and parameters on them. The ideal would be for Squad to go back to their source files and re-export textures properly and at a higher resolution where available. I'll do what I can with stock stuff without having new textures, then see from there. Honestly, there isn't a single part mod that shouldn't make use of this.
  3. While I am digging through the stock textures, one thing has become obvious: Squad did not make nor save the normal maps correctly. Even just opening them and re-saving them properly makes the parts look twice as good.
  4. "white", "black", "red", and "bump" are internal unity keyword textures. (1,1,1,1) (0,0,0,0) (1,0,0,0) (0.5,0.5,1,0.5) but it seems like you are actually looking for a file named "black" or "white" and if not, don't set it? Thanks for helping with turning reflections on; I had thought they were enabled by default.
  5. Thank you for the pointers. I'm still unable to get any reflections though. Plus, setting the texture to 100% black ends up making it gray? KSP_MODEL_SHADER { name = Glass model = Squad/Parts/Command/Mk1-2Pod/model TEXTURE { shader = SSTU/PBR/StockMetallicBumped mesh = SideWindow mesh = FrontWindow texture = _MainTex,black } }
  6. I've not seen or heard of a disappearing bug like that mentioned anywhere; only odd completions and failures. If it happens again, I'd say grab your KSP.log and if not a stock contract, the log for the contract pack under GameData/ContractConfigurator/log; then drop them along with a description into https://github.com/jrossignol/ContractConfigurator/issues.
  7. I've been trying to get a simple example to work, but not having good luck. Do see what might be wrong? KSP_Model_Shader { name = Glass model = Squad/Parts/Command/Mk1-2Pod/model TEXTURE { shader = SSTU/SolarShader mesh = SideWindow mesh = FrontWindow PROPERTY { name = _Opacity float = 0.5 } PROPERTY { name = _Shininess float = 0.8 } } }
  8. For the 'most complicated' example, I just meant to include all possible cfg variables. A simple example may not need to specify anything except model, shader, and _BumpMap if it's just an example of how to add BumpMap support to an existing stock model. Asking this made me curious though, do you default texture values to the already existing values? For example, if you just wanted to add BumpMap to a Mk1-2 Command Pod, would you need to re-specify the diffuse and emission maps, or could you just add the _BumpMap and the others would pull in by default?
  9. Make sure the contract actually still exists when you click accept. There is a very annoying bug that makes contracts appear and disappear randomly (sometimes very rapidly). If your contract happened to have disappeared at the moment when you clicked accept, it will not have actually been accepted. Even when a contract disappears, it still stays showing in the right pane if you had clicked on it earlier.
  10. Could you please add to the original post, within spoiler blocks: An example of the simplest .cfg usage for each functionality An example of the most complicated usage for each functionality A section that describes each Shader by name, what effects it includes, all properties that can be set for it, and the specifics of how those properties should be formatted (i.e. what each color channel does and whether or not the alpha channel is used, also stating whether the DDS should be in DX1, DX5, or DX5nm). Include a link to Object Inspector: https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/KerbalObjectInspector
  11. I declare yourself a godsend, sir. You probably just need a different size or mask on your reflection probe. https://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/API:Layers
  12. Do the included sub-shaders also include the ability to define a metallic mask texture? (To be able to properly set it for existing non-PBR stock models)
  13. That's because this contract pack is now packaged with ScanSat, so the stand-alone pack has no purpose.
  14. DATA { type = List<Vessel> requiredValue = false stations = AllVessels().Where(v => v.VesselType() == Station) title = Find the stations } DATA { type = CelestialBody requiredValue = false uniquenessCheck = CONTRACT_ACTIVE targetBody1 = ReturnedFromBodies().Where(body => @/stations.Where(v => v.CelestialBody() == body).Count() == 0).SelectUnique() title = Must have returned from a Celestial Body, but not have any stations deployed. } NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object ContractConfigurator.ExpressionParser.CelestialBodyParser.CheckTree (KSPAchievements.CelestialBodySubtree tree, ProgressItem pi) ... Rethrow as Exception: Error parsing statement. Error occurred near '*': ReturnedFromBodies().Where(body => @/stations.Where(v => v.CelestialBody() == body).Count() == 0).SelectUnique() ....................* <-- HERE If we assume that all LINQ Where clauses will return a list of count 0, the problem has to be that ReturnedFromBodies() is returning null instead of an empty list, right?
  15. It will work in 1.3.1, but there are two contracts that expose a bug in Contract Configurator and cause endless nullref spam. I'm not sure if these nullref cause other harm or not.
  16. For clarity: Textures placed in the \Default folder of TR or TRR and have the same name as textures in-game work the same: they simply replace the texture. (Minus the default suit) Everything else is different. Kopernicus, EVE, and Scatterer all use their own texture replacing means and do not require TR or TRR to function. Thus, mods that are strictly based on Kopernicus, EVE, and/or Scatterer do not require TR or TRR (nor are they affected by which you use unless the mod also includes things specific to TR or TRR).
  17. Have a look here: https://choosealicense.com/no-license/ There could be some content that you are able to repackage just because of terms and conditions of where they put it up for download and such.
  18. You could provide the link and instructions or a .bat file or something to download and put them into the right place with the right name. This is similar to how other mods, like Astronomer's Visual Pack has a link to KSPRC then gives instructions about how to pull out only part of KSPRC's textures. If the original content has no listed license, you can consider it as 'all rights reserved' unless you get the original author to state otherwise.
  19. Have a look here: It's not an especially easy thing to take over a previous project. Depending on the license that they used and what the licenses were of any content that they also pulled from someone else, it can get very sticky. What's more these are actual legal licenses, so if you breach them, the original author can seek legal action; though usually that doesn't happen as most modders are understanding about ignorance.
  20. [Enhancement Request] All contracts that contain multiple location types should be split into the 3 categories of types instead of being combined. This would match the concept of vessel type: Rover, Aircraft, and Spacecraft. Specifically, landed and splashed should be grouped into a ground contract, flight low and flight high should be grouped into an aircraft contract, and space low and high should be grouped into a spacecraft contract. My justification for this request is a vehicle created to gather science is usually designed for traversing the ground, air, or space; but rarely all 3.
  21. Yes, the flickering of contracts off and on about once every 5 seconds and sometimes changing all around is a known issue. It's also a known issue that the contract tab size and text size sometimes does and sometimes doesn't comply with UI scaling. These are issues with the actual CC though and not this particular contract pack, as it happens with all packs.
  22. I've noticed that anytime there is an error in the scripting of a Contract Pack cfg file, the Contract Configurator goes ballistic with null refs and then starts randomly showing and hiding many contracts about every 5 seconds. One of my Contract Packs' contracts includes the following which causes it to go haywire. Does anyone know what's wrong with this line? targetBody1 = ReturnedFromBodies().Where(body => @/stations.Where(v => v.CelestialBody() == body).Count() == 0).SelectUnique() DATA { title = Find the stations stations = AllVessels().Where(v => v.VesselType() == Station) requiredValue = false type = List<Vessel> } The programmer in me says that Contract.stations is null when the player has not created any spacestations yet (instead of being a 0 count list), thus trying to execute a linq Where clause on it causes a nullref, but I've no experience with making contracts for CC, so perhaps that is not the case?
  23. Thank you very much for this. I've got it fixed now to include them. Out of curiosity, do you know how I could add the other KSC biome locations to CC such as the flagpole, builds, etc?
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