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  1. Dang. Typo. Should be: -PART[dmmagBoom]:NEEDS[DMagicOrbitalScience]:FINAL{} You're correct. The "-PART" bit tells it "remove the part called 'dmmagBoom'" (the game's internal name for the part - obtained from the part's CFG file). The "NEEDS" bit tells it "only run this patch if the folder 'DMagicOrbitalScience' exists in GameData". The "FINAL" part tells it "run this patch last after all mods have run their own patches". This is good practice for user's own patches. If you were editing the part rather than deleting it, it would be structured like this: @PART[dmmagboom]:NEEDS[DMagicOrbitalScience]:FINAL { //edits go here } "@PART" tells the patch to edit the part. "-PART" tells it to remove the part. All such patches need curly brackets. If you're just removing the part, they don't need anything inside them. If you're editing it, the edits go there.
  2. This simple little Module Manager patch ought to do the trick. -@PART[dmmagBoom]:NEEDS[DMagicOrbitalScience]:FINAL{} (If you're not sure how to use it, copy the one line above into a text file, save the file with any filename you like as long as the file extension is ".cfg", and save it anywhere in your GameData folder.)
  3. Fantastic. This has been bugging me enormously. Downloading immediately.
  4. @LoadingTimeExpert @Cheesecake This fork is more recently updated: https://github.com/KSPModStewards/SkyhawkScienceSystem Don't know if it will resolve your issue though. There's also the MM patch in this post by @610yesnolovely, which fixed some B9PartSwitch errors for me, though I don't know if they're the same problems you're encountering.
  5. @SheepDog2142 Thanks for this mod! Current Github version throws a MM warning on startup: [WRN 11:40:51.949] empty brackets detected on patch name: SDVBAO/Tundra/TundraVABO/@PART[]:FOR[VABOrganizer] There's a patch at line 329 in SDVBAO\Tundra\TundraVABO.cfg that's empty: @PART[]:FOR[VABOrganizer] { %VABORGANIZER { %organizerSubcategory = fairings } } It's not a serious issue at all - the warning can be ignored. Removing the empty patch eliminates the warning if (like me) your OCD won't let you live with it.
  6. @Coldrifting Nice little mod. Thumbs up from me. Feature request: Running JNSQ and True Volumetric Clouds means the main menu takes quite a while to be accessible as it loads all the clouds etc. on Kerbin first. Any chance you could remove Kerbin from the main menu so that it loads more quickly? I'm happy to have my main menu kerbals floating randomly in deep space.
  7. @MiraZaWitch Looks awesome. I can't quite tell from the pictures - do you know if this conflicts with the placement of the Observatory from JPLRepo's Research Bodies mod? It's located between the Tracking Station and R&D. That spot seems to be empty in the images, but I'm not 100% sure.
  8. Really? Which version? The latest release version and the dev version on github seem to have still have them all separate.
  9. @Kochi There seem to be two errors in the Bluedog DB patches relating to the Titan III booster. As already pointed out, the file "GameData\Avalanche\Configs\Bluedog_Design_Bureau\Titan_III_Booster_Nozzle_Patch.cfg" has two "NEEDS" sections in the patch header. This causes a warning from Module Manager when loading. Fix: Change line 1 from this: @PART[bluedog_UA120*]:NEEDS[Bluedog_DB]:NEEDS[Waterfall,Bluedog_DB,!zRealPlume]:AFTER[Bluedog_DB] To this: @PART[bluedog_UA120*]:NEEDS[Waterfall,Bluedog_DB,!zRealPlume]:AFTER[Bluedog_DB] Another error that results in B9 Part Switch throwing multiple errors about missing modules is that the file "GameData\Avalanche\Configs\Bluedog_Design_Bureau\Titan_III_Booster.cfg" is missing a wildcard in the header. Fix: Change line 1 from this: @PART[bluedog_UA120]:NEEDS[Waterfall,Bluedog_DB,!zRealPlume]:AFTER[Bluedog_DB] To this: @PART[bluedog_UA120*]:NEEDS[Waterfall,Bluedog_DB,!zRealPlume]:AFTER[Bluedog_DB] These two fixes eliminate the warnings from Module Manager and B9 Part Switch.
  10. Part Wizard is useful in situations like that. You can select any part on your craft from a list.
  11. Maybe it was this one. The Probes Before Crew tech tree mod also has its own contracts like what you're talking about. Then there's the Career Evolution contracts pack, but that might be outdated. There are probably others as well.
  12. There's also this. The part list is relatively small.
  13. I'm interested in modifying the configs to apply real dates to a 2.5x KSRSS system, which has a 7.5-hour day. I guess the main value I need to modify is the "offsetTime" figure, which is currently "21600". Question: is the offset based on adding this number of seconds to the standard Kerbin day, i.e. adding 21600 seconds to the standard Kerbin day to make it match JNSQ's 12-hour day? If so, then to make it work with 2.5x KSRSS, I would change the "offsetTime" figure to 5400, right? (Add 5400 seconds to the standard Kerbin day to bring it up to 7.5 hours.) Edit: Actually, I see that I'm wrong about this and the offset time just changes the time that a new save starts at, right? So I should modify the value for offset time if the game doesn't start at dawn at KSC and I want it to start then.
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