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Everything posted by frango9000

  1. Hello, im having problems with Luna 1 mission http://imgur.com/a/dgweY no destination assigned apparently
  2. For those having issues with staging events on 1.1.2+ here´s the fix made by @taniwha built for Win-KSP 64bits and shared with his approval. ksp-advanced-flybywire v1.7.0b+1.1.2-fixes for Win x64: https://www.dropbox.com/s/i52ypytttrryiyz/ksp-advanced-flybywire.zip?dl=0 Not for Linux Requirements: -KSP 1.1.2+ 64bits for Windows -This zip contains only the fixed "ksp-advanced-flybywire.dll" -You need the latest (v1.7.0) pack for windows: http://spacedock.info/mod/192/AFBW correctly installed, then replace the file : ksp-advanced-flybywire.dll with the one linked above -The included Toolbar plugin isnt the latest so grab the latest release: Source: https://github.com/taniwha/ksp-advanced-flybywire/tree/ksp-1.1.2-fixes All credits go to: -@nlight Advanced FlyByWire -@taniwha1.1.2+ fixes
  3. Hello, nice pack, im really having fun but i have a question: is there anything in this pack that is not in Historic Missions? Im guessing having both packs would not be ideal.
  4. do yo mean ModuleFuelJettison ? because ModuleJettison is for fairings AFAIK.
  5. I´m getting this log spam too, with so many docking ports around this is becoming a massive spam xD
  6. Hello, just wondering why the USI Karibou Hub [KER_Hub] is on the Plasma Propulsion [plasmaPropulsion] Node? IMHO I think it should go ether on the "Simple LEM" or on "Logistics and Landing Modules" nodes. Thnx for your work on this mod!
  7. thx to your source i managed to modify the dll to enable the module from start. again thx for this mod!
  8. if i move the biomatic part to the start of the tech tree will command pods without the biomatic part (but with the MM patch adding the biomatic module) get the biomatic functions from start too?
  9. This is a bug report. KSP 1.1.2 32bit and 64bit Exception on launch Only other mod is MM. [ERR 19:12:58.377] AssemblyLoader: Exception loading 'ScienceContainers': System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException: The classes in the module cannot be loaded. at (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Reflection.Assembly:GetTypes (bool) at System.Reflection.Assembly.GetTypes () [0x00000] in :0 at AssemblyLoader.LoadAssemblies () [0x00000] in :0 Additional information about this exception: System.TypeLoadException: Could not load type 'ScienceContainers.CapsuleScienceContainer' from assembly 'ScienceContainers, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'. System.TypeLoadException: Could not load type 'ScienceContainers.ProbeScienceContainer' from assembly 'ScienceContainers, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'. System.TypeLoadException: Could not load type 'd__6' from assembly 'ScienceContainers, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'. System.TypeLoadException: Could not load type '<>c__DisplayClassa' from assembly 'ScienceContainers, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'. System.TypeLoadException: Could not load type 'd__a' from assembly 'ScienceContainers, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'. System.TypeLoadException: Could not load type '<>c__DisplayClasse' from assembly 'ScienceContainers, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'. https://github.com/SirDargon/ScienceContainers/issues/7
  10. Only for inspiration i´ll link you to Android OpenGapps website.(this is me daydreaming): http://opengapps.org https://github.com/opengapps/opengapps
  11. Hello, This is me respectfully requesting a complete USI Mod Pack, obviously for some of us who use most/all USI mods it easier to get only 1 download, and optionally remove a few folders. Possibly a github repo but for the Whole USI Package. I totally understand if it is a hassle to do it or even if no one else likes this request... PS: Thank you very much for your mods, and your modding twitch streams RoverDude! Have a nice one!
  12. i guess you can download it from https://github.com/OakTree42/KSI-Hiring ("Download ZIP" button ) while TheReadPanda reuploads to spacedock.info
  13. meanwhile Stand Alone Map View - Multi monitor KSP [1.0.5][Plugin] does a good job...
  14. so i opened ksp on the default res to get the gui fit in my screen and i noticed it isnt resizeable, so maybe the solution would be limiting the max height/width of the window so it doesnt extends beyond reach, regards
  15. Hello, i have an ultra-wide setup (3840x1024 TH2G) and when i Toggle the telescopes GUI i get a very big window that has the lower corners (usualy where the resize button is) way below the border of my screen and beyond my mouse reach, could you please limit the default size of the window? ill post a screenshot so you get the picture http://imgur.com/a/eA9Xp
  16. sorry to bother if this has been answered before, i did search but no luck for me, i have 1.0.5 with many mods, on AFBW install, mechjeb simply fails to control the vessel... any wise advice for what is probably a silly thing? i can post logs and list of mods if needed...
  17. Ill leave this here in case any1 wants the old post http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:tbvBM29Y7d8J:forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/75854-0-24-x-Ideal-SCANsat-Altitudes-v1-0-Aug-16
  18. Is this the correct place to post bugs and misshappenings? My real chute isnt working, 1.0 with latest, image explains it perfectly, Exception on Chute Activation... http://i.imgur.com/S58Izpo.png
  19. mmm the ship would be cloned mid way to jool and appear with the same exact orbit properties except perhaps being 30mts behind or ahead the original ship the time dif would be minimal, if the vessel fly time cant be cloned then the when Vesel a reaches dest i just write down the actual year.... thanks for the link, should i repost or can this get moved there?
  20. its clear i didn't explain my self clearly but i cant find a way to explain it better ill just tell all the details of the situation i was in (not anymore) but i come to that constantly. vesel 7 is on route to eeloo has a (coincidental) flyby through jool (a gravity assist on jool would save some delta-v but delay time of arrival) so i go for Plan B (grav assist on jool) so i do some burn in jool to adjust trajectory to Eeloo as this vessel goes its way i have other missions on eve (on vessel 3) and laythe on vessels 4 and 5) (sat orbiting and landers) so when i actually get to eeloo and decide to revert to not doing the gravity assist on jool an go on with (plan A) my original flyby of jool but going directly to eeloo i would be reverting also everything i did on missions 3 4 and 5 on ello and laythe... so my plan would be check time and delta-v left when Plan A vessel reaches Eeloo and Circularized and compare it with Plan B vesel (time and delta-v left) when it reaches Eeloo and Circularized to the same orbit as A as i said before there's also the use of launching only one vessel to avoid the hassle of launching it over and over ( after doing it a gazillion times counting testing fails, actual fails, and successes ) and when approved launching 10+succesful times the same exact vessel, having the option to clone it would be useful please don't flame me if i didn't explain myself clearly enough english isn't my main language in the OP i posted the workaround i did with Hyper edit but neither the time of flight would be right on vesel B and id have to adjust the fuel left to match exactly the original, it takes some tedious work barely worth it, and if by savegame eedit you mean in the sfs file thats what im trying to avoid
  21. the clone should come up in the same place the original is and with the same orbit but with a set distance behind, beside ths cloning would be done before the appropiate nodes (each should have diferent burning points to accout for different trajectories mentioned) the quick-save/revert is an option if theres only 1 vessel traveling but if you have many on going missions reverting back would also revert back whatever other misssions you did while those clones were traveling. Just a nice Screenshot fot the Situation mentioned(youll have to zoom (ultra wide resolution): http://i.imgur.com/49rOz7a.png
  22. Hello I have a nice idea for a mod but I lack the skill for it. A Cloning Vessel Mod, it came to me on the mid of a Sat deployment mission to Eeloo that coincidentally went through a Jool flyby and I wondered how much delta-v would I save if I do a gravity assist on Jool vs continuing my trip to Eeloo, and how longer would the gravity assist one take to reach its destination. For this mission I had to take a new vessel and rendezvous with the other one with hyperedit (i only use it for this kind of testing purposes) i also had to adjust how much fuel the original so vessels are identical. Description: Window with options: Clone at {time input} lead time... (Optional) New Vessel Name: {input} [Clone vessel Button] Uses: Try different routes and compare. Possible to launch only one vessel that you would have to send to different destinations (saving time in the launching repetition) like RemoteTech Sats or ScanSats. some may find this cheating but it is left up to you how to use it. Misc: Cloning a vessel on career mode should charge in money the cost of the vessel at launch obviously. or maybe even decide if enable or disable in career mode. Hope theres anyone interested. Sorry if in the wrong section
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