Well, the part description doesn\'t always tell you what mod pack it came from. What this program will eventually do is this: 1. Make a list of the parts/mods you have installed 2. List all the parts in a .craft file 3. Tell you what parts in a .craft file you are missing, and what the name of the folder/parts pack is (using that text file I made) So, walking through an example of what will happen when I finish more of the program: Give it a .craft file. The program finds entries that look like this: { part = basekitFuelTank_4294927144 pos = 0.2661144,20.36475,0.1843084 rot = 0,0,0,1 istg = 0 dstg = 0 sidx = 1 sqor = -1 attm = 0 link = basekitEngine_4294926666 attN = top, basekitReactor_4294928738 attN = bottom, basekitEngine_4294926666 } Then it looks at this line: part = basekitFuelTank_4294927144 And it discovers that your ship is using a part named 'basekitFuelTank'. It looks it up in the text database and finds: basekitFuelTank, basekit_FuelTank, BACE Construction Co 0.1 And finally, the program tells you, you are missing 'basekitFuelTank', that it can be found in the folder 'basekit_FuelTank', and that this part is in the 'BACE Construction Co 0.1' pack. You can plug that into the forum search bar and find the mod easily.