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Everything posted by Cosmic_Farmer

  1. Will it break the mod if I delete from the FinalFrontier folder any ribbons I don't want to use? (e.g. Plant flag on Sun) I'm trying to cut down on ribbon spam.
  2. I found the same issue. However, the scanner CAN be the first part placed, as long as the ROOT PART is changed before launch. I've also found that reverting to launch while this bug is active causes the land around KSC to disappear. But changing the root and relaunching reverts everything to normal.
  3. Well, at least it provides an improved view for backseat pilots... Well, I have managed (after many tries) to get an Aeris Mk4 (which I slightly adjusted to improved the center of lift compared to mass) into orbit and back. I leveled off and hammered it below 20k with just the air-breathers, until I was surrounded by flames. Then I fired everything, and angled up to 45degrees, which took me out of the atmosphere, having lost only my two forward canards. I made it all the way to a 270,000m circular orbit. Here's a pic to prove it: http://i59.tinypic.com/2hodxuf.jpg <--Orbit Getting back was awkward, but I found that the key is taking a shallow entry profile and aerobraking as much as possible from 42k until reaching less than 900m/s. I just pitched up and down as much as I could, which seemed to work, but proper aerobrakes would be better. http://i61.tinypic.com/2q06hxv.jpg <--Swinging like mad http://i62.tinypic.com/10omw3m.jpg <--Cooling down And to make my success sweeter, I arrived right near KSC, purely by chance. http://i57.tinypic.com/htuqt2.jpg <--Back in one(-ish) piece!
  4. Not working for me either. The parts can still be attached to rockets in certain ways, but they don't seem to be working as docking ports. I can click on 'Set as target', but the targeting immediately disappears, and I can't dock to it. Also, a 'Decouple node' option (as with clamp-o-trons) would be great, so there's no need to add an extra separator. Not sure if this is inherent to functional docking ports.
  5. I would really value having a version of this with a window which can be opened outside of the editor, allowing you to select any part of the vessel. I can't count the number of times I've accidentally used up the RCS in an attached probe, then struggled to select the tank so that I could transfer more fuel into it. (The fuel tanks tend to get covered-up by other things, such as parachutes)
  6. Good Sir, I heartily approve of your latest crew-ferrying contraption. I would very much like to see more parts in the same style as that. Undulating fuel tanks could look most agreeable, and suggestive of spherical compartments without disturbing the aerodynamic stability of the vessel. Also, wooden detailing could be added to more technological pieces without giving the appearance of being structurally weak for rocketry purposes. I also would welcome the resource changes suggested by GregroxMun.
  7. The problem I was having was caused by the number at the top of the Kerbin biome config being 50. I copied the config from the 'Empty' folder, and that config was causing the problem. But I changed the number at the top to 0, and now it works perfectly. I have created configs of my own and they all work well. Sorry for the slow response
  8. Really like these parts. I think the current shape is fine, but I'm not so sure about the size in comparison to the Mk3 parts. I feel like it should be the case that the mk4 appears much bigger overall than the mk3, but the mk3 is currently much taller. It would seem better to me if the mk4 parts were scaled up from current by at least 1.1x. And the fuel tanks all seem to have a bit of a low capacity for their size. Not sure if it's just me getting confused by the unusual geometry, though. Also, adapters to mk3 and to 3.75m parts would be appreciated. Oh, and the FAR config that sets the SCIMITAR's airbreathing thrust to 150 results in FAR/NEAR halving the thrust to 75, making it less powerful than the Rapier. If you remove that line from the config, the Scimitar ends up at an appropriate 145
  9. Excellent parts. I really like the design of the airliner cockpit, but can't justify using in my game, as I'm trying to cut down on unnecessary parts. I love how you've implemented the shuttle nose part, with it merging into cockpit. The polygon count seems unnecessarily high though.
  10. Might I suggest having a custom blue or purple biosuit for Valentina?
  11. The scaling issue I was having was only affecting the root part, so it was easy to work around. And the struts were exploding due to a conflict within DRE. Not sure how I missed that.
  12. I'm on version 1.52.1. But, for some reason, my .zip file didn't contain all the stuff outside of the GameData folder that's in the current download from GitHub. Is any of that necessary, or is it just for source code? I've also found that if I launch a Mk2 spaceplane that's scaled up to 1.875m, the cockpit reverts to original size about 2/3 of the time, but the rest of the craft is normal. #comment removed#
  13. Hello. I'm getting a bug with the latest version. If I slightly downsize a stock size 2 tank (to about 1.97m), it looks fine in the editor, but returns to original size during launch, hiding anything attached to it. Never had this problem with older versions of the mod. I do have several other mods installed, but I don't think any of them should cause a conflict. I have also edited the DefaultScales config file. Is the following okay? SCALETYPE { name = stack freeScale = true defaultScale = 1.25 suffix = m scaleFactors = 0.1, 0.3, 0.625, 1.25, 1.875, 2.5, 3.75, 5.0, 6.25, 7.5, 10 incrementSlide = 0.01, 0.025, 0.025, 0.025, 0.05, 0.05, 0.1, 0.1 }
  14. This mod still works fine for Duna, but I can't get it to work for Kerbin - for some reason, all the biomes come up as water. The map shows up perfectly with the 'Show biomes in map' cheat, but wherever I go on or around Kerbin it says my current biome is Kerbin's Water. I've redone the maps, updated the config file and done everything I can think of, but only the KSC biomes work properly. And it seems to be only Kerbin that has this problem.
  15. I thought the same. Dear God, she's back! This kerbette is not for turning... Thanks. I did the sneaky thing and ripped off some respected artwork that's in the public domain. PsykoticCreations: Surprisingly, yours seems to be the only chesty entry so far. It does beg the question - are kerbals mammals? Algiark: I liked your entry, but you should have given her a grin. I think that the default kerbal head shape is very masculine-looking, so it would be nice to see a more rounded head for the females. Adding eyelids would help make them more distinguishable from the males, and would be suggestive of the eye makeup that's so commonly associated with women without having any applied. And I wouldn't think it would need to be more complicated than re-texturing the eyeballs. Having a short, rounded hairstyle would allow the hair to be integrated more into the head mesh without ruling out modders retexturing to change hairstyle, etc. I picture female kerbals as having smaller mouths than the males, too. And I really feel that makeup should be kept to a bare minimum, though I would prefer none to be used at all. If the Almighty Squad can make female kerbals look feminine with all that in mind, that would be awesome.
  16. I like the mod, except that I don't want to use all the resources. I tried editing the config so that kerbals don't produce WasteWater, and don't consume Food, but whichever way I do it, it stops all of the life support resources draining. Is there any way to get this to work without certain resources?
  17. I vote Hype Rocket. It's the obvious choice for KSP (excepting upcoming changes to spaceplanes).
  18. Umm, I just realised there was an update 3 weeks ago, I had the previous version, and the tanks I mentioned aren't in the current one... I bring shame on my family. Guess I must have had it in my downloads folder for longer than I realised. For the record, I had a 2.5m and 3.75m version each for the standalone fuel tank, the framed gold one and the framed orange one. And I've been using Module Manager 2.2 onwards. As for the crew modules, the PPD-6 is probaby the most extraneous. As for the others, they all have their functions, and I guess it's just up to the individual which ones they'd use.
  19. Re. SXT: I felt there were an unnecessary number of Hitchhiker variants, and different colours of the inflatable fuel tanks, for instance. I get particularly concerned about excess parts, though, due to having other mods with lots of parts, and a laptop which often struggles with KSP. Quite a few parts from SXT I ditched in favour of similar parts in other mods, but this mod has also eliminated any reason to keep some of the other mods I had, with SXT parts being similar, often better implemented, and much more RAM-friendly.
  20. The mod seems to be shaping up nicely. Good work. Very much needed. Do you know if there would be any possibility in future of this mod allowing definition of environment and biomes within a given space? I would very much like to have an underwater tunnel, but without kerbals drowning in it. And is it possible to define a biome for anything in contact with a mesh, like how experiments done when a craft is on the runway are 'at the Runway'? I've no idea if these things are within the realm of what this mod can do, but thought I'd ask.
  21. Lots of good stuff here. It seems really strange to me that there isn't a road of any kind connecting Old KSC's VAB and Launch Pad, though. And surely there should be a helipad on top of the KashKorp building in Ben Bay. You don't expect the CEO to drive all the way up to the building and then take the lift all the way to the top floor, do you?
  22. The only things which determine the part's initial size are the part's original scale and rescaleFactor attributes and the size of the actual model which is used for the part. When you set the TweakScale defaultScale attribute to 2.5, for example, you are telling TweakScale that when the part is at that initial size, it is a 2.5m part. This is independent of the actual size of the model in-game, meaning that you could have a pea-sized part with a defaultScale of 2.5 and tweakScale will class it as a 2.5m part. So, when you scale it to 5, it will be double the model's initial size (twice the size of a pea in this case!). If you want to change the default size of the actual model, then change its config, adding ' @rescaleFactor = ' followed by a scaled-up or scaled-down value. You can also edit the part's scale value, but then you need to change node positions to match the altered size; rescaleFactor keeps attachment points in the right places.
  23. I've been trying out SXT. I really like some of the parts, but there does seem to be quite a bit of part spam. I like the Lacuga, although it could surely do with at least one window. Also, the rungs on the ladder of the CANIOT-7 crew cabin are far to spread apart for a kerbal to feasably climb them. There seems to be a bug with the ISK-30 Heavy Orbital Laboratory. If I right click on it after launch, nothing happens, and it stops me from being able to right-click on anything else. I didn't notice this issue with any of the other parts. I'm using lots of other mods, so it could be an interference issue.
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