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Everything posted by marce

  1. And they have every right to do exactly that. However, stating concerns in advance makes it possible to cry "told you so!" afterwards
  2. So much goodness! Proper stock fairings! (I hope you thought about payload-auto-strutting/joints) Proper (kind off) stock aero! Proper stock heating! Proper stock resources! Optimization!!! The KSP fan in me is crying tears of joy. However, putting that much new stuff in a 1.0 release gives the software developer in me the creeps. I wish you the best of luck SQUAD (seriously!) and hope that Mu is the wizard he seems to be, you’ll need one to pull this off. Oh and I think it’s a good idea to delay Unity 5 to 1.2 (1.1 will be the urgent hotfix release for 1.0 ) since they are really going through with not releasing more betas. Otherwise Unity 5 would have to be in the release (which I would do in Q3 2015) of course.
  3. Quick tests successful, thanks! Still loving this mod
  4. Shortly after 23.5 released. I was sick looking for some distraction, Steam had a sale, I wasn't too impressed, discovered mods and then hundreds of hours flew by
  5. Since nobody contacted me all my mods are on halt until further notice.
  6. you don't see anything, because the plugin is crashing (silently). the output.log oh and I suppose you have installed the util lib?
  7. I'm really sorry... I was doing 90h weeks for 3 months now and had hoped it would settle down in February. Well, last week I was working 112 hours (I'm working on weekends too of course). I can't complain about too much work in this economy, but when I come home after 16 hours or so of full pace coding I take a shower, make a quick dinner and fall into my bed. There is simply no power left for modding... I still hope that spare time will return in a few months, but have to make sure to at least try preserving my work if not. I think some mods have (even) more potential in them and would love to see them shine. Really hope someone wants to adopt them EDIT: I'd like to encourage you and anyone else to start coding, it's really not that hard - especially C# and the greatest fun you can have today imho. I don't know if it's allowed to recommend a book (very popular and I don't benefit) in the forum, but take a look at *something* in depth by John-without-'h' Sk**t
  8. As some of you may have noticed I don’t have time for KSP modding anymore. The last months all I could do was making them work in 0.9. Also, I don’t have the patience to deal with users anymore at the moment. Therefore, I decided to ask if anyone wants to take over my mods. It would be temporarily at first (for a few months), if I really don’t return afterwards you can have them or let them die I’m currently maintaining the following mods: ActiveStruts KERT ChopIt NodeHelper BAM [CIT Utils not a mod on its own but required by all others] GovFunding CheatMenu Misc Parts If anyone want to take over one or more please write me a PM to figure out the details. Note: taking over includes bugfixing and extending the mod. Simple recompiles against new KSP version I can still do myself. If I don’t find anyone to continue a mod I will try to make them work with new versions, but won’t be able to fix/extend so they will die slowly. I’d like to thank everyone who supported me, especially the awesome guys who donated some beer money! I’d love to continue working for you, but RL is so overwhelming, that I simply can’t provide the service and quality you deserve, so I hope someone else can.
  9. It does the same thing SQUAD's stock struts did in 0.24, maybe they improved something since then? Sorry to hear it doesn't work for you and don't understand how that's possible either (joints should create at least a bit more stiffness compared to no joints), but since you don't have any errors in the log (otherwise you would have submitted it) there's nothing I can do.
  10. First, use the release thread. Second, use the main CIT thread where I communicate regarding CIT Utils Third, it's a CKAN problem
  11. If we are talking double all is good. So you figured out a way around the limitations we had with USI_Conv and friends some months ago - nice! Not too important, will simply use overflow which makes more sense anyway.
  12. Hi Rover! Two questions for you today: 1) What is the smallest amount the module REGO_ModuleResourceConverter can handle? Say: will 0.0000000804863 be treated as is or as 0.00000008 or 0.0000001 or with even lower precision? 2) Is there a switch to have the converter run at 100% or not at all instead of adapting to the actual needs while still respecting the no-overflow flag? Bonus question you don't have to answer: I hope you already have a good plan for proper (really unfocused, no 'catching up') on-rails conversion for stock-resources? The backgroundprocessing mod from jamespiscone can probably do it, but with your hands in the stock code this is a one-time opportunity to do it efficiently without workarounds! And it's such an important part of the game...
  13. Less lazy than not bored That's possible! Since decouplers are "useless" after decoupling it may be possible that the colliders are destroyed.
  14. Good! It can't. "Chopping" decouples a part from its parent. A root part does not have a parent. So to enable it for root parts I'd have to build in a select root functionality in-flight which automatically unroots the root parts. Yeah... no, sorry
  15. It works fine for me: So here's what I think: you decoupled whatever was attached and now wnat to chop the remains of the pylon, which is impossible, because it is not attached anywhere anymore (it was surface attached to the part you decoupled it from). It might even be the root part of the decoupled part now? Nothing you can do here, I suggest using docking ports for stuff like that (plus it doesn't look very aerodynamic from the picture as well and hopefully won't work good in 1.0 ).
  16. Can you show a picture after decoupling? Can't really see anything in the second picture... Are you talking about the KAS pylon? Is the part you want to chop maybe stack attached? I'm positive it has a right-click menu at all?
  17. Was the part in question by any chance the lander can? It has a weird collider (look at the part in the editor it does not rotate around the proper axis). To determine if two autostrutters can connect I raycast a direct line between them. If a collider is hit in between they can't connect. A specific exception for some door colliders would be pretty hard and non-generic if I can pull it of at all.
  18. Don't worry, glad I could help! As I said, I'll provide old versions in the future so this was a one time effort anyway
  19. Here is a pack with the two requested dlls, compiled against the old dlls you gave me. It's untested (don't have an old KSP install) and without any support. I hope it works for you, I can't help you any more.
  20. wow! More than 30000 downloads in only 3 months and stunning approx. 12000 from CKAN already Did not expect that... Thanks for your support and special thanks to all donors!
  21. I just checked, the following 'interesting' parts are on the station: RC-L01 probe core Cupola Hitchhiker All of them should be fine, no? Well, I'll take it as strange bug and ship up an antenna anyway
  22. It's alright, I'll try to squeeze it in on the weekend. Oh, but I don't have the old KSP dlls any more, someone has to provide me with those or it won't compile, because there was an API change (is there a place where we keep them?). I'm just a bit grunty at the moment because stressed like hell.
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