Have been playing with MKS for a while now, I really love the idea! This adds so much to the lategame phases of KSP! Thank you RoverDude! Just some thoughts for a possible addon to MKS at later stages of developement: Have you thought about supporting ORS in addition to Kethane? It would require some work generating the configs, but because you have no direct ressource extraction it could be an optional download. I've been tinkering with it a little bit, works quite well with MKS, and it changes the way it's played only a little bit. It is possible to have all the ressources everywhere on the planet, but with different concentrations, which affects the extraction rate. It is possible at a bad spot (with almost no ressources) to support a basic colony without needing a second mining base. At later stages you will need to mine somewhere else (if you haven't set up your base at a very good location right at the start, like in "vanilla" MKS). Wouldn't mind a little KSPI support (reactor/radiator/science/...modules, everything as an optional download ofc.) either. Congratulations on the release btw Regards, Stage