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Everything posted by Oafman

  1. I've definitely unlocked every individual part in the tech tree. Already double checked that. I'll have a go at editing the part files. Thanks for the info
  2. I had a quick look at this last night. Two obvious mods which only appear in sandbox are Mobius Rocketworks and Romfarer's robotic arms. I'm pretty sure the Mobius mod (which actually has some really useful adaptors and structural parts) has not been supported for a while, so issues with the tech tree config seem plausible. Not sure about the arms mod. I have a feeling I did have this in career mode at one stage. I'll try reinstalling it.
  3. The save file for one of my saves had somehow become corrupted. When I removed it, I was once again able to open my list of saved games. Well, all the other saves anyway. Fortunately, that save only had one active craft. I had spent quite a while working on things in the VAB and SPH, but I was able to start a new save, drop in the files for the ships I had built, and launch that active ship again. So I'm back to where I was without too much trouble No idea what had corrupted that save file, but I didn't lose much, so it worked out well.
  4. So, in sandbox I have a bunch of various modded parts which do not appear in the career mode saves. These are career saves with completed tech trees, and I have definitely unlocked all available parts in the tree. It is always whole mods; if I get some parts from a mod in my career mode, I get all of them from that mod. An example is the mod that gives the 2 robotic arms. Always there in sandbox, never there in career. What am I missing?
  5. Last night I was playing KSP (using one of my saved games) when my PC crashed. It's a crash that happens fairly often, something to do with the display output, as I'm having to use a really old and small monitor since my better monitor broke. Anyway, I'm not sure whether or not the crash is relevant to my problem. I restarted the PC, loaded KSP, and everything seemed fine. But when I went to click on Resume Saved Game, the text flashed slightly, but nothing else happened. It would not open the window showing my list of saved games. I restarted the game, but the problem remained. I restarted the computer, then the game, but no joy. I checked my KSP file, and the saves file seemed fine, in the usual place and with the usual list of my saves in it. So i started a new career save, and exited it, to see if it would then give me the option to resume that game, but no, the problem was still the same. One option which I guess I could consider is a full reinstall. I can keep my saves files and gamedata file and overwrite them once I've reinstalled. But I've never done this, and am not 100% sure how to. I guess I just delete the whole KSP folder, then I'll be able to download the whole thing again via Steam? But perhaps someone knows an easier fix to this problem?
  6. This seems to happen a lot with Jool. I've had it a few times. In particular, it seems to happen when you've made your burn to Jool, and are looking to set up a mid-transfer correction. In that instance, I've found that even clicking on Jool's orbit doesn't work. But, as soon as you have left Kerbin's SoI, it immediately becomes possible to set Jool as a target.
  7. Agreed. There's little chance of this fixing the issue, but it might make you feel better
  8. A while back I captured a class E, wit a mass of about 3000t. To give you an idea of what this might do to your available delta v, I had 2100m/s left on arrival at the roid, and once I had docked this became 42 m/s! Luckily I had intercepted it before it entered Kerbin's SoI, so 42m/s was enough. This is why people are talking about it maybe being too late to capture this roid. Because, now it's so close, you'll need a fair bit of DV to push it into Kerbin's atmosphere for an aerobrake, and it will be a hard design to get a ship there capable of the job. But, it might be a lot less massive than 3000t, so if you act quickly, and try to get a ship to it with as much power and stamina as possible, you might have a chance. Keep us updated if you try...
  9. Well, stock was always going to be super hard mode. I guess I should allow the claw, as it opens up more ways of doing this. I'm still not convinced that this is impossible without the claw, but sure, very very hard. So I've changed the points structure slightly. If you use stock only including the claw, then +1500 points. If you use stock and no claw, +2500 points But really, most points can be gained by lifting it from lower altitudes, or by building lighter lifting ships.
  10. Well, the idea was that people could choose what altitude they recover it from. Set their own level of difficulty, with more points available to those who choose harder altitudes. I would not want to restrict that. I hope placing the tank is not too onerous. I allowed hyperedit, for those who have it, to make this easier
  11. From: Wernher von Kerman [4science@ksc.kom] Sent: 39 Kaugust 3014 20:27 To: Engineering Subject: URGENT - Orange tank anomaly Dear Engineers, A puzzling mystery has us tearing out what remains of our hair. Earlier today, while conducting a revolutionary experiment on antimatter, an unexpected and startling reaction occurred. The experiment seemed to implode, severely damaging the laboratory. It was sheer luck that none of my science team were close enough to be harmed. Soon afterwards, the Quartermaster came rushing in, obviously upset. He reported that a whole 2.5m orange fuel tank, which had been leaning against the wall in the stores adjacent to the lab, had simply vanished. Completely disappeared! I was able to offer him no explanation. But later this afternoon, we realised that the tank had a probe core attached. So, in hope more than expectation, we sent it a message, and incredibly, it responded. And even more incredibly, it reported its location as being on the surface of the planet Eve! What has happened today is entirely inexplicable, based on how we currently understand the universe to work, and we desperately need to examine this in great detail. To that end, I need you to go to Eve, pick up that tank, and bring it back to KSC. I need it back intact; completely undamaged, and completely full of the same fuel it currently contains. I realise these tanks are heavy when full, and that Eve has a punishing atmosphere and gravity, but I have every confidence in your ability to complete this task. The whole of Kerbalkind is relying on you. Don't let them down. Kind regards, Wernher ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Challenge: - Place a full jumbo orange fuel tank, with a probe core attached, anywhere on Eve. No other parts can be attached. Hyperedit is acceptable for placing your tank.. - Send one or more ships to collect it, launch it into LEO, and land it safely at KSC. The Rules: - Absolutely no Alt+F12. At all. - The tank must remain full of fuel at all times (please right-click it in your screenshots to prove its contents are intact) - You can attach things to the side of the tank (eg KAS connectors and struts) Mods: - Hyperedit is allowed for placing the tank on Eve, and for putting your ship(s) in low Eve orbit. But you must show evidence that you landed any craft which you used to lift the tank or fly it into LEO (including any surface refuelers). This challenge requires heavy ships, and landing those safely and accurately can be almost as hard as getting them off the ground. - Mechjeb/KER etc are fine. - Pretty much any parts mods are fine (within reason) but will affect your scoring, as detailed in the section below, which is entitled 'Scoring'.... Scoring: Start with 10,000 points - 1 point for every metre of altitude shown on your main screen altimeter just before launch - 1 point for every tonne of mass just before launch (not including the mass of the orange tank) + 1500 points if you do not use any modded parts (this challenge is way harder - maybe even impossible - without KAS/IR/5m tanks etc) or +2500 points, if you use stock only, and you do not use the claw There will be separate leaderboards for rockets and planes. If people submit entries which use really wacky mod stuff (like Project Orion drives etc) I may start a 3rd leaderboard for those. I certainly don't want to discourage use of those kinds of mods. There will be no points for funny things, or things that are particularly Kerbal, or for cool videos etc, though undoubtedly there will be appreciation, and possibly reps... . Rockets: 1. Oafman (469 points) 2. 3. 4. 5. Planes: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Can this be done? Yes. Somewhat clumsily in my case, and with close to minimum points, but still successfully: I had a huge amount of fun doing this. Launching so much dead weight off the surface of Eve is a big challenge of your VAB skills, and with the addition of the extra difficulty of having to somehow lift the tank into your ship before launch, it should be a test for even our most accomplished engineers. Especially given that there are points for altitude and starting mass to sort the wheat from the chaff. Good luck!
  12. Brotoro, I've just noticed that the location of your Base 1: is exactly where I placed my main Laythe base! But I guess this is not such a wild coincidence, given how good a spot it is. It's very close to the equator, it's next to the water, but sheltered from the open sea, and it has a huge expanse of flat land for take off and landing of non-VTOL aircraft. Great minds etc.... I do enjoy reading these stories, and hope you find the time/will to come back to us with more updates in the future.
  13. I really liked the parachutes on detachable tricouplers
  14. Is it your available RAM which determines how well your machine will cope with a high parts count, in the same way that it influences how many mods you can handle?
  15. What I would really like is if we could set the desired plane of the part before attaching with shift+wasd, and then it doesn't deviate from that plane while you try to get it to fit where you want. Trying to get the plane right and the position right simultaneously is what makes it hard. I'm not sure if this would have any negative implications, as I haven't thought it through. Just an idea.
  16. This is great, thank you. Four of these are already on their way to Laythe Station, which is known to have both an insufficient means of escape for its ever-growing crew, and an increasingly unmanageable parts count. So these are just the job. One thing I noticed when testing one of these from KSC, was that I had 2 kerbals in it, but only one little kerbal face appeared in the bottom right of my screen (i know there were 2 in there due to crew manifest). Also, maybe build a little solar panel into the roof? That was the only part I needed to add to it, apart from the docking port. And compatibility with TACLS would be amazing, so that there is a small amount of snacks in there to keep evacuating kerbals happy.
  17. If I have active ships using the SP+ modded parts, and the game updates to include these as stock, can I delete the mod without invalidating my existing ships, or do I need to leave it active to ensure the ships remain untouched? If the latter, will there be any way of telling whether the duplicated part in the SPH is the mod version or the stock version? Obviously I'll want to always use the stock version on new ships so that I can eventually delete the mod when all of my current modded planes have been retired/destroyed...
  18. Move the boosters lower, so they have less time to fall inwards before you are clear of them
  19. I have quite a bit of experience of selecting landing sites on extraterrestrial bodies (such as, you know, the Mun), and that flat area shows promise....
  20. As well as having no gravity, roids in KSP - even the biggest E class - are a tiny fraction of the size of the comet with which Rosetta has just rendezvoused.
  21. I insist on F2 when MJ is controlling my ship. If I'm not in control, I want a more cinematic experience
  22. I partially disagree. I think that new planets and new moons could add significant new challenges. Clearly, the ideas which were floated for Gas Giant 2's moons would add a good number of new things to consider: Similarly, planetary rings, safe to enter at some altitudes but not at others, would entirely change the old 'dump the ship into any old equatorial orbit and forget about it' approach which exists currently. But where I think we do agree, is that Squad ought to have many more pressing priorities, before they consider adding new destinations.
  23. Well, Scott Manley basically taught me to play this game, and Danny always makes me laugh (though in amongst the humour, Danny actually does some clever stuff too). Those are the only people whose videos I search for with any regularity. Though nothing like as regular a contributor as those two, I also think Allmhuran deserves a mention - I enjoy his videos.
  24. Under 10 tonnes??! I don't even.....I mean.... I take more than 10t of monopropellant on most of my missions!
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