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Everything posted by Wabbit

  1. This is the polish 1.0 needs. I, for one, would like to see it in the form of a signature ribbon... But that's just me.
  2. Yep. Checkboxes and customizable difficulty all the way.
  3. Debris may be a pain, but it is an aspect I feel needs to be simulated. It adds difficulty, and also stresses the need to not be messy. I have a class E asteroid in orbit, with a small base attached. On the base are living quarters, a metric crap-ton of KAS winches, and a debrs tug. It's my orbital junkyard, on a 200km orbit. I use the tug to bring in debris and attach them to the junkyard. It's called Space Junkyard, snd it's awesome. I am not even going to describe the massive beast used to bring the asteroid into orbit.
  4. Maybe more stable male/female docking ports that work like plugs. I'm tired of wobbly tug trains. But, it is a lot of fun to do it with KAS.
  5. Welcome! Let me light your green rep blob.
  6. This is why I put a small inline reaction wheel on all my probes... It's way more than enough when your dry mass is about .2 tons.
  7. I like to use them on huge stations. I use IR parts to make my own massive panels with structural plates, that fold and turn. Otherwise, they are tougher, cheaper, lighter, simpler and unlock earlier. Just not as practical.
  8. 48-7s for tiny size LV-909 for 1.25m Poodle for 2.5m And you can stack them 3.75m parts are just massive, but I would use the KL-R2 as basically my only choice But I use KW Rocketry as a good solution, because it adds more balanced engines (and fairings, yay!) that are dedicated to a specific rule. Also adds different capacity fuel tanks and battery packs.
  9. If a Kerbal is falling from a long way up, as in dying on impact high, turn on his rcs pack. Then you can click and drag on him, turn him upside down, and he will have a much better chance of surviving. KSC obviously puts a lot of funds into their helmets.
  10. Ion engines are great. I can fet >9000m/s dV with three tanks and one thruster. Just last night I put asat in orbit of the Mun... And then I changed it to a polar orbit right in Munar orbit! EDIT: And Tylo is gonna be a pain in the booster
  11. PSo, I went to duna again. After the launch of the space bus, which was never documented, I decided to give my two lonely Kerbals some friends to ride on their bus. I sent three Kerbals to Duna to ride on the Space Bus, and I plan to have a base there eventually. Right now I will focus on Laythe. So we launched the rocket. One of my designs I usually use for Duna, Jool, Eve... Just about anywhere I need a 3-Kerb capsule. So Sonfrey, Dudfrod and Billy-Bobbal were sent in the Duna Dillydallyer. Below you can see the ship, just after leaving the pad. After separation of booster set one, the gravity turn. You can see that the discarded boosters have actually collided, and their nosecones were knocked off. After getting into orbit, I fiddled a bit with my trajectory until I got a suitable and rather efficient Duna encounter. Here is the ship just after the start of the burn. Skip ahead a couple years, and we are at Duna! A short aerobrake and apoapsis burn later, here we are in a (roughly) circular orbit. From here, we will wait until we can get a landing spot suitably close to the Space Bus. After retro-burn and separation of transfer stage, we are coming down about ~10km from the Space Bus. Not my best targeting, but it could be a lot worse. Coming in through the atmosphere at a gentle trajectory, there were no entry effects, making for quite a boring entry. Drogue chute deployed, coming in over landing zone and killing horizontal velocity. Main chutes deployed, going down now. Safe landing! Alright, here comes the Space Bus! Its two drivers know they have a long drive ahead, but know that it is in the direction of friends! In this picture, near the middle of the hill the capsule is faintly visible. Our bus drivers are greeted, and the crew of the Duna Dillydallyer board the Space Bus. Farewell, capsule, and may the Kraken be with you! - - - Updated - - - Adding pics now
  12. JEBEDIAH KERMAN used booster! GRAVITY fainted!
  13. I have changed this from a place to post mission reports to a hub for accessing all of them in one place. Yay! I also read through these old ones from last year and I think this thread is gonna need some fixin' up.
  14. You can climb the Astronaut Complex flag pole. You can also press f to turn on SAS as long as it's held. When controlling a vehicle, U toggles lights, not L.
  15. Another Felsmak video ! The Dragonslayer 818 will obediently place your kerbals on the toilet when they need it.
  16. So I will assume you can get a flyby of Jool. You want to get a flyby that is in Jool's atmo. Not too deep, but enough where you think it will slow you into orbit. 1. Get a rough close-ish encounter with Jool. Quicksave. 2. In the middle of the path to Jool, burn straight up or down on the navball to change your inclunation until you can get equitorial. Once you are happy, wuicksave. 3. Time-warp to Jool's SOI. Once you are inside, quicksave and set up a maneuver node near you. Mess with the prograde and retrograde markers until you have the apoapsis you want to aerobrake with. Do not quicksave! First, test the aerobraking trajectory to make sure it works. If it does, and you get into orbit, quicksave. If not, F9. Make sure to burn at apo to lift your periapsis out of the atmo. 4. Now getting to Laythe from here is about as easy as getting to the Mun. Just get into orbit, pick your landing zone carefully, and deorbit to land.
  17. Heh. Maybe if Kerbin is in danger, then the population could evacuate to Laythe.
  18. It's annoying, and I support this- if I want to launch a rover somewhere I have to include an intricate seperatron-fired and decouple pod machine. Just to test the darn thing, I need to risk flipping it over on the runway. Support!
  19. Replace Bob. Nobody likes Bob. Either that, or have female counterparts.
  20. Yeah, I got bored and saw your stuff. Felt like making a Laythe base. Only now do I see exactly how awesome nukes are. I will also be setting up a refueling/recharging station, and a shelter/hangar for the rover and a plane I'm sending. Might even include a B.O.A.T on the next transfer ship. I already have habitation en route for the guys.
  21. "So, I decided to go to Laythe again. Hardly an original idea, but I wanted to gain some experience with interplanetary journeys. I set out from Kerbin when the transfer window was nearly open, and waited a couple days in orbit getting the maneuver node correct. I got up using my standard launcher type. Basically I used my Duna Dillydallyer (which nobody knows about) which can get to duna with plenty of dV to spare. It can get into a good Laythe orbit with ~600m/s left. I have no pictures of it, but it consists of a 3-Kerb crew capsule with parachutes, an RCS system, a medium 2.5m tank with a quad-coupler on the bottom. Under the quad-coupler are four flt-400s with nukes under them for efficient interplanetary transfer. On top I slung the Space Truck MK.2 and its parachute module. I burned for Jool at the window, for about 3 minutes. Then, I was off! I had to do a tiny mid-course plane correction, but otherwise I had lots and lots of fuel. I aerobraked at Jool for an orbit about halfway between Jool and Laythe. Once you are in prbit, getting to Laythe from Jool is no harder than getting to the Mun from Kerbin. It is actually easier, because Laythe is bigger and has an atmosphere. I came in for another aerobrake at Laythe, then shifted my orbit to roughly circular at 70km. I chose my landing zone- a large island with some wierd dark crater features. This island was called Rayrod Island, bnamed after Rayrod Kerman, the first Kerbal to ever set foot on Laythe. His one-man capsule, now a historic landmark, is on the other side of the island. Rayrod is still there, and he lives off a little garden he made.The Space Truck came down on the beach about ~50m from the water's edge. Luckily it didn't land in the water; it didn't have the RCS that other models for airless moons did. I landed at about sunset, but luckily the Space Truck is RTG-powered. I did some quick roving around before sunset, then warped to day. Pictures! The Space Truck flipped over wih its crew inside Driving at night An awesome Laythe sunset. It was originally almost completely dark, but I lit it up and it looks awesome! I will add more pictures later, I just have no way of accessing my steam screenshots from where I am currently.
  22. Hi, welcome! The forum here is great, so enjoy yourself. By any chance, have you seen Soul Eater?
  23. Hmm... Wonder if it'll work in .90. Will have to try it out and maybe learn something from it.
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