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Everything posted by Wabbit

  1. From a little adventure I had the other day. It involved an external seat, an SRB, some fins and a few stupid decisions on Guslo's part.
  2. I see what you did there. Apparently the shiny bioluminescent bugs enjoy eating vehicle parts.
  3. Actually, a 20t lifter is pretty easy. To the Mun, slightly harder but very doable.
  4. That would be awesome. Have some rep for your craft!
  5. Awesome! I am definitely using this for my station operations! Thanks for making the awesome shuttle.
  6. An interesting mechanic! I also think Jeb will be happy to have some money pushed his way from all these years of constant death.
  7. Sp cööl! Awesome, like always. Maybe next the Vikings will go up against the Jebsy Danger?
  8. RIP Walkabout. Always in our parts. I like the way you are doing memorials, because I always make memorials for fallen Kerbals or missions. Awesome story by the way!
  9. Ooh, cool! It is always a pain when something on my station breaks and I have to go... I think Rodmy is an engineer... Nope, he's a scientist. Hmm, was it Guslo? I don't know, or maybe Fredlan? I don't know how to determine this!
  10. I don't know... Towards kerbin might work but may not be exact. Away from the mun seems good, try that.
  11. That needs to be a show Now, for the scheduled episode of "Bilfrod the Male Scientist"
  12. Poor Jeb... We always abuse him so much Anyway, a thing you could do is use a similar Munar Rocket, with a command pod, but flown to Jeb by a probe core. Just Target Jebediah, or the command pod. If jeb is away from the pod, target him. Launch your savior probe, and this is crucial: Change your plane (how inclined your orbit is) to his. If no further adjustment is needed, make sure you both have the same orbit. If he is ahead of you, make your orbit smaller to catch up. If he is ahead, make it bigger. Once you catch up, switch the navball to Target mode, by clicking where it either says "Orbit x m/s "or "Surface x m/s". Once it says Target, wait until your closest approach, then turn on SAS and click the one at the bottom that says anti-target. Make a small main engine burn until it says under Target on the navball something under about 5-10 m/s. Then, take out little Jebarooney, fly him over in his RCS pack, and get him in the ship. Then, simply deorbit and bring Jeb home!
  13. I agree about the polish... If we are on 1.0 release the game needs to be the cake it is now, but it needs to have some icing too. (See, metaphors are awesome )
  14. Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to drop a bunch of kerbals and land them in specific spots. Scoring: Every Kerbal on launchpad= 50 pts. Every Kerbal on VAB helipad= 50 pts. Every Kerbal on the Flagpole= 150 pts. Every Kerbal on top of the Island Airport tower= 50 pts. Drop Altitude Scoring: From 10-50m= +0 From 50m-100m= +10 From 100m-500m= +50 From 500m-1k= +100 From 1k-5k +200 From 5k-10k= +300 From 10k-20k= +500 Past 30k= +600 Awards: Rocket Man (drop from a rocket) Munwalker (get home from the Mun using a rocket pr plane that landed there(you don't need to hit a target to qualify)) Minmus Master (same as Munwalker) BadS=true (land on a target using an orbital Return Cannon) Jeb Approves (open your chute less than 100 meters up) Mods Allowed: B9 Aerospace(No VTOLS!) Firespitter (No helicopters/VTOLs!) Non-performance affecting mods (KerbPaint, Texture Replacer, Hotrockets, Kerbal Engineer) Mods Required: Vanguard Parachutes Rules: No VTOL planes. Rockets are allowed, but can only drop after one orbit from an altitude over 10,000 The Drop Altitude Scoring is for the DROP, not when the chute opens. No debug menu! No mechjeb targeting. You can use the EVA pack all you want. To be on the scoreboard you must have: A video of your whole flight + drop and landing, or screensshots of Craft, Takeoff, Jump, Chute opening and Landing. Screens of any awards you feel you earned. - - - Updated - - - Scoreboard - - - Updated - - - Scoreboard: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. FAR/NEAR: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Honorable Mentions:
  15. I need to get working on gettin me some music
  16. Yeah, but... That's real hard to do. I either think you should wait for something from Squad or mess around with adding periods in names and stuff.
  17. I assume if Jeb, Bill, and Bob are to be made permanently their same roles, then there will be a defaultjob.cfg somewhere or something like that, where you can set a job to always go to a certain character. For example, something like this: "Fredlan Kerman=engineer"
  18. Hmm. This looks good. It would give you actual reason to look at the "Courage" and "Stupidity" values.
  19. Not. Part of the fun of KSP is the challenge of doing a lot with as little as you can. I think limited-sized fairings encourage creative building and size constraints as a part of gameplay, particularly early in the tech tree where you can only get 1.5 meter fairings. Not procedural FTW!
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