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Biff Space

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Everything posted by Biff Space

  1. I was thinking of doing something like this, but depleting funds rather than reputation - for rent,salaries, etc. It really helps the immersion (for me) to have multiple missions going on at once, I like doing a launch one (real life) day, the mid-course burn a few days later, and arrival a few days after that. Just warping until the next bit of a one-and-only mission makes it feel less real and less of an achievement. Thanks for the mod.
  2. Ah, sorry, I haven't been clear. That file is the config for Module Manager, and the settings are in a different place. The settings file isn't part of the download package, it is created the first time that Proximity is saved (on change of scene). The location of the settings file is <Your KSP folder>\GameData\Proximity\Plugins\PluginData\Proximityconfig.xml There is a line in that which looks like: <string name="Toolbar">stock</string> and you need to replace the word 'stock' with 'blizzy'. (Use notepad or some other simple text editor, not a word processor.) You should change the file when KSP is not running (else it will overwrite it when it exits), and proximity should be available for blizzy's toolbar when it is started up again.
  3. New version available, the main difference is that the new stock toolbar is used by default (although you can change the config file and use blizzy's if you want). A few other GUI tweaks and small bug fixes are included.
  4. Biomatic biome identifier - V 1.3 for KSP 1.2 The Biomatic sensor identifies the biome that the ship is in / above, and shows the information in a small text window. Optionally the ship's situation (high / low space, high / low flight, landed, splashed) can be shown as well. Biomes where science has been done can be added to a list, which is used together with a kill warp option to de-warp the ship when entering an un-listed biome. The list of biomes can be per-vessel, or global. It is integrated with the stock toolbar by default, but can be configured to use blizzy's. (Change 'stock' to 'blizzy' in the config file). The Biomatic Part The Biomatic part is found under the science tab. In career or science mode, it is found in the 'Space Exploration' node of the tech tree - this must be researched before Biomatic will work, either as a part or as a Module Manager add-on to command pods. ModuleManager will add Biomatic to any command module or probe core, so the separate part does not have to be used. Download The Biomatic folder needs to be unzipped and put in your KSP\GameData folder: Biomatic v1.3 at SpaceDock Feedback Any comments and suggestions for improvements are welcome, as are reports of bugs / problems - please let me know what you think. Code The source code is included in the download Version History UPDATED (2016-10-14), v1.3.0.0 - Recompiled with KSP 1.2 binaries - Added option for per-vessel or global biome list UPDATED (2016-06-23), v1.2.0.0 - Recompiled with KSP 1.1.3 binaries - Available in map mode UPDATED (2016-06-09), v1.1.0.8 - Added sounds (on entering unticked biome, on entering any biome, or no sound options) - Removed log file debug info UPDATED (2016-05-18), v1.1.0.6 - Window now disappears with the rest of the UI on F2 - If the part config file is edited to move the part to a different tech tree node, it will now behave sensibly rather than requiring 'spaceExploration' to be unlocked UPDATED (2016-05-02), v1.1.0.1 - If Module Manager is used to add Biomatic functionality to command pods and probe cores, Biomatic is still unavailable until it has been researched - New look for stock buttons - Recompiled with KSP 1.1.2 binaries. Licence Biomatic, its associated files and the source code are all released under the GPL 3 licence, text here: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt. Screenshot YouTube
  5. Kerbal Construction Time does this, among other things.
  6. I've used Open Broadcaster Software successfully with KSP. It is free, not too hard to figure out, and didn't slow the game down much.
  7. I believe v 1.1 will work with 0.24, but there is a new version available now, with some important improvements, the main ones being integration with blizzy78's toolbar (optional), and a smashing new part model kindly made for me by Justin Kerbice: There have also been some improvements to the GUI, and the device is better at switching itself off when it isn't needed, during launch for one. Optionally, it can be set to turn off when parachutes are deployed, or when the vessel is a rover. Details and download address are in the OP.
  8. When your Kerbals cover considerable distances on the Mun or Minmus 'on foot', which means sliding along face downwards.
  9. I'm currently working on version 1.2, and I hope to include toolbar integration in that. I haven't had a lot of time to spend on KSP things recently, so I can't say when it will be out. The window ought to remember where you've dragged it to - it does in v 1.1, I'm not sure if it does in 1.0, there were some issues with the config data in the first version. Note that if you revert a flight, changes to the settings made during it are lost. And I'll make sure to remove the move.bat file from the next upload, that's just part of my development environment to move the dll from the build folder to the KSP folder. Won't do any harm, but shouldn't be there. Thanks for the feedback, everyone!
  10. Very nice mod, thanks a lot. It came in handy when my rescue mission on Laythe found that the lander was a bit heavy. Since they were on the surface for months, I didn't think it was cheating if they got out the hacksaw and removed a bunch of empty rcs tanks, landing legs, and other bits and bobs. Just made it back into orbit with about 10 fuel to spare.
  11. In the map view, if you hover the mouse pointer at the top of the screen, you get the same set of icons from the tracking station to set which kinds of things are shown. Debris is off by default, but if you switch it on, bits of debris can be targeted in the same way as anything else. HTH.
  12. Minor: hitting return when typing in a name for a named save adds a return character to the file name, making it unsaveable, instead of ... saving the game. Major: The way the target is lost randomly, when docking for example. This has happened when I'm 5 m away from the target ship, moving at 0.2 m/s, lined up straight. It has happened multiple times in a single docking manoeuvre. Why?
  13. Thanks, everyone. Aerobraking worked fine (give or take a quicksave or two) and I've got into a stable orbit now. I wasn't using deadly re-entry, so no problem there - I'm finding it hard enough without the extra realism mods at the moment. Cheers!
  14. My rescue mission to Laythe has run into a problem - I've ended up orbiting Jool clockwise, where Laythe is orbiting Jool anticlockwise. I have quite a lot of dV (~9000) but it hasn't been enough - I've fiddled with manoever nodes to see what happens if I intercept Laythe from my current orbit, and what happens is I smash into Jool. Any clever ideas for what to do? If it makes any difference, my current (stable, circular, non-inclined) orbit is just outside Vall's. Would be perfect if I was going the other way round.
  15. This might be obvious, but I've only just found this docking technique. When trying to dock two ships, I used to pilot the docker onto an imaginary line coming out of the target's docking port, kill all velocity, turn the docker to face the target, and move along the imaginary line to dock. It's much easier to get the docker flying straight towards the target, then switch to the target ship, set the docker as the target's target, rotate the target to face the docker, and switch back to the docker. Now the docker is on the imaginary line towards the target, all lined up. Doesn't work with space stations or other targets that can't be rotated easily, but for two manoeuverable ships it's great.
  16. The Kerbals have eradicated war, poverty and injustice from their society. I hope they get here soon.
  17. That's a quick rescue and a close landing. Good stuff!
  18. Thanks for the warning. I don't know why that's happened, or what I can do about it. The mod is on dropbox, which I think is OK, and the only thing the plugin does is to make an XML file of user preferences in its own directory in <your ksp folder>\GameData\Proximity\Plugins\PluginData\Proximity Shouldn't trigger any warnings.
  19. Really nice mod - just does the one thing it's meant to. Nice and simple. This would be good.
  20. I've updated to version 1.1 (fresh links and details in first post), taking into account some of the feedback above. In particular, the pitch and frequency of the alarm varies smoothly with altitude and speed, and a couple of bugs have been fixed. I had a go at adding voice messages at various altitudes, but no luck so far. I have also had a look at making the alarm an extension of MonoBehaviour, but that is still work in progress too - I thought I'd use the in-built system rather than investigating ModuleManager, as it will undoubtedly come up again in other projects. Thanks for all the feedback, keep it coming.
  21. I got to the Jool system, and landed two Kerbals on Laythe - they were supposed to come straight back, but didn't have enough fuel. I could have left them in orbit somewhere, but it will be years before the rescue arrives and they will want to stretch their legs. First time I've landed Kerbals on a body outside Kerbin's SOI.
  22. At the moment the visual bar changes colour depending on height / speed - green is 'safe', orange is 'risky', and red would appear if you hadn't crashed into the surface by then. I will have a play with the code and see if I can put a 'dangerously close / fast' alarm in. Fuel alarm is a bit harder - I'd have to calculate whether the amount of fuel is enough to get the ship safely to the surface, and I don't know how I'd begin going about that. I'd like to do that, but I don't yet know how. I will investigate, and with luck in later versions it will be possible to get the functionality without having to add a part. That's cool, where do you add that in the persistence file? True, it is in 'layers' of altitude above the ground at the moment. I'm working on making it smoother, but it's never going to be continuously-varying. KSP calls an update function in my code a certain number of times a second, and I skip a number of them depending on the altitude. I will have to do an update soon, because there is a bug where the alarm turns itself on high above a planet surface for some reason. I need to fix that, and will try to include some of your suggestions when I do. And thanks for the comments about the video clip, glad people enjoyed it.
  23. The beeps don't come out very well in the screenshots, so I've done a YouTube: Sorry about the appalling sound quality of the commentary, Lenovo's built-in microphones appear to be crap. It sounds as if I'm broadcasting from Eeloo.
  24. That's really helpful, thanks. I will check and see how they do it, and update my own project. Oh, and I got the idea from this thread, KerbMav came up with it: here.
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