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Biff Space

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Everything posted by Biff Space

  1. It depends what you mean by 'works'. In the sense "does BatteryActivator take notice of RemoteTech's connections, and only offer the 'Batteries On' button if there is a working transmission route?" then the answer is no. (ie taking 'works' to mean 'plays nicely with'.) In the opposite sense, "does BA still work, even if RT stops control of the craft?" then the answer is yes. (ie taking 'works' = 'functions despite'). I don't play with RT myself. If there is a demand for integration I could have a look to see if it is feasible.
  2. BatteryActivator - v 1.1 for KSP 1.2 BatteryActivator allows batteries on an unmanned vessel to be activated if they have been switched off to conserve power. Download v1.1 at SpaceDock Overview Since KSP 1.1, you can't use the on/off switch on a battery unless there is power available. If there is only one battery, or all batteries with charge are off, then an unmanned craft is dead - the batteries can't be activated because there is no power available... because the batteries are off! This mod automatically pops up a one-button menu if the following conditions are met: * vessel is unmanned * there are charged batteries aboard * no power is available because the batteries are switched off. The button, when clicked, switches all batteries on, so the vessel is controllable again. This also causes the conditions for the menu to appear to become false, so it disappears. There are no settings or configuration file. Installation The BatteryActivator folder needs to be unzipped and put in your KSP\GameData folder. Code The source code is in the Source folder in GameData\BatteryActivator. Version History RELEASE (2016-10-30), v - compiled with KSP 1.2 - Bug fixed - the presence of tourists used to prevent the appearance of the 'activate' GUI, now works normally for tourist-only ships. RELEASE (2016-05-01), v Licence BatteryActivator, its associated files and the source code are all released under the GPL 3 licence, text here: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt.
  3. My fault, I hadn't clicked the publish button so it was still unavailable. Should work now. Thanks for pointing that out.
  4. Jettison This mod allows individual resource tanks to be emptied from the right-click menu. Download at SpaceDock Overview Resources may be dumped from tanks using the right-click menu. This is for the cases where you have brought along monoprop in ships that don't use it or oxidizer in tanks feeding nuclear engines, or you need to get rid of extra mass by any means. A button is added to the right click menu of any tank with resources, except for electric charge, ablator, solid fuel, and ore (which already has this functionality in stock). For tanks holding both liquid fuel and oxidizer, clicking once empties the oxidizer, and a second click empties the liquid fuel. Other mod resources should be treated as stock ones, but if there are different types of mod resource held in the same tank, all will be emptied with one click. Installation The Jettison folder needs to be unzipped and put in your KSP\GameData folder. Jettison requires Module Manager, which is not included in the zip file. This should go in the GameData folder. Code The source code is in the Source folder in GameData\Jettison. Updates 2017-09-28, v1.3.0.0 - recompiled with KSP 1.3 binaries. 2016-07-05, v - Removed duplicate button from monoprop tanks - Compiled with KSP 1.1.3 binaries Licence Jettison, its associated files and the source code are all released under the GPL 3 licence, text here: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt.
  5. EveryS - v 1.0 for KSP 1.3 Say goodbye to miserable Kerbal misery, and make EveryS a BadS! If you prefer to see Kerbals grinning like maniacs rather than looking like their last hour has come, this mod will give all of them the BadS quality of Jeb and Val. Download v1.3 at SpaceDock Overview EveryS sets the 'BadS' state of all Kerbals to 'true' - original four, new hires, rescued Kerbals and tourists. This means that except for when bits of their vessel are exploding, they grin and look happy rather than having their expressions set by their courage trait, often looking miserable at the least bit of danger. (The courage is unchanged if you are using mods which do something with it.) There are no settings or configuration file. Installation The EveryS folder needs to be unzipped and put in your KSP\GameData folder. Code The source code is in the Source folder in GameData\EveryS. Version History RELEASE (2017-09-26), v - recompiled with 1.3 binaries. RELEASE (2016-05-01), v - recompiled with 1.1.2 binaries. RELEASE (2016-04-29), v - recompiled with 1.1.1 binaries. RELEASE (2016-04-28), v Licence EveryS, its associated files and the source code are all released under the GPL 3 licence, text here: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt.
  6. Hi, I like this a lot. Great idea! I have tweaked my version a bit to get a continuous colour change between 90% and 10%, so it fades through yellow and orange in tiny steps. public void FixedUpdate() { if (lightMat != null && electricCharge != null) { float percentRemaining = ((float)(electricCharge.amount / electricCharge.maxAmount) * 100); Color indicatorColour; if (percentRemaining > threshHigh) { indicatorColour = new Color(0.098f, 0.961f, 0f, 1f); // Stock green. } else if (percentRemaining > threshLow) { float fraction = percentRemaining / 100f; indicatorColour = new Color(Mathf.Lerp(1.0f, 0.1f, fraction), Mathf.Lerp(0.1f, 0.96f, fraction), 0.0f, 1f); } else if (percentRemaining > 0.5) // The battery may not be able to be drained entirely. { indicatorColour = Color.red; } else { indicatorColour = Color.black; } lightMat.color = indicatorColour; } } threshHigh and threshLow are 90 and 10, obvs. Just putting it out there.
  7. There's a mod which gives you an in-game version of the AlexMoon planner: If you use KAC, you can click on the porkchop plot to pick a transfer, click a button, and you get an alarm set for that transfer. The alarm has burn dV and other details in the text, and another button will even draw the ejection angle on the map screen. It's excellent.
  8. I second the recommendation of Kerbal Inventory System. I installed it for my current career-mode game and it gives you a lot more flexibility with a few stored parts. Examples: * I found that solar panels don't really cut it around Jool, but I had already sent three biggish vessels there. Instead of sending replacements for each one (expensive), I sent a small supply ship with an engineer and a bunch of RTGs to provide power to the existing ships. * Before I'd unlocked rovers, I could do rover-like missions on Minmus by sending an engineer with a probe core and a scientific instrument to EVA to the various sample points. * One-use supply ships can be stripped of small radial parts like batteries, solar panels, lights, RCS blocks etc before being junked. Awesome mod.
  9. Dres is awesome! If you like rovers, Dres is the place! It is like Ike, but instead of loooong smooth inclines, it's all kind of bumpy, so you bounce and rattle up and down hill. Best driving in the system, without exception. Dres! Dres! Dres! Visit Dres!
  10. I have updated Proximity to work with the current version of KSP ( I know there will be another KSP out soon, but I have just come back to KSP and I hope some of you will get some fun out of the new version. Sorry for the lack of updates for the last year. In the future, I hope to keep the project compatible with whatever new releases of KSP come out, but I do not plan to significantly add or alter functionality. If you wish to make your own version, you have my blessing.
  11. I made a lander which drops the rover from about 1m, then raises the landing legs, which positions the ship's docking port at just the right height to re-attach. On Minmus it can hop to several different locations before needing to re-supply, Mun it can do a couple of nearby locations, Duna it needs to go back to an orbital fuel depot every trip. NavyFish's docking port alignment indicator is pretty handy for lining up the rover.
  12. I wrote a small mod which does this - the name of the biome is displayed, and you can add biomes that you've already taken science from to a list. There is a de-warp feature which allows you to do science over biomes which aren't on the list, but skip over ones you've already visited. It is a part that you add to ships, but by default there is a ModulaManager config file in the install package which adds it to all command module type parts. Link in my sig, below. Edit: VOID and KER also give biome data.
  13. Glad you like the mod! It should be possible to add a voice warning, I will have a look. I don't know how real ground proximity warning systems sound, though. What do they say, and when?
  14. You can lock the brakes by holding down 'B' (until stationary), timewarp, release 'B', switch off timewarp. Brakes stay on. But it would be good to have a single key to do it.
  15. The Fine Print mod has rover search contracts, where you have to visit a cluster of up to 7 waypoints in a wheeled vehicle to complete the contract. (Among other new contract types). I really like this mod.
  16. Reference to Sandra Bullock / George Clooney film 'Gravity', where orbital debris hits a space station and hilarity ensues. It actually deletes it from the game, it doesn't just stop tracking it.
  17. Let's have some love for the Mun. I luurve the Mun, I luurve craters. I luurve them. Fun landing? Mun Landing! Land in a canyon if you dare! Rover in and out of craters! And Biomes! And did I mention craters? Ooh, nearly forgot! CRATERS!
  18. I quite like just driving about, picking a lake / crater / mountain / weird brown valley (depending on planet) and going off to it, but recently I've been playing rover missions from Fine Print, which give you a cluster of waypoints to drive through for science and funds. I recommend this if you use mods and want a purpose to driving rovers.
  19. It just means switch off SAS / RCS and cut throttle. It's to prevent incidents like this one where I completed the contract during a crash landing. I really like the rover missions now. The scatter distance and detector sensitivity are just right IMHO.
  20. I wrote another mod that does this. VOID, MechJeb and KER all give biome data, but they take up a lot of screen space, so I did a purpose built biome identifier. The window is tiny so you get to see more of the planet. It also features a de-warper to slow you when you get to a new biome, and you can add biomes you've already visited to a list so that the de-warper isn't activated if there's no new science. Link in my sig.
  21. I'm getting this for rover missions too (haven't tried aerial recon). When a mission is finished, they disappear, but then they re-appear and stick around. I think (but not sure) that they re-appear when you visit the mission control building again. (Edit, it isn't the mission building: re-loaded game straight into flight mode, went to space centre, went to tracking station, and the finished missions were on the map as well as the current ones.) Also, I know that upthread someone wanted less distance between the waypoints, but I want more! At the moment, you can complete a mission by landing a rover in the middle of the cluster, and don't even have to drive at all. Sorry for being a PITA, but could you put waypoint spread and detection distance in a config file, so people can make missions that suit them? Pretty please!
  22. Enjoying this mod a lot, but I noticed one thing you could improve. I successfully landed a ground station on the Mun, and was immediately rewarded with the contract completion goodies. But, I landed on the side of a crater, and a couple of minutes later the fine Munbase that they had paid for was a command module in a field of debris. Maybe you should add a time interval or a velocity check, or both, before changing the status to completed.
  23. 3 issues, 2 major one minor: 1) I have the same issue as Apollo13 - conditions all ticked green in the mission summary box, but trying to start scan gives 'vessel needs to be in orbit'. persistent and log files. Ship is called 'Munsat'. 2) I launched a comsat with a repair panel, and got the mission to go and repair it. Completed successfully. I undocked, and moved the repair ship to a different orbit (I'd forgotten to put parachutes on, and it still had 2 repair parts, so I left it for next time.) When I looked in mission building again, there was another repair mission for a vessel called mk1pod. There is no ship of this name, but I thought maybe the docking had scrambled the naming and that it was the same pair of ships (at this point they were the only two things in existence apart from debris and flags). BUt they weren't. Docking again produced a message saying wrong ship: They are in the same persistence file linked above, called ComSat Repairer, still docked (clawed) together. 3) A minor issue as well, I bought two kerbals, sent them off on a mission, deleted the 'bought kerbal' notes, and changed to a different vessel. The notes re-appeared. Deleted them again, changed to a third vessel, notes were back. Minor issue though. Really enjoying the mod, though!
  24. Just calling them credits would have been unimaginative and a missed opportunity to create game atmosphere. I quite like funds or roots. Not so mad on more 'K' words.
  25. Thanks, Stevie_D, glad it's useful. nismobg, for any other purpose I'd have to get a different mic, but for space-themed stuff it works quite well.
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