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Everything posted by Vaporo

  2. No, science data should not be available in sandbox mode. Science is the key things that divides career mode from Sandbox. If science were available in Sandbox, many players would just bypass career mode and simply get the science data from Sandbox mode. Of course, this may become a non-issue in 0.24 with the addition of budgets. Also, if science data continues to be unavailable in Sandbox, I would be in favor of fully disabling the experiment functions of science parts in Sandbox mode instead of giving me an annoying message when I try to do an experiment.
  3. Banned for thinking that climbing into a rocket engine is a bad idea.
  4. Stanley is promptly eaten by a large lion. After passing through its digestive tract, Stanley takes a loooooooong shower. Narrator: Stanley steps out of the shower to find that somebody has stolen his cheap digital watch. Enraged, he devotes his life to tracking down the watch thief.
  5. Narrator: Stanley sees an Iron Man suit propped up against the back wall. He chooses to get in. P.S. You should adjust the rules. A better way to play this game would be that posters must first respond to the previous poster's narrator, and then create their own narrator command. Or, the players could alternate between being the narrator and Stanley. In other word, if the previous poster was the narrator, then the next poster must be Stanley, and vice versa. Also, the instructions you have are a little bit confusing. I will attempt to rewrite it to clarify. _______________________________________________________________________________________ So, has anyone ever heard of the Stanley Parable? In the game "the Stanley Parable", a mindless office worker named Stanley one day finds that he has had no tasks scheduled for the day. Stanley then goes off to explore the building, which he find empty and devoid of life. The game progresses via a narrator, who will suggest that Stanley take a particular route through the building. However, Stanley can choose to take a different route than what the narrator suggests, which will cause the narrator to become annoyed and pressure Stanley to get back on track. I figured we could do something like that as a forum game. So, here goes. RULES: The story starts off with a man named Stanley. The story cannot deviate from Stanley or choose a different main character. Stanley must be the focus of the story. (This is a rule that I think that you should add. It was not in your original post) A player can say either what Stanley does/thinks, or say what the narrator says/thinks, but cannot give what the narrator says AND Stanley's reaction. Here is an example: Player One: Narrator: Stanley enters a huge, decrepit room that was once clearly the home of advanced technology. In the center of the room, there is a strange glowing blue gun with the words "Aperture Science" written on the side. Stanley picks this up. Player Two: Stanley, having played portal 2, knows better than to pick up the gun and continues on his way. Remember, Stanley doesn't HAVE to follow what the narrator tells him to do. The second player can contradict the first or, probably funnier, lampshade Stanley's constant need to disobey the Narrator. This continues until we reach an end. At that point, we will begin again. Only I will decide when we've reached an ending. For those of you who need extra background, here is the introductory cutscene from the Stanley Parable, in transcript form: "This is the story of a man named Stanley. Stanley worked for a company in a big building where he was employee number 427. Employee Number 427's job was simple: he sat at his desk in room 427, and he pushed buttons on a keyboard. Orders came to him through a monitor on his desk, telling him what buttons to push, how long to push them, and in what order. This is what Employee 427 did every day of every month and every year, and although others might have considered it soul-rending, Stanley relished every moment that the orders came in, as though he had been made exactly for this job. And Stanley was happy. And then one day, something very peculiar happened. Something that would forever change Stanley. Something he would never quite forget. He had been at his desk for nearly an hour when he realized that not one single order had arrived on the monitor for him to follow. No-one had showed up to give him instructions, call a meeting, or even say Hi. Never in all his years at the company had this happened - this complete isolation. Something was very clearly wrong. Shocked, frozen solid, Stanley found himself unable to move for the longest time. But as he came to his wits and regained his senses, he got up from his desk and stepped out of his office." And now, I'll start the game. Stanley wandered through the office, searching for some clue as to where his coworkers had gone. _____________________________________________________________________________________________ I hope that doing this doesn't make me seem pretentious. I will edit the changes out of this post if you ask. Hope this helps, Vaporo
  6. It will not come back, as it was sent to soldiers on the battlefield as sustenance. I am Sheldon Cooper. The next poster is in my spot. This is their third strike and they must now attend my class.
  7. Granted. You are now a soulless corrupt sociopath who carries out the horrible and clever corruptions he develops. I wish to have a portal gun.
  8. Floor 768: The entire floor looks like a cartoon desert, and you are so fascinated by a bird that you see that you do not notice yourself walking off of a cliff into midair.
  9. You are banned for using improper grammar. (You did not capitalize the first letter of your sentence.)
  10. I am Sheldon Cooper. You're in my spot. My Spot
  11. Aside from female Kerbals, (which I really hope happens, by the way) The obvious changes are hair styles and slightly differing facial features. For example, Kerbals could have: Taller or shorter heads. Head shape variation. (A while ago someone suggested that female Kerbals have rounded corners on their heads. Actually, it was in the already-referenced http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/...rbals-awesomer suggestion) Wider or thinner mouths. Chin prominence. Missing/gold teeth. A variety of hairstyles. Hair color variation. Facial hair? Eyebrows/eyelashes. Skin tone variations. (Maybe these could change with exposure to different environments. Being exposed to sunlight gives either a darker green (tanning) or brownish tint (sunburn) depending on the Kerbal's preprogrammed coloration variables.) Eye size. Eye shape. Eye color. Age/wrinkles. Scars? Different builds. (ie, shoulder width, body width, chest thickness) Arm length. Leg length. Body length Fatness. Muscularity (more or less muscular.) Hair on the arms/hands of some naturally muscular Kerbals. Nose shape. (they don't have noses right now, so all noses, if they are used, should not be very prominent in order to make sure that they always look recognizably like the Kerbals we have now.) Of course, any of these would have to be applied with moderation, otherwise you risk making them not look like Kerbals or simply look ugly (of course, having a few ugly Kerbals could give an interesting mechanic where ugly Kerbals are less likely to be accepted by their peers, so they work harder to compensate.) Maybe Kerbals could also have armbands on their Eva and Iva suits to indicate their rank.
  12. YES! YES! I'm not really sure what I can say here except "YES!" I hate having to mess around with maneuver nodes that reverse my direction, hoping that I can luck out and end my "pull" on my maneuver node's retrograde tab with the maneuver facing the opposite direction. I agree with all points made in the original post.
  13. Granted. The forums are deleted because there are so many of them, they are totally inseparable. I wish that my car ran on nuclear fusion by extracting hydrogen from water (and therefore needs only water to run).
  14. Banned for using the pan as a weapon instead of cooking bacon.
  15. I am wearing THE MASK (from the movie) and, being a living cartoon, simply swallow the grenade. While still wearing THE MASK, I attack the next poster. (Oh, and the sun has just set a few minutes ago.)
  16. Hmm... Well, first of all, you would want to add something to in-flight GUI so that you can tell exactly what upgrades you are using on a part. It could get annoying trying to remember exactly what upgrades you are using on your craft. Second of all, it would be equally annoying to have to remember which parts you have chosen to upgrade and which parts you have not while in the VAB. Now, after that little bit of skepticism, I would like to say that your suggestion, if it were implemented, would be a very good way to get rid of those annoying times when you need just a little bit more efficiency, or just a little more thrust, but there is no part that meets your exacting specifications, and you are forced to settle with something that is only close to what you need. Though there are a few suggested upgrades that I have issues with. Aerodynamics-upgrade lift ratio- I think that this is kind of ridiculous from an aerodynamics perspective. (of course, all KSP aerodynamics are ridiculous as it stands now.) To change the lift-to-drag ratio in way that would seem realistic would involve changing the shape of the wing, which you said that you did not want to happen. Command Pods-upgrade electric charge- I don't think longer recharge times should be implemented (at least, not yet) because of gameplay issues and the fact that no other batteries have a limit on recharge speed. Propulsion-Fuel Tanks- Realistically, the wall on liquid fuel tanks would be pretty thin as it is, (I think I read somewhere that kerosene tanks are about 1% of the mass of their fuel) and reducing it would vastly reduce structural integrity and give virtually no capacity increase. This may be viable on xenon tanks though. Fuel and Engines- modular fuel controller- Adjusting the fuel:oxidizer ratio on engines could lead a whole host of annoying design problems. Even with modular fuel bladders, you would have to remember to tweak all of the tanks that will be running that engine. (And implementing an auto-tweak could be frustrating as fuel flow through non-stacked fuel tanks is kind of confusing.) Also, if you want to increase thrust or ISP I think it would be better that the upgrade just be a simple +10 isp for +.1 weight. Otherwise, I am neutral on this suggestion. At some times, I think that it would just be confusing to have variable stats on parts. At others, it would be quite convienient. Also, very good job on the post itself. So many suggestions will have a total of one (grammatically incorrect) sentence in the original post. So good to see a well-developed idea for once.
  17. Yep. I think this has been suggested a couple of times, and I totally agree with it. I'm not sure about the oft-suggested thing where you just add to the center of mass of the parent part, though. Realistically, the center of mass of the parent part should shift as well. I'm just not comfortable with the idea that I could add fifty solar panels onto one side of a structural beam without unbalancing it. Also, I think that the official reason that this was done was to reduce the load on the physics engine of having to account for all of those insignificant little parts hanging off the side of rockets. Don't take my word on that, though.
  18. Creepers spawn in an unlit sector of your cave and detonate in your lobby. My Crater
  19. I am now an invulnerable golem who's only mission in life is to rip the next poster into tiny little pieces.
  20. Granted. However, the game is no longer any fun. I wish to be able to eat as much bacon as I want without gaining wait or getting high cholesterol.
  21. Banned for thinking that Kerbals need motivation to strap themselves to boosters.
  22. The genie becomes enraged and attacks you. I wish for my next wish to come out exactly the way I want it to.
  23. Floor 757: What you see is so horrible and ungodly that you delete it from your memory.
  24. I am from the circus, so I set the chainsaw on fire and start juggling it. I ask for another object to juggle, and my assistant, who has lost his glasses, throws me the next poster, who arrives on an unfortunate trajectory that happens to intersect that of the chainsaw.
  25. Granted, but I have no idea what you just said, so nothing happens and you have used up your third and final wish. *goes back into lamp* I wish to know what it is like to be imperfect without experiencing it.
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