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Everything posted by Vaporo

  1. Granted. You get a free Gavino bean (which are totally nonexistent, so you get nothing.) I wish that I could hear what everyone around me is thinking.
  2. If I see an opportunity to post Mr. Stay Puft, I take it.
  3. Vaporo

    Salty Spitoon

    I'm so tough, jars are afraid to open when they are in my hands. Welcome to Canned Beans 'R Us. How tough are you?
  4. Banned for being the last post I saw before banning you.
  5. That may be a better option, but it could be difficult to implement as the aerodynamics are a core game function, and simply "swapping out" realistic aero for simplified aero could be hard on the game's code. (Which I don't know anything about, by the way. Feel free to contradict me.)
  6. First of all, I think that destructible terrain would be an interesting feature, but not the way that the OP wants. (takes away from the main focus of the game, I think. Not to mention huge RAM-CPU usage and enormous savefiles that would occur because of this) I would be more interested in impact craters. They wouldn't take up too much space in the saves, as they could be defined by a simple set of shape and size parameters. However, what the OP is suggesting is downright absurd in a game like KSP. KSP is about exploration and overcoming engineering challenges, not slinging mud and making big ruts in the ground with your tires. And, yes, I suppose that you could argue that making a rover that can drive through thick mud is an engineering challenge in and of itself, but still, my point stands. Secondly, Warsoul: you do know that there is Google Translate for times when you're not certain if your English is correct, right? The translations between French and English are usually pretty good, I think. Thirdly, I am only posting in this thread because it is yet again at the top of the forum. It's been well established that almost nobody likes this idea. If you are posting with nothing more than another "NO," or criticism of the OP, please don't post. If you don't agree with an idea and it has already been discussed for a reasonable amount of time, you shouldn't bump the thread. Gah! I sound like a moderator!
  7. But what happens when someone detaches a part? Does detached the part keep the mass added by the adjunct pieces on all of the undetached parts, or does it instantly decrease in mass? Also, people could make ridiculously unbalanced probes with this model. If you're designing a really tiny probe, you could add a huge number of relatively light but still very significant adjunct parts on only one side without affecting stability, when your center of mass should shift a huge way to one side.
  8. You know, we could have both aerodynamic models. Just put a slider/check box in the settings to enable realistic (FAR-like) or simplified (like what we have now) aerodynamics. That way, we can have realistic aerodynamics AND aerodynamics that allow for crazy unrealistic Whackjob-esque designs, depending on what each player wants. That's how I would go about it. Of course, then you have problems with people designing rockets in simplified mode, then sharing them with others who play in realistic mode and discover that the designs don't work for them. It would create a minor divide in the community.
  9. Banned for not believing everything everyone says.
  10. Not sure who that is, but he's not a Ghostbuster, so...
  11. Could you alphabetize the list? It would make searching easier. Maybe also add a section for "recently tested mods." Also, a old version of KAS was causing game crashes for me.
  12. 798: A room made entirely of bacon. You don't leave this floor for five hundred years.
  13. AS I get back in the elevator at floor 48 (after running my errand on floor 47), I see a man wearing a horse head. I don't like horses. I press all the buttons in the elevator, as I am only going to the next floor.
  14. Granted. Nothing ever gets done anymore because people are too busy saying "No, I'll take out the garbage for you." "No, you relax, I'll do it." "No, I'll do it." "I'll do it!" "I'll do it!" "I'll do it!"... and so on and so forth. I wish to become a successful Ghostbuster.
  15. I continue your thought (... aaaand Chuck Norris is roundhouse kicking me in the face.) My ...
  16. Granted. I hand you a Philips head screwdriver. I wish to be capable of making any object, including myself, invisible or visible at will.
  17. Banned for having the letters 'a' and 'g' next to each other.
  18. After some more experimenting, I am finding that it can help reduce crash rates to try and toggle the debug console on and off a few times before every scene change. I still don't know why, but it seems to be preventing several game crashes at certain points. Maybe it's just coincidence, though. But it does seem to be affecting something. (see my previous post)
  19. http://i1-news.softpedia-static.com/images/news2/What-is-Dry-Ice-2.jpg
  20. Banned for having vowels in your post.
  21. Vaporo

    Salty Spitoon

    I'm so tough that trucks have to watch out for me when they cross the street. WELCOME TO THE BORG COLLECTIVE. HOW TOUGH ARE YOU?
  22. Dry ice has no liquid state, and therefore cannot technically melt.
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