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Everything posted by KingPhantom

  1. my gilly rocket: RCS powered lander: 1000m/s Transfer and Orbit Stage: 9900m/s Lifterstage: 5000m/s the first 400m/s of the transfer from kerbin to eve were from the lifter stage. the return was a waste of fuel because i only want to go back fast. used 2000m/s and was back in LKO with 3000m/s left. three of the biggest of the smallest tanks (radial mounted) where still full
  2. i was on gilly. was an amazing adventure... a slow adventure... then i build a space port for my interplanetar vessels and landers a little bit wobbly...
  3. thats great. thx for linking the *.craft. i will have a look on that beast. i'm bad at spaceplanes but i will learn it.
  4. just a side question to this topic. when i check the deltaV for eve orbit.... i do the following math: 4550 + 950 + 80 + 1310 = 6890 (and for the return i think i need 2000 to be safe. => 8890m/s) start from kerbin + (leaving kerbin?) + (transfer to eve with intercept?) + get a low eve orbit. are the 950 + 80 the transfer? is that correct? i need near 10000m/s for that. and even more for gilly... dres is much cheaper! https://i.imgur.com/ENCurMH.png
  5. i found some ways to change the color of some parts. that worked well. but with some parts i have serious problems. the lander can mk1 is one of them. check the texture files of stock. ther is none. only a transparent grey file. nothing of the texture. there have to be a door and the scratches on the surface. in the model file are only the mbm refered from the same folder. nothing extern. hmmm...
  6. i was on eve. but only on eve. it was planned to visit gilly too. but this is pain. you need a huge amount of deltaV for gilly... awesome! my ride. i used my on-trip-for-duna-and-ike lander withe mobile lab. i refueled an remanned it. because i used docking ports for launch into LKO i was able to simple add another module with a small eve-lander-probe and rover.
  7. Darthzeus, for the "Land on Eve" Mission i forgot the Science JR!!! hehehehe. but it was a sucess i will not land manned and never accept a "plant a flag on eve" mission. because i'm not able to bring the kerbal back.
  8. my jeb did all the 0.24.2 evas until i used a mobile lab at duna. there where 2 evas for bill and 2 for bob. but jeb was all alone on ike (with 2 empty seats next to him). he's just a BadS for BadS-fuel-tight-missions!
  9. really good crafts in here. but why nobody has science there? on every lander i have a science jr. it's difficult to build it in in a lander but worth the try. my newest duna lander. i was able to get back to orbit, redock with my interplanetary stage, refuel, undock, travel to ike, land, return, redock in duna orbit and went home! 4000 science because my interplanetary stage have a mobile lab with bill and bob in it. all stock with 2x LV-909 next to the science jr.
  10. i finished the tech tree of my 0.24.2 career and was on my biggest mission. i visited duna (orbit & landing) and ike (orbit & landing) in 1 mission and back in a 100km kerbin orbit i had 180m/s delta V left . It was a hell of an adventure for jeb, bob, bill and me . 4000 science because i had a mobile lab with me. the craft was putted together in LKO and contains a lander and a transfer&science stage. great craft for a great mission. for a duna landing or ike landing only the craft has more than enough delta V.. now i finished the techtree and have ~8mio funds
  11. Ruairi Walden If you don't know: Watch! He's calmy voice is great
  12. i copied this one: changed the yellow part of the texture to a purple and wrote a new CFG file for it. now i have a 1400 units xenon tank! tested it on minmus and pol. works great for a lander!
  13. more planets??? in carrer i only was on duna and passed by eve... nothing more....
  14. the 2 posts are good answers. i can only add the fact, that's easier to meet againg with the orbiter when this one has a inclanation of 0° or 180°... otherwise you have use a lot of fuel to meet again (because of the body's own rotation)
  15. they are kerbals! of course will they stuck in the orbit every kerbal-hour! they are KERBALS!!! don't ask questions - rescue them FAST!
  16. i often accept 3-5 contracts at the time and build one creepy megarocket to get all contracts done in one launch. i have to us the "go back to launch" feature often but it's a nice "try and error" thing . just a little hint to all who attach engines on the side for testing (like me). set the thurst limiter to 0. the test will work but the rocket will not spin out of control. and use the "run test" feature if there are not all parts ready for working. it should be enough to get the contract done.
  17. title: {# of landing} Landing ({craft name}) plaque text: {full kerbonaut name}
  18. you can find my flags here: http://omfg.ch/ksp/flags/ feel free to download and use them! i will update them and add some more i think. the grey one with the kerbin system (WITH minmus - not only mun like on the stock flag) is my favorit in the moment. i will also add a MOD download link when i'm at home where you can donwload all the flags in one simple and easy mod!
  19. i often use the revert to launch function if something goes horrible wrong!
  20. do you have those pictures for all the bodys in the solar system? i never wait for the window. i shoot mi out of kerbin and adjust the hohmann there EDIT: Ignore it! i have everything on the site you posted!
  21. hmmm. i already rescured 2 of them... the easiest missions ever with a lot of funds winning... just use the target- and navball functions
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