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Everything posted by KingPhantom

  1. they only go with hyperedit to orbit, correct? still awesome!
  2. i hate perfect orbits... try to catch the AP or PE of a perfect orbit in orbital map view... good luck...
  3. you know the correct way how to play KSP... teach me master!
  4. Spaceplane+ or Kerbal Orbiter Mod. I don't think that it is a resource mod. thats too "sci-fi"... i hope they don't insert something unrealistic... with spaceplan+ or the orbiter they have something great and many waited for that. and with the nasa addon its realistic to have space shuttles. that's an important NASA part i'm missing. also it could be mechjeb or kerbal engineer. they said in the past that they will intregrate something like kerbal engineer.
  5. does that work? i read that the dropped parts will despawn when they are more than 3km away from my active craft. doen't matter if they have a probe in it. when they fall back to kerbin they despawn
  6. for you it's probably nothing badass. but i startet a science carrer (like in pre 0.24) and after 1h jeb puts a foot on the mun. i only used 2 mun-flybys (free return) for the science i needed to land on the mun. i think it's the 5th carrer i started and after go thorugh a tons of contracts i need a science carrer
  7. the mission: explore JOOL, explore & land bop, explore & land pol! (my first carrer start to the joolian system.) because it was my first mission to jool i deceided to to unmanned. it was the right decision! the craft: it has 3 satellites on top and 3 lander modules with rovers on the bottom. i only needed 2 rovers but forgot that during building... so i had one rover left for someting. i used the SLS & heavy rocketery parts to push this into LKO don't ask me why that works... it was wobbling around but stays stable . pol was first... gefolgt von bop i deployed on every sation a sattelite and if possible a lander with rover. then i had one rover left because i can't count to 2 or 3 so i choosed a moon and landed on it... vall the last thing was to place the last satellite between laythe and vall... and then say farewell to a great but not perfect craft... after the transit from bop to vall i knew that it was a one way mission (i thought it during building because 9000 deltaV for the interplanetary stage was to low for that... it was a success... i spent over 300'000 funds in the craft and get NOTHING back but i earned a lot more for the 3 contracts
  8. try the following: disable the torch on the probe of your rover. the torche will spin the rover. and don't use the wheels straight. rotate them to the outside. so the rover looks like a spider. the following rover works also perfect on duna (of course you have to be carefull every time. but it works)
  9. i really like minmus in the kerbin system. but out of the kerbin system duna is the place to be. nice to reach and as easy as mun with enough detaV... the red atmosphere and the different red colors of the hills rocks . look for the dark spot in orbit view. its around 0° inclanation. i also like the purple feeling of eve. love to race my rover there
  10. In my actual carrer (not old carrer or sandbox or hyperedit) Manned: Kerbin Mun Minmus Duna Ike Gilly Probe: Eve Next Target: Jool System my old wish: Walking on Dres The hardest one was GILLY... orbiting and descending with 20m/s... zZzZzZzZ... and try not to flip the craft while exiting and entering it...
  11. The Stock "Explore"-Missions don't require to plant a flag. so you can do all with probes and rovers. I did the "Explore Eve"-Contract that way. Now i have a little friend on the surface of Eve. It's a lot of fun with a good rover design (Don't forget to disable Torche of the probe and add lights ). I decline the Plant a Flag on Eve missions every time.
  12. i try to prevent but if it doesnt work it will float in orbit forever
  13. friend played it at a LAN party... i watched about 10 mins and tried it on his machine. 30mins after that i got the game via steam . since there i only play KSP at the moment... it was months ago after the release of 0.23.5
  14. i extended my satellite "send date from" system with eve and gilly. now i have satellites in the orbit of kerbin, mun, minmus, duna, ike, eve and gilly.
  15. thx. that worked for me. i exported a non alpha version. so i can study the stock textures. thx! the reason is that i would have textures for my little mod that are exaclty like the stock textures.
  16. the plugin superpng doesn't work for me. every time i got the same effect. i think the problem is the change from mbm to png or tga. i use mbm2png7 for that... but i think thats not as go as i thought.
  17. you can unlock the whole techtree only with kerbin, mun and minmus i often was only in kerbin's soi. but i discovered the interplanetary travels for me. but i hate to wait for the windows. i dont like to timewarp 1 to 2 years... thats a waste. but you have to wait for the windows. so i get out of kerbin and warp to the window and do a hoheman transfer. easy as that. the new contracts are perfect for exploration. i waited for the right contracts and then had a motivation to to de job. now i'm heading the first time in carrer to jool. was there in sandbox but nothing more.
  18. http://img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20130824200436/clashofclans/images/c/ce/Why_not_both%3F.jpg i use SLS parts in a asparagus staged lifter!!!
  19. ah SLS = heaviest rocketery i use them in 0.24.2 carrer since i was over 5 to 7 mio funds... to thest the KR-2L in eve orbig gave me 5 mio. so i have enough to put everything with this big rockets into orbit and beyond
  20. is there a plugin to load mbm files directly to PS? CS2 or CS5... The SuperPNG Plugin does nothing to me. It could be because i tested it on CS2... but recommended is CS3
  21. as you has seen in this thread i was on gilly yesterday (http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/29533-What-did-you-do-in-KSP-today?p=1335603&viewfull=1#post1335603) and i forgot to post something special: during the small eve aerobreak (i had enough deltaV) i tested the Kerbodyne KR-2L Advanced Engine (the second biggest in the game) in eve orbit between 91000m and 102000m (during aerobreaking). i used the "run test" function during aerobreaking with thurst set to 0. test was perfect. now guess the funds they gave me... yes. up to 5'000'000.... now i have 14'900'000... all my future rockets will have a lot more BOAAASTERS!!!
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