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Everything posted by KingPhantom

  1. the kerbal will fall into jool. he cant plant anything on there where is no collision model.
  2. so i stuck on 3.7million funds... i an live with that... i launched some satellites for the "get sience from"-contracts... for each body in the kerbin system is that 50k funds... but i hope to get it back with the contracts. they give up to 80k
  3. everything in the sphere of influence (SOI) will fall back to the object when it's not enough fast... only when the speed of the object can beat the gravity it "stays up" in a stable orbit. thats in real world and ksp the same... just slow the orbit speed down and watch in orbital map whats happen... it's the same when you slow down a plane during flight thats physics... science, b**ch!
  4. its the gameplay. i find it great. now its usefull to place probe satellites around the objects! that was something i missed before 0.24! when you calculate all there is no big step ahead. of course you can make funds in a second. but you will loose this funds in a "plant a flag mission". they only give much funds when you do the plant a flag mission togehter with "send science from orbits". and you loose the funds from placing a satellite in the orbits. because they wont return. so in fact for me it's only another way to do the job. not "bug using" or cheating.
  5. ... because im broke joking. but it was in a early state of my new carrer. i had to do land part testings because the leak of funds
  6. decouplers dont have a "run test" point in the menu... so you have to time them in the staging correct. if you right click and "decouple" it doesnt count. probably a bug. all other parts i saw have a "run test". thats the best way to do it. or with staging. but "run test" is more easier... (just activating the engine with right click doesnt work like decouple)
  7. so it doesnt matter if i try to save some debris? it will dissappear anyway? i saw that but i was not sure if it's really so. so you really don't care about the decoupled stuff.
  8. did you return with this one? not really, correct?
  9. same here. check the funds. it's not that cheap and makes sense to bring it back (i also have batteries on it).
  10. thats my learning too with 0.24. i used booster and aditional lifter engines with paracutes. but if they landed unmanned and without a probe correctly on the ground they disappeared... so i wasn't able to recover them in the tracking station... now i save the cost of paracutes. i just drop the s**t off... i only try to get back the whole lander module and not just the capsule. i often manage to save some fuel for breaking burns before touchdown. thats the best way for me.
  11. in the old carrer mode i often used a big tank with the 120 thurst radial engines (the white aerodynamic ones ). but with funds it's difficult. for my mun missions i used a main tank with one 909 engine and radial mounted 3 to 4 droppable tanks. like in the picture of DBT85. but my problem is that i will bring the landing gear back. so i have to put that near the center. because of this my lander can only land on really FLAT SPOTS
  12. hahahahaha! made my day! badass jeb will do it even it's impossible!
  13. i often had money problems in the new carrer mode. but i managed it to the mun. my rocket wasnt that cheap but i get a lot of money out of that. yesterday i packed some 2 and 3 star "part test" missions in kerbin orbit (the heaviest engine and engine cluster with the atomic engines, 2 tiny engines and some radial decouplers). i managed an orbit and changed the height an the PE or AP to spare fuel. i was able to do every test (except the decoupler... this one failed) and brought all back except the cluster engines and 5 orange tanks.... i landet the rocket next to the KSP (only with luck) i made it with this single mission from 300k to 3million funds... don't know how but now i'm a rich kerbal
  14. left click? in my x64 the rightclick works only on every second or third click.
  15. splashed down is "landed on water". just land it in the water (with paracutes)
  16. Jeb, Bill and Bob are my best guys. I use them for every important mission. They are the Rockstars in every save i have. Station Crew are all other guys...
  17. i can do it in my sleep too. i saw videos from guys doing a landing without nodes. it was inpossible for me. but now i do it the same way wait for the mun on the horizon and fire!
  18. great rocket design! it looks so easy... i dont know how to aerobreak. i dont go deep enough or too deep...
  19. is it possible to use the existing stock skins and edit them like i want? they are in the asset folder of the game, correct? i copied some parts to an "own mod" and changed them. but i want to change their skin a bit.... based on the original stock ones...
  20. genau das meine ich danke. ich will ohne mods spielen. auch ohne mechjeb. ich dachte immer diese grafischen aufwertungen sind mods. aber wenn das schon ingame einstellbar ist bin ich happy
  21. i will give them a try. its all stock with no mods correct? problem is that not returning probes have a penalty for sending the science. hoping that will be removed for probes (not for manned vessels)
  22. ich spiele komplett ohne MODs. welche werden empfohlen? wenn ich mods installiere dann nur grafische. ich will keine neuen bauteile. ich will nur STOCK spielen und die spielmechanik nicht verändern. ich sehe aber immer screenshots mit steinen auf dem Mun. das habe ich zB nicht. was ist das für ein mod? das visual enhancement mod? ich habe auch astrodingsums V3 HD texutre mod gefunden. ist das auch rein grafisch? das setzt aber andere mods voraus, oder?
  23. i managed the rover to flip... on minimus DL link will follow. i added parascutes for DUNA and an SAS wheel for a bit mor controlling. i think i will add some more lamps. credits to you
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