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Everything posted by KingPhantom

  1. was on duna with it. it tooked ages until i understand how to do the things (with manual). i had a 3 year trip for duna. the transfer back to kerbin was the hardest part. ejection on duna. decrease my PE to 16bio km. than adjust the AP. than wait a year for kerbin. set target on kerbin. make course correction to encounter 22km into kerbins atmosphere. wait another 288 days to finally land on kerbin YAY please more of stock rockets like that i would enjoy it. edit: i updated the kassandra a little bit yesterday night. i have to test it. i will send a DL link to you (personal message) this weekend.
  2. H20. just some imputs if you allow it: i miss the SAS wheel in the first stage. you could add it in the center rocket of the 5 starters... would be better for persicion streering because you dont use RCS. i think i will add some lamps to the lander do you think that will work? the wheel and lamps? or is that to much weight (i don't have much experience in that game )
  3. i used everything except the ion fuel. because i still had the lander with me . i messed it up... i checked kassandra in the VAB... its just great. i got so many details on that think i never thought of. the ion ring is a masterpiece. i would never have such an idea. so its great that you show your rocket. so i can use some ideas on my own rockets. its great. i tested the "covered" rocket. and startet against the kerbin spin (270° instead of 90°). it was very difficult to reacht a stable orbit. but i had to switch to the normal rocket. after that i was able for a transferburn to mun. i used the atomic engins only to make an orbit on the mun. than i switched to the lander. it has a good amount of fuel. i like that. probably i can add some more or update it with RCS . i managed a fast and soft landing and testet the rover. he can do flips . but i really like it. after some serious science i returned to the capsule in the orbit and used the lander fuel for the way home. i only needed the ion engines to get away from the decoupled lander its a great rocket. i think that was not the last time i used it. it looks also awesome aaaand hey: all stock! thats the best part of it i dont play with mods edit: what do you think? kassandra is made for duna. you used it on vall. i used it on mun. is it possible to reach other moons or planets? moho? or dres? should be possible, not? i think i will try a manned moho landing with it... just to see if its possible. i will not use the right positions of the planets. i will just slingshot zu moho and see what's happening
  4. great! thank you! i dont use any mods. i will try it otherwise i will install what i need. but i normally play complete "vanilla" (without mods). there are some good stock-rockets out there.
  5. erster EAV ohne jetpack. jeb glühte beim eintritt in die atmosphäre und wurde danach gebremst. dann schlug er hart auf dem boden auf, stand auf und lief weg.
  6. ich fang immer neu an wenn ich was neues zusammenzimmere. oder ich nehme eine vorgängerversion und passe diese entsprechend an. die subassembly nutze ich so gut wie nicht. ist mir aber auch aufgefallen, dass es problem gibt. zB kann ich keinen rover im hangar bauen und danach über die subs zu meiner rakete hinzufügen. ich kann den rover nicht speicher obwohl ich docking ports und sonstige nodes haben wo man ihn montieren könnte... kA warum. ich will den rover nicht im VAB zusammenbauen weils zu kompliziert ist...
  7. what do you think, geschosskopf. is it possible to the the ship-files for every part? so i can try to visit minimus and mun with that?
  8. i unlocked everything in the carreer mode with my ships and now downloaded this one. its a hell of a beast! great ship. was first time in the jool system... i messed the way to jool that much that i had no chance to return. so i just enjoyed the scenes... but i have to read the manual. i think when i use this ship the way it is build for i can be much better in that game i will try to land manned on duna (second time) with that. and great to see how other people manage their ships... the sepatron I i only used as a lift help for mun-landers
  9. it worked. i hat to tweak the rockte to 0.23.5... with the biggest lifter rockets in the first stage. than i managed it to duna, land, randez vous and get back to kerbin. +1100 science and the tree completed edit: the ship: http://www.omfg.ch/Duna_Lander_V5.zip
  10. nice! what do you think? is this thing also usable on mün? or is the lander "too big"?
  11. i think the lander is not the problem... i posted in a duna thread about the problem. i rebuild the show stock rocket of that thread... but i dont get it into LKO... dont know what i'm doing wrong.... http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/62864-Duna-science-mission?p=1158248#post1158248
  12. i tried to rebuild it from the pictures. i only added a remote module to the main vessel and the lander. so i can use them unmanned for a testlanding on duna. http://www.omfg.ch/Duna_Lander_V3.zip i used a skipper for the mid long burn stage and 7x skipper for the lift stage. but i dont get this thing into LKO... no chance. i used the moonsail in the middle... no chance... i used moonsails everywhere... they are to powerfull and need a good management. but they use too many fuel... can someone take a look at that? is it because of the update? i think i can do it with more fuel tanks in the first stage and moonsails...
  13. *push* is it possible to get the ship? i'm looking forward to analyze this... it's also possible with more assembling screenshots
  14. nice plane...... i'm to dumb to build something like that. it looks that easy to reach jool... but i failed everytime with a lander for duna... yes duna... the easy one
  15. i read about it but i dont work for me. i often use the 1x large to 4x small part to attach 4 atomics to one big tank. i have burntimes about 15 mins and half a tank... thats no efficient
  16. i build a apollo style ship and i'm able to visit mun and minimus with a manned lander. i can get them back every time (randevouz fail + load qucksave FTW!)... one of my best missions was the rescure of a kerbal from the surface from mun. i went to mun with a minimus lander and wasnt able to get away... so he had to wait for the rescure mission. this was a single lander in one part and returned all sience and kerbals to kerbin
  17. thank you for sharing... i have some problems to reach duna. i dont like those atomic engines behause they have burntimes over 15mins... but is it possible to share your ship-file? i can see that you dont use mods like me. so it should be possible to take a look on how you build up your ship. that would be great.
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