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Everything posted by KingPhantom

  1. since a longer break vom KSP i went back to my save and did an "not as a contract"-mission (because of the funds i have)... i've sent a probe to eeloo because i saw a transfer window comming. i'm really happy with the outcome. the interplanetary stage was too overpowered and now have another 1000m/s in it. the last stage (the probe itself) still have 7500m/s in it (ion engines). i think i will change the orbit to do science from "far away". should have enough power. edit: aaand yes... first time eeloo in carrer with +500h playing. and still never did a working SSTO or shuttle
  2. no planes. just space contracts. all in one launch. use spacestations for grinding. efficient in start, handling and using. not reusable i miss aerobreaking... that was a rule before the deadly reentry...
  3. i laughed my balls off in the 3rd attemp when you realize that you forgot the solar panels. awesome reaction on the right bottom :). i absolutly know that feeling, bro!
  4. i still love this ship! since yeeeaaars! but i miss a little bit the optics of the earlier versions
  5. i started a new carrer. after positioning 5 satelites i had to reconfigure 2 of them to another orbit.
  6. use hyperedit for your project. so you can cheat a "stock lander" to EVERY body in EVERY height... watch out for game crashes while playing around
  7. i tested it. it worked!. i was able to take off. the medium landing gears arent stearable... i had a TWR of 0.90.... thats to low to reach KLO... have to tweak it
  8. i like that. i tried to copy it. can you tell me why my spaceplane everytime spins after accelation? sometimes to the left, sometimes to the right. i dont get it into the air. i tried the center of mass in front of center of lift, on center of lift and behind center of lift. everytime the same problem. starting wiht 1 (4 rapiers) and spinning before takeoff... when i manage a takeoff the plane spins in a frontroll upside down... what i'm i doing wrong? i'm going nuts about that s**t.... over 400h KSP but never managed to build a plane... but i need one. Craft: http://www.omfg.ch/ksp/Space Plane GS 1.craft
  9. i'm looking forward to get liquid fuel only 2.50m tanks. the orange one only with liquid fuel.... otherwise i will mod them for me!
  10. i often used them on big-pod sized landers. so i was able to build a science bottom and left that behind. i returned with the pod, a tank and 3 mk55 radial mounted to the tank.
  11. thx for all your help. i will try that again. to hit laythe like cantab shows is very difficult...
  12. 1990m/s is in the window. but i dont want to wait or warpt to that. so i have to leave kerbin first because i wont wait 1y in LKO with 10x warp.... i often use that way. it makes it harder but not impossible i have no idea about spaceflight. all laythe missions are spaceplanes... argh. i have to learn that... i'm not able to do a efficient orbit from the runway without loosing control oder wasting fuel with ....ty flightpaths
  13. Don't forget to factor in injection burns (braking from interplanetary). i have calculated 1000-2000m/s. but i think thats to low. i have no idea to build a plane... and also with all that science. is it possible to build a lander thug with jet engines and aerospikes?
  14. it sucks really hard that hardcore aerobraking on laythe and jool after an interplanetary travel is absolutly impossible... i explode miliseconds after atmospheric entry. is that a bug?
  15. Orbit Laythe Send data from surface of Laythe Plant a flag on Laythe Those 3 contracts i would like to do in one single mission. It should be possible to get ALL science (science jr, mistery goo, seismic, temperature, nano-thing, pressure & atmospheric). I'm thinking about that since days... in my 500h KSP i never hat that problems to plan a thing like that. the target to do it in one single flight is extremly hard. but i don't want to refuel on any point of the mission. it should be able to do it in one flight. its a heck of a challenge i worked on a only-once-usable lander for laythe. it was simular to the apollo programm. left everything behind and returned just the command module to low laythe orbit where the command module waited (the only difference to the apollo progamm is, that i use parachutes for descending. i dont get enough thrust and deltaV for a normal sized lander. its not possible to leave laythe that easy. the problem on a heavy lander is, that the weight of the command module (later on that) and the lander is too much to push it to jool... the lander should fit 2 kerbals. the command module is simple. it is a ion powered mk3 pod with only 2000m/s. should be enough for a well done and exaclty return with direct kerbin-atmospheric entry for landing. the command module should fit 3 kerbals. my calculations: comand module: need 2000 - 2500m/s for a save return. has rcs for redocking lander: needs ~2600m/s for ascending and low laythe orbit... and some deltaV for the descending (~250m/s). transfer stage: will probably give the descending deltaV for the lander and crash on laythe. for a jool-transfer out of the window it needs 5685m/s (935m/s to leave kerbin - 2700-2750m/s hohman to jool - 1000-2000m/s for laythe capture and orbit without aerobreaking... thats very heavy to get... do anyone have an idea or a craft to show? i tested some spaceplanes too but i failed really hard. i dont understand spaceplanes and i think they are only in LKO very usable (without refuel) i also tested a shuttle system... this is really difficult and needs many understandings in spaceplanes... so the apollo way should be the correct one...
  16. i'm thinking about a version of kassandra for laythe. i accepted some laythe contracts and later realized that it's not that easy to plant a flag on laythe . is it possible to reconfigure kassandra for laythe? i think it needs parachutes on the lander (the normal kassandra too, i often forget that and hammer on dunas surface ). the asscending stage from laythe needs up to 2500-3000m/s, correct? (a little less than a kerbin launch)... i have to breed about that idea.
  17. "Explore Bop" Went unmanned to bop. Did an orbit around bob (check). Placed a satellite in orbit of bop. Send data from orbit around bob (check) . did a perfect landing with the landerprobe.... (check). send data from surface of bop.... "you have no communication part for sending data" sssssssssssshhhhhhhhhhhhhhh***************
  18. what is the first part after the decoupler on the return-stage (main-stage)? i just play stock but i dont remember that. did you clipped something together?
  19. just great. thank you! i like that design of the rocket and the satellite
  20. Explore Bop, Explore Pol and Plant flag on Bop in one mission. had up to 8000m/s with a mk1pod (only 1 kerbal) and ended up with 100ms/s left and a 13km kerbin-flyby course the interplanetary stage was planned to be reused but blowed up in the athmosphere. farewell ps. i also dropped a sciencecube on pol. for send data from surface contracts
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