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Brainlord Mesomorph

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Everything posted by Brainlord Mesomorph

  1. Well, my admittedly layman’s understanding was that Newton solved the two-body problem, we solved the three body problem in the 1900s, then only solved the four- body problem about 10 years ago, and that the n-body problem was still way beyond us. But then again I have no idea what symplectic integration is, and I just looked at a wiki article that I do not understand. And I still think of Pluto as a planet. Now I have far greater than a layman’s understanding of computers, and if KSP is choking on my 4 GHz quad i7, with 8 GB or RAM, with 75 concurrent flights using the ridiculously simplified biconic section model, how's it going to calculate n-body?
  2. yes, but Kerbin had cities, we'd always be crashing into them! //what do I want? a Saturn planet. a real asteroid belt. ONE other star system. (landing there wins the game) moar sound effects. Beeping while engines are on, turns into steady tone when out of fuel. RCS hiss. Docking and ships bumping noises. Flags AND Mission Patches. Part failure (maintenance and repair) the ability to remove (smaller) parts from ships and attach them to other ships. So you can scrap one ship to fix another. or send replacement parts to a crashed ship. (i'm sure I'll think of more)
  3. Stock payload bays? Someone could invent a non-stock part, an antenna in a case. Like the solar panels.
  4. If I have time for gaming, its KSP. So much so, I no longer have to tell people what game I'm playing. I'm just playing "my game."
  5. There are plenty of opportunities to screw up, even with testing !
  6. this Also here's a tip: When I'm parachuting a long ship horizontally to the ground. I will add a couple of "balancing chutes" to each end. Then, after the chutes are fully deployed, if you happen to have to more (or less) fuel than you were expecting, the ship will be coming down at an angle. Cutting one or both of the balancing chutes will fix this, and it will land horizontally.
  7. All the failures happen in the VAB. (By failing to prepare, you prepare to fail) Assuming you have average piloting skills, if: 1. you're careful with your DESIGN (know your delta V and fuel requirements) 2. you TEST your equipment extensively at the KSC (or Mun or Minus) 3. you PRACTICE the entire mission at the KSC (or Mun or Minus) then all my missions go off without a hitch. (ok maybe one hitch) - - - Updated - - - testing, Testing, TESTING!!!!
  8. I just spent all 6,000,000 funds I had on 12 ships I'm sending to Jool. Currently in orbit they leave in 3 days. Right now I can't put a satellite in orbit. - - - Updated - - - always backup your saves!
  9. They'll be fixing the EULA. The issue with the mods is pretty bad. They ASK us to write and distribute mods, and the EULA specifically forbids it.
  10. glad you've seen the light and I don't think anyone will respond here, but they may quietly fix the EULA. - - - Updated - - - 7.7 Reverse engineer, derive source code, modify, decompile, disassemble, or create derivative works of the Licensed Application, in whole or in part. It specifically prohibits "MODifying" and a mod is "derivative work" // heck we can't even write fan fic
  11. a lawyers office? - - - Updated - - - I'm pretty sure it has been established in international court that they have to allow us to backup our programs. A EULA that forbids it is unenforceable.
  12. yep 7.3 outlaws backups. plus 7.7 and 7.9 outlaws all mods. And the game suggests and guides you to mods. They have issues. Now I believe this EULA to be unenforceable.
  13. Let's just all agree that as EULAs go, it poorly written. Your reading of that would outlaw backups. (and RAID drives, and mirroring and...)
  14. I'm allowed to copy one copy. If I copy one copy what do I have? BTW English is my only language.
  15. it says "to copy" and "to use one copy" I stand by my reading until a judge tells me otherwise.
  16. Form the EULA: 2. LIMITED USE LICENSE. DEPORTED grants you, and you accept, the non-exclusive, non-transferable, non-sublicensable, non-commercial, limited right and license, during the term, to copy, install, access and use one copy of the Licensed Application solely and exclusively for your personal use on any computer running a validly licensed copy of the operating system for which the Licensed Application was designed [e.g., Windows XP, Windows 7, Windows Vista, Mac OSX] that you own or control. To answer the OP: You're allowed to copy it, and use one copy (at a time) I don't think that means you can't have multiple versions on one machine as long as you use one at a time. (i think it means you can't copy it to 20 machines and use them all at once.) and e.g means "for example" so that doesn't exclude Linux.
  17. Practice. Sorry but that's the answer. That and a lander that handles well (i.e. extra Delta V) so you can change you mind as you're coming down, (if the lander is a pig, its coming down were ever it wants)
  18. A Kerbal on EVA holding on near the lab door can take the science to another lab. Labs (and kerbals on EVA) hold infinite science, other manned modules can hold one of each.
  19. Ships you make in the VAB or SPH stored as .craft files separately from your saved game in a folder called "ships." within the saved game folder. you might have had a backup of that file, or I'm talking about rebuilding the rover, not starting the game over.
  20. That sounds like some sort of corrupt .craft file to me. do other rovers work? got backup? an earlier build? how much work to start over?
  21. I don't see a manned unit in there. Is there a probe core? might you have rotated it?
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