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Brainlord Mesomorph

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Everything posted by Brainlord Mesomorph

  1. Windows 10 is Vista with a worse GUI /keeping 7 edit: ninja'd
  2. Well here's what I'm doing: (And BTW, pls tell me, do you find this hilarious, disgusting, or do you not get it?) When the first telemetry was transmitted from JoolBot/Science Dog II as it parachuted to the surface of Laythee to the flight control operators at the KSC, they were very glad they had installed that floor drain under their desks. KASA Administrator Bernard Kerman frowned at the widening stains on the fronts of his coworker’s pants when they handed him the printout, but he understood their reaction as he read the results; oxygen, liquid water, potentially even resources. That changed everything. Up until then, the Kerbal Space Program had been just that, a space program. But now it had a new mission, explore and colonize the Jool system and Laythee. Nothing else mattered. The Orbital Infrastructure Program was canceled; Missions to Eloo and Dres were scrubbed. Jeb Kerman was reassigned from his post commanding the KSS, and was sent back planetside. New initiatives were started: The Spaceplane Project. The Rover Project. The Reusable Booster Project. The Gamma Multi-Purpose Lander project was started, and failed. The Delta Multi-Purpose Lander project was started. It resulted in the Delta Modular Multi-purpose Interplanetary Vehicle (the MMIpV) . Everything was moving very swiftly. It was around that time that Bernard Kerman first heard the words “New Kerbin…â€Â
  3. I plan on putting a few in-game passages of sci-fi prose in my mission reports. (and I plan on posting them in Mission Reports) I've seen dialog in there before.
  4. do you have a joystick? joystick throttle on rovers confused me at first.
  5. well that's good for me, for now. But we are going to need one of those for 1.0 aren't we? (or can it not be done in 1.0??)
  6. Space Engineers was one. (video looked OK) Simple Rockets was another, think there was a third
  7. This: http://alterbaron.github.io/ksp_aerocalc/ has been there at least since 0.24. Does anyone know if its been updated for 1.0? or is it safe for me to use in 0.25? I sitemailed Alterbaron here, but he hasn't responded.
  8. Reading all this makes me glad I'm still playing 0.25 I hope they have all this fixed by the time I get to 1.0
  9. KSP is a cute game. The Kerbals are cute. The solar system is very cute. I'm already seeing "serious" KSP knock-offs at Steam. Those look like the right places to design weapons and kill people. I HAVE been thinking of a stock fireworks display though. A small fuel tank with Sepratrons aimed properly will both fly and burst in mid-air!
  10. I tried that in Stock 0.24, it wasn't atmospherically stable. good job!
  11. All 12 ships of The Joolian Exploratory Fleet are now in Kerbin Departure Orbit and all have their transfer burns plotted. T minus 3 days. As soon as I can schedule enough game-time, we leave orbit. Once they are all on their way, I'll start posting mission reports. The Joolian Exploratory Fleet, For Science!
  12. Everyone named Kerman always reminded me of this Southpark bit: Cartman: Isn't the name of your planet already Marklar? Chief-Marklar: We on Marklar call all things, people and places Marklar. Kyle: Isn't that totally confusing? Chief-Marklar: No, not at all. Hey! Marklar! A Marklar in the crowd: Yes? Chief-Marklar: See!
  13. When docking, rotate the ship and/or view around so the horizon of the planet and the horizon on the NavBall match. then up and down and left and right match on the screen and the navball and the keyboard (or joystick) and it'a all much more intuitive.
  14. Retros, gyros, on. Throttle set to maximum, Ignition, kaboom. (rewritten in 5-7-5)
  15. RCS, Check. SAS, Check. Throttle Set to Maximum, Check. Boom.
  16. FUNNY YOU SHOULD ASK! I've been working on my Joolian Exploratory Fleet since October! That's 8 months, and we're just leaving orbit now. (I'm still running 0.25! because of it) That's about 6 months of vehicle design and testing, followed by two months of launches and orbital construction, with the occasional "hey, what-if" forays back to design. I expect to be in Jool in a couple of weeks. 12 interplanetary ships, 35 landers! Then I'll be spending months there. EDIT: This should have been a poll.
  17. THANKS GUYS! the agreed list seems to be: Elite Dangerous IL-2 1946 or IL-2 Battle of Stalingrad DCS World Warthunder also, Did I understand that FlightSim X has a combat mod? /I first played Flight Sim in v 1.0 on an original IBM PC with a monochrome amber monitor (not green like everyone else) , a "Hercules" graphics card and no sound card. It went "put put put put put put put put" through the PC speaker. To this day whenever I see arial shots of Chicago, I see them in orange //I'm old.
  18. Sandbox? Who knows. In my current career game I've lost two, both training accidents at the KSC. I have had to send rescue missions to everything I've ever landed on though. (always bring back Jeb)
  19. I bought a flightstick for KSP. It has a trigger. Now I want to shoot things. Soooo many titles on steam... the frist couple I get, sucked. Any suggestions?
  20. You can find the ejection angle with the date. See the tutorial in my sig,
  21. My first time? Lithobreaking. Lander in pieces. Jeb survived. Planted the flag. Not unlike the opening animation in the game!
  22. The Vox Populi has spoken! Thanks Everyone! I’m going to finish the mission. That means that won’t be upgrading a 1.0 any time soon. And that means I’m not going to have anything to say here in the forums for a while. I will be making fast work of the mission, and I am going to post an (abridged) mission report, which will now have the subtitle “An Adventurer in Beta 0.25†So enjoy 1.0 everyone! I’ll see you again when I’m back from Jool! Brainlord over and out!
  23. No me. not yet. Like the OP, I'm still working on a MASSIVE project. (I actually had poll about this!)
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