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Everything posted by LitaAlto

  1. Since I'm more familiar with Snacks! LSS I can speak to that easily enough--on average .5 Snacks are consumed per Kerbal per Kerbin day. (That is slightly variable--Kerbals with high Courage will sneak an extra Snack here and there, while Kerbals with high Stupidity will forget to eat now and then.) Presuming two Kerbals per medium hub and four Kerbals per large hub, that translates to about 200 days' worth of Snacks per hub per Kerbal. I think that's reasonable--long enough to make sense for a space station, but not so long that you can go indefinitely without service missions or greenhouses. But I can make these values more restrictive, so you only have 100 days' worth of supplies instead. I went with default configs for two- and four-Kerbal pods for the other three LSS addons, so I'll have to get back to you on how long those supplies would last. Regardless, if you've decided to leave the medium hubs as purely structural parts, it would be pretty easy to drop them from these config files, and only provide life support resources for the large hubs.
  2. Given the size of the bag, I'd suspect the number of servings are greater than 1. I'd go with 1 or 2 snacks per bag. I'm also half-tempted to ask Porkjet if I can use his "Snacks" texture for the bag:
  3. How does the game determine which things to use with terrain scatter? Biomes? If that's the case, then in theory one may be able to create a MM config to treat the KSC like it's another biome for generating trees/rocks/cacti.... (That's only conjecture, and if I'm wrong feel free to explain why.)
  4. I have ModuleManager life support configs for the station hubs, including TAC, ECLSS, IFI, and Snacks. Cpt. Kipard, to his credit as a developer, is keeping consistent names across releases, so these configs should work with upcoming releases as well as current ones. Download here. I only have Snacks for testing. If you have TAC, ECLSS, or IFI, please give these a try. I presumed that the large hubs should have resources for four Kerbals, while the medium ones would have resources for two. I also went from example configurations which may or may not be properly balanced. Feedback on the config is very welcome.
  5. I think he wants to see a spray of debris. It's less about cheating and more about visuals.
  6. Overly Dramatic Pumpkin Rocket is overly dramatic.
  7. AWK-ward...! More seriously, Allista, thanks for calling that texture pack to my attention. I'll see if I can experiment with the textures this weekend, and I'll post pics if I do.
  8. I'm really looking forward to trying out 1.0! Where are the attachment nodes for the cargo bays, BTW? Can you attach cargo to the bottom or only to the top?
  9. My only complaint? I wish the textures were more stockalike. Beyond that? AWESOMENESS!
  10. OK, will do. Sorry I misunderstood your original request. (For everyone else: I asked about the part names for the sake of making some MM configs for life support.)
  11. Will there be a module for adjusting your attitude based on a reference object? For example, in MJ, I have an option in Smart A.S.S. for rotating my ship's orientation in relation to the Sun, which is handy for things like space stations or solar observatories.
  12. OK, time to redo the jack-o-lantern rocket I was building.... Seriously, this is awesome!
  13. Can you destroy more than one building at a time? Here's what I'm running into: Using Yoshidude's Power Decouplers, I confirmed that I could hurl a Mk 1-2 command pod hard enough, fast enough, from the launchpad to the VAB, to cause the VAB to explode. BOOM. I then cloned my evil, nasty, pod-plus-decoupler in an 8x symmetry, launched the whole craft, landed close to the Mk1 pod memorial, and then let all the power decouplers rip. I expected the pods to slam into every nearby building, causing near-instant destruction to most of the KSC. Mwahahahahaha...! Except... most of the pods now bounce off. At most, I got one building at a time to explode. Even with multiple direct hits at a distance a tenth of that from the launchpad to the VAB, the VAB remained standing while another building would explode. It seems the power decouplers' power is fine--but apparently firing more than one at a point produces too many objects with momentum to track at once. Thoughts? (Aside from whether I'm horrible for wanting to make such a device. )
  14. Figured as much, thanks for confirming.
  15. Fair enough. And if you got a decent enough reaction wheel in the station you don't really need RCS to orient the station, either. But battery support would be awesome indeed. I'd be happy to take a stab at an MM config to add Snacks! Life Support to the hubs once they're released. For anything like TAC or ECLSS, I'll let you take the lead. (Speaking of MM, why not use that to add batteries, and leave the file optional?)
  16. http://createdigitalmusic.com/2014/10/nasa-posts-huge-library-space-sounds-youre-free-use/ There's a huge, free library of space sounds waiting for a mod developer to use--including rocket engine sounds and recordings from missions. I hope this is useful for someone....
  17. http://createdigitalmusic.com/2014/10/nasa-posts-huge-library-space-sounds-youre-free-use/ I'll probably post this to the add-on requests forum as well, but this is too awesome not to share here.
  18. You could add an option to enable resource storage in some of the hubs. No reason why the hub walls can't also hold batteries or monoprop tanks.
  19. Did Porkjet say they'd be discontinued? I can't find the comment if he did....
  20. I'm really looking forward to the final results, especially the internals. I also like that it's 2.5 => 1.25--that gives more options for what to put on top.
  21. This is truly remarkable. It seems to fill the gap between MechJeb and kOS. It's hard to tell you what kind of nodes I'd like to see, though--I've got only the slightest idea how the whole thing works from the video.
  22. Is it wrong that I wish the Eddie low-profile engines were still stand-alone? Your RetroFuture plane parts look great but I focus on rockets....
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