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Everything posted by LitaAlto

  1. I wonder if anything from EVE could be used to render the corona and tail. I agree that emission effects might not look quite right, but a very long ellipse-shaped cloud layer, moving to simulate the way a comet's tail changes, with a more spheroid cloud layer for the corona, would look lovely. The problem, of course, is that asteroids are treated as crafts, not worlds, so I don't know if EVE could even be applied to them to make comets....
  2. Mine used a command pod, but maybe I've built it too well--on average only two parts go BOOM.
  3. This was fun--and I'll post video later--but I do have a quibble with the part count scoring. Struts are (as of 0.25) massless. I could put lots of them onto a craft without impacting the performance of the craft. That means I could line the bottom of my craft here with struts and include them in the part count, for both the Parts Used and Destruction points. I created a craft with 16 parts, two of which were destroyed on impact. That's 73 points. If I go back and put more struts on, though, I could easily reach 100 points without making any further design changes. So what about making struts *not* count as parts for scoring purposes? That'd really up the challenge by forcing you to reckon with the craft's mass.
  4. These are all really cool! But I must admit, I was expecting a Kerbal hero clad in battery casings.
  5. The lens flares need lens fla--wait, did anyone make this joke yet? *scrolls up* Yeah. Lens flares on the lens flares, please. (Seriously, cool animation!)
  6. Could use a couple of ping-pong ball halves with black dots on them, for the eyes--make 'em stick out properly--but otherwise, I WANT ONE.
  7. "What's your favorite thing about space? Mine is snacks. I MEAN SPACE."
  8. http://glitchntwitch.tumblr.com/post/100729011066/were-almost-done-building-skypad-5-all-thats Headcanon dialogs + screenshots, with a Kerbal-y sense of humor. Enjoy! (Backstory: SkyPad 5 was the latest of my space stations. One of the part mod authors announced a major, craft-breaking update in the works, so an evacuation and de-orbiting was called for.) (Also, I usually provide screenshots with my writing, so I hope it's OK that I only could select one prefix....)
  9. Maybe you're thinking of RealRoster? I remembered it because of the "Get off mah rocket jeb!" quote.
  10. I suspect the launchpad is supposed to be easy to destroy given the abuse it receives from engines, and stabilizers are generally enough to ease that. But for very large ships, where you may be forced to reduce part count for the sake of CPU, having to use a lot of stabilizers probably doesn't help. So yeah, not a bad idea for a mod....
  11. Many Kerbals died to bring us this information. (Seriously, thank you!)
  12. OK, I like the idea of getting science data rendered as sound.
  13. Don't the parts have to be loaded into memory anyhow? Not knowing the framework deeply, I'd suspect that the only extra overhead is in rendering the models when you hover over them. I wouldn't be surprised though if they use a similar mechanism to how they display crafts on- and off-rails.
  14. SkyPad 5 is the latest space station I've built with your hubs. Since you've announced the hubs will break existing crafts after the upgrade, it's time to retire that station and prepare for the next iteration. (Sorry, got carried away with my headcanon about how the Kerbals would react to knowing their station is about to break.)
  15. Oh well, I guess SkyPad 6 is a thing, then. "Attention SkyPad 5 crew and residents: An Emergency Kraken Warning has been issued for all space stations. Please proceed to the nearest airlock and prepare for evacuation once--" *loud woosh of sudden decompression and emergency airlocks sealing* "ONCE A RESCUE SHIP ARRIVES. DO NOT ATTEMPT TO EVACUATE BEFORE--" *sound of imploding pressurized crew tube* ​"PLEASE STOP."
  16. I get where you're coming from here. Finding uses for space stations other than supply depots can be fulfilling. I don't know if any of the links in my space station parts collection thread would help you find more purpose for stations, but perhaps they will...?
  17. Gotcha, and I can see that now. Crap. Maybe we should just pray they add this to the stock game at some point--putting the onus on Squad to find a secure means to obtain and display this data.
  18. I don't think this would be difficult to implement, either. Consider this another vote for such a mod!
  19. I'm running Whyren's Shacks greenhouses in 0.25 and they work exactly as expected, generating snacks on the fly. It'd be nice to update the textures on those parts but there's nothing stopping you from sending up a greenhouse. The only issue I'd see is that, as is, each of the 2.5m greenhouses generate enough Snacks to support three Kerbals, and weigh 10 tons if you use the lighted version (which you would for interplanetary missions) so if you're flying a massively-crewed mission you'd need quite a few greenhouses. And of course you'd need a power source that can handle the low light levels of deep space missions. But it's doable.
  20. I agree with him. ModuleManager would be my preference too. But this is an awesome concept!
  21. Pardon the necro-mancy, but I have BOSS 2.1.5 running in 0.25, and it works well with 2x supersampling. (It's never been able to handle more, which is no real shock given I'm still on a 32-bit system.)
  22. Does this play well with 0.25? I tried it and had problems but I wasn't being exactly methodical and it could well have been another mod. Update: Seems to work OK in 0.25 so far.
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