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Everything posted by Alshain

  1. You just need to explain your idea a little clearer. How about this, what exactly about the physics does not allow you to do submarines?
  2. @steve_v It's still creating a mod for a part. Your talking to the guy that runs the patch thread so I may be biased on the matter lol.
  3. You and I could, yes. But not everyone could, I get the distinct impression that creating mods is outside the scope of the OP's abilities.
  4. Those are very specific to that craft. I meant a general part that can be used with other parts. You couldn't really make a traditional submarine out of those.
  5. Submarines should work in KSP physics. You just don't have the right equipment. Submarines achieve neutral buoyancy by filling ballast tanks with water, allowing them to dive using the diving planes and forward motion. However you do not have ballast tanks, so everything floats. If I'm not mistaken, all you need is a modder to create a ballast tank that can be filled with water on demand.
  6. It still sits on the tray when you are playing the game. You realize that it doesn't affect your game at all though? Your operating system is likely running more resources for unnecessary functions than Steam. 3rd party DRM is listed on the store page for the game (example) and games where the publisher decides to allow it can be run without Steam running... in fact there is this one game you may have heard of that does just that, it's called Kerbal Space Program. However, it is the publisher's choice, not Valve's. Again, publisher's choice. If the publisher allows it yes. Again, publishers choice. You bought stuff from me? I don't think so. Anyway, Steam has no advertising, except on the Store page, which isn't any different from other digital service. You can configure the client to not start at the Store page too. Mine starts at my game library, it doesn't even load the store page unless I click it. You don't need an internet connection once the game is downloaded. Steam can operate offline, also it won't try to download updates in offline mode even if the computer is online. As for downloading again and again, new computers, hard drive crashes, lack of disk space. There are many reasons. It's a detractor to buying from the store. It's completely related to the topic of why would you want to buy from Steam instead of the Store.
  7. In case you weren't aware, KSP has no DRM whatsoever, including the requirement that Steam be running that most Steam games have. This means you can copy your game folder out of the Steam directories and it won't be affected by updates, and you can still play it and keep multiple copies of the game.
  8. You seem to be misinformed on a lot of things. I'm not sure where you get your information but let me try to help you out there... That one is opinion. Can't really do anything bout that. But I find it a lot better than managing 1000 different logins for different digital services across the web. Not really. It sits on the tray till you want it, it can be closed easy enough. It consumes less than your web browser. Not Steam, that's the game publisher, and it would be the same no matter where you bought it. Yes, it does require a login. So does every other digital service. You can have it remember your account. Again, that is the developers pushing updates, but you can turn that off. The only advertising is on the store page. (Admittedly there was some a long time ago that popped up on your screen, but they got enough complaints and got rid of it) Distribution service. Because it's convenient to keep your collection of games in one place with one easy login and you can download it again and again forever from incredibly fast never congested servers. Meanwhile the KSP store has a separate login for one game, frequently over-burdened servers when a patch is released, and a broken launcher/downloader. Why would you want such a thing?
  9. It's a very long standing issue with attaching the girders to one another. Just move your clamps. However I do not think this design is going to help you test the drag. You probably just want to take one of those, put a probe on it directly and launch it 4 times with a different nose and record how far it gets. Also, you may want to use the Flea as the hammer will destroy itself going straight up at full power and fuel. EDIT: Also you need to account for varying masses, which might actually be easiest if you edit them to be equal, if you just want drag results.
  10. @Aegolius13 Things attached in chain with something attached to the green node will also be protected from drag, including radial parts.
  11. @razark We aren't confused about it. It's just a horrifically terrible idea. I'd love multiplayer someday, but if it is this I'd rather not see it at all than corrupt KSP like that. This is worse than no multiplayer at all I applaud Tex for trying to come up with solutions, but this isn't one.
  12. How is it more convenient? I have both versions at my disposal with one download. You have to download twice, and again for each update to do the same.
  13. That doesn't really explain why it's better though. If they download the 32 bit version they will be playing the 32 bit version. Likewise in Steam if you select the 32-bit version, you will be playing the 32-bit version. It's not like you aren't aware that you are running 32-bit, you are prompted when you start the game. The OP chose to run the 32-bit version and likely would have chosen to download the 32-bit version from the store.
  14. True, but those games have DRM. I doubt there is a way to control a separate purchase like that without it.
  15. @Rocket In My Pocket Doesn't sound like you have no problem forgiving him. Sounds like you hold a grudge. You basically just said (paraphrased) "I have no problem forgiving him but I'm surprised so many of you are forgiving him." What would you have him do differently to correct the mistake? I don't watch his channel, never have... in fact I never heard of him till this thread. But out of Sociocultural curiosity, I wonder why people have such trouble putting something, which really didn't cause severe harm to anyone, in the past when they try to correct their mistakes.
  16. Make it a DLC and it will be crap. It's nothing to do with the cost either, Multiplayer has to be integrated into the core code. That's really why DMP is so buggy, it doesn't have access to what it really needs to make things run smoothly and as a mod likely never will (FYI, this isn't the so called 'sync' issues I'm referring to, which are logical issues in the system, What I'm talking about is the ability to keep two clients in sync properly without duplicating craft and causing incorrect explosions). The problem is, if it's integrated into the core code, it really can't be sold separately like an addon could.
  17. So, why is having the option for both 32 bit and 64 bit a reason to buy from the KSP store instead of Steam?
  18. No it's not. Both the Steam and Store version can run 32 or 64 bit. There is no difference between them. Had the OP been running the store version, he probably would have still be running the 32-bit version simply because he didn't know the difference until now. You can force it. Go to the properties and hit Set Launch Options and put the following in the box (change the path if necessary). "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program\KSP_x64.exe" -popupwindow %command% Once you do, either radio button will launch the 64 bit version.
  19. But it isn't predictable at all. Lets say we were playing that game. I'm at my computer, you are at yours. We don't have discord, we aren't in the same room, you can't see or hear me. I have a craft in orbit and you are watching it and also have all the velocity and orbital characteristics. Tell me exactly when my craft will cross in the the Mun's sphere of influence. If this had been KSP you could mathematically calculate when that would happen, I can even tell you exactly where it will happen. If you burn your engines I can tell you exactly how that changed your trajectory. However in your game you would have to predict when I am going to hit a button to magically transport me to it. Something that is impossible (unless you are the CIA, I hear they can read minds). I'm sorry, but it does not move in a scientifically predictable way, it moves in a very chaotic way. The movement is left to a human rather than science and by definition, human action is chaotic. It's not more realistic that other games because it's not realistic at all, in any possible way. No, you wouldn't reach exactly the same point. You would reach a completely different point. That's what I'm trying to tell you. Everything is in motion, if it takes me 3 days to get somewhere, that's 3 days worth of orbital movement on everything. If it takes me 3 seconds to get somewhere that should have taken 3 days, that 3 seconds of orbital motion instead of 3 days. You are not where you should be, and there is no way to predict that you were going to be where you ended up. I don't know how to explain it simpler. Removing an object from the solar systems orbital physics simulation, even for a moment, is game breaking. That's it, there is no argument to that.
  20. It's not confusing, I understand what you are saying, but that is fundamental change to the game. Any attempt to move the vessel without moving everything else is a breakdown in the physics relationship between the physical objects. They no longer behave in a scientifically predictable way. That physics simulation is the whole point of KSP. Without it, you don't have KSP. Even with the flaws that KSP has, you still have scientific predictability. Patched conics is not perfect, it's not how the real thing works. However, at least it is close and it is predictable mathematically and scientifically. However craft suddenly jumping from one place to another, that is not predictable. It's chaos, not science, and it's not KSP.
  21. No, it is not a possible solution. And yes it is a fundamental change. Orbital mechanics are altered. You said you would no longer be aiming for where the object is going to be when you get there, that is orbital mechanics. Furthermore when you wormhole over to these places you are no longer in the same place you would have been in realistic spaceflight. You might be orbiting the same body but you are not where you should be because the body is not where it should be. That is orbital mechanics. You are suggesting a fundamental change to orbital mechanics.
  22. Because it removes realistic space travel, and that is KSP. Is it still Tetris if you remove all the straight pieces that let you score a Tetris? Is it still Grand Theft Auto if you remove all the cars? You are removing realistic spaceflight from a realistic spaceflight game and substituting it with fictional space flight. That makes it a different game. No, I do not agree this is a possible solution to multiplayer KSP... because it would no longer be KSP.
  23. But it's not multiplayer of KSP. I want multiplayer of KSP, not some other game entirely which is what you are proposing here. There are other possibilities that wouldn't destroy the gameplay to make it happen.
  24. But that isn't space travel. That isn't how space travel works. You don't aim for where the object is now, you aim for where it is going to be when you get there. KSP is meant to teach how space travel works, not how Stargates, Warp Drives, and Mass Relays work. If you start changing that, it's a complete and total work of fiction. It simply corrupts the core of what KSP is. If you want magic space travel, Elite Dangerous is a great game. You might also check out the Strike Suit series, and Evachron Mercenary.
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