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Everything posted by Alshain

  1. PlanetSide has air race courses. You can also use it to make your own.
  2. Really? So you are saying people are completely irredeemable of their mistakes? Sure, he screwed up and tried to claim something was real that clearly wasn't, but if he changed that behavior your saying too bad? That's more sad than the fact he cheated and put it in a video, but go ahead and cast that first stone...
  3. That one obviously didn't raise any eyebrows. The SSTO is pretty outlandish and stands out, when people can't reproduce it they start questioning why.
  4. The problem with trying to fake something in KSP and then sell it to the masses is that the games community is all wannabe rocket scientists and as such we are generally more clever than your typical facebook feed. Tricks like this usually get figured out pretty fast.
  5. Welcome to the forums, The Logitech Extreme 3D Pro works just fine in KSP. All XInput flight stick controllers should work in KSP. That makes up about 99% of PC game controllers still on the market today.
  6. Yep, Chemtrails, and we didn't land on the Moon, and 9/11 was a government coverup.
  7. @Kickn4fun It seems like you aren't matching velocities. The method in Scott Manley's video up above works, but it's a really bad way to do it. I'm going to post this from what I posted in another thread. First make sure your velocity indicator says "Target". If not, click it until it does (you must have a target). Burn here to "Push" the marker away from you to the marker while decreasing relative speed to the target. Burn here to "Pull" the marker to the marker while increasing relative speed to the target. When they are perfectly aligned, aim straight at the retrograde markers to simply slow down (relative to the target) as you approach. You will want to have 0 Target Velocity before getting too close. Try to avoid doing outside the 5km range (the closer, the better). If you are going too fast and your mass is high and engine is weak you will have to burn earlier just to have time to slow down, but try to avoid it. Also the exhaust from your main engines will push the target, so avoid getting too close while they are on. Once you are there, use RCS to dock (not pictured, those were hacked into orbit for screenshots)
  8. SVE gives you planetary atmosphere (clouds, etc.) Distanant Object Enhancement lets you see things at a greater distance. This includes craft on approach as well as seeing distant planets in the night sky. Planetshine is an actual term. Basically on your craft you will see reflected sunlight based on the planet you are at. So around Kerbin on the day side, you will see a blue glow on the side of the craft facing the planet. Duna's will be red, Eve's will be purple, etc. Some of the ones already mentioned: Real Plume gives you realistic smoke and sound from rocket engines, especially SRB's. Engine Lighting gives the engine plume a radiant light. Texture replacer lets you replace the Skybox with something a little higher in fidelity. (You don't realize how awful the stock skybox is till you replace it, even if you just use another starscape nothing fancy) Some more that haven't been mentioned: CollisionFX adds sounds and sparks when scraping the ground, as well as dirt/dust and snow effects. Reentry particle Effect adds better looking flames on reentry. Cool Rockets gives the ice particulate that forms on the LOX tanks and falls off on launch. It also adds the smoke (steam?) plumes while sitting on the launchpad.
  9. @Green Baron That's basically the voting idea, but landed vehicles wouldn't be subject to it, neither would people building. They might get the option to vote, but they couldn't choose a spot to warp unless they switched crafts. That way, if they had something else in progress they could make sure it wouldn't conflict. The basic procedure would be this: Person A decides he wants to warp his craft closer to Duna. He chooses a spot along his trajectory to warp to. All others get a popup letting them know the request. Person B is building a Craft, he has nothing unstable so he clicks yes. Person C is driving a rover, rover's don't care what time it is so he clicks yes (note: while time warping all rover controls will be momentarily suspended due to lack of physics, the rover motion must be stopped to continue) Person D is on course for Minmus, he chooses a warp to point along his trajectory. Person E is also building but he has a craft on course for the Mun. He switches to that craft an chooses a "warp to" point in his trajectory. His warp point is the closest in time so the system initiates warp and stops at his chosen location. The others have to try again after he has completed whatever he needs to do to make his orbit stable. That's a scenario with 5 people just to give the options. Though I wouldn't expect a co-op game to have that many conflicts. In most cases you would be doing things together.
  10. Again, totally destroying the point of it all IMO. I'd rather have the issues of the DMP style than ruin the orbital mechanics my magically warping or wormholeing a ship to somewhere it should be.
  11. @Tex Orbital Mechanics are pretty darn close to perfect. You would be throwing away the most realistic part of the game. The sync issues are of small concequence compared to this.
  12. @Tex At that point its not KSP anymore. You aren't doing anything related to space travel, you are just making magic. I don't think abandoning KSP's core purpose to make multiplayer happen is worth it. I'd rather see the sync issues.
  13. Moving outside the solar system's physics. That answer doesn't make sense. Your vessel would move toward where the Mun was supposed to be, but the Mun wouldn't be there. You'd never be able to achieve an encounter, you would arrive and the Mun would still be back where it was when you planned the maneuver. You can't wait till your are in the Mun's SOI, you would never find it's SOI.
  14. The problem is that means you are moving outside the solar systems movement which is pointless. Why do we warp? To get to places faster, usually for an encounter with something... but if our ship is moving outside the rest of the system, that means our ship will arrive, but our encounter will not occur because the object we wanted to encounter didn't move the same way. I can't think of a scenario where this would even be useful, might as well not have timewarp at all.
  15. None implemented, but yes in that other thread we were just discussing options for that. I listed 4 of them. The two are equal. You can't double the speed at which an object moves without doubling the actual velocity, but since velocity and orbit are directly related, that would change your orbit. The only thing you could do is pop the craft into a new spot in the orbit, i.e. Orbit editor/Hyperedit. But this isn't doubling velocity, it's an instant move.
  16. The game isnt dead as long as it is playable, it's just not going to have any major development efforts. It doesn't take developers to make models and do localizations, but they don't have the necessary dev talent to do multiplayer anymore.
  17. And the parts that don't make it sound deliberately misleading as if there were only two options. Look, we can go back and forth on this all day long, but the real one and only truth is all the good developers quit Squad after 1.2 released so no major feature is coming to this game. That includes multiplayer. So the whole endless discussion of what multiplayer could be is irrelevant anyway. Truthfully I think this whole suggestion forum has outlived its usefulness at this point and is just a remnant.
  18. Of course it's a lot easier to talk about the concepts. You are glossing over a lot of the talk. If you say there is just wait and sync issues then you are leaving out many possible options.
  19. I built this one in about 20 minutes, so it's certainly possible. This one is a bit unrefined, but it does get to orbit with plenty of fuel to spare (More if I removed some of the oxidizer to balance it's air breathing mode). Those are re-skinned rapiers on the back FYI. Completely stock craft.
  20. You are talking about concepts though, I'm talking about actual selectable modes that a game operator could choose. I came up with a 4th option that isn't waiting or sync issues in my edit above. Of course, it may not be enjoyable for some people
  21. Well, the "wait" category would be no timewarp at all, ever. There are 4 distinct game mode possibilities there that a server operator could choose from. None of them are similar enough to be under the same categories. 1. No Warp 2. Warp on vote. My suggestion here would be to give everyone a warp to here option (or not right now option) and then warp to the closest time selected among the players. 3. Warp if the admin says so. This is similar to 2 but with other players be damned. 4. Instancing (DMP style) There are probably other modes that could be thought of. The first 3 there would not be that hard to implement (I mean on top of the multiplayer itself). The last one is a bit more tricky obviously.
  22. I just go play something else for a while. I went from KSP to Farming Simulator to Breath of the Wild to KSP.
  23. I wouldn't count on any major additions at this point. I think the bulk of the features were cemented in stone when most of the developers quit after 1.2.
  24. Fair enough, you did say warp sync issues was an option. But again, many of the percieved issues can be mitigated with creative design. ...But my point is all of this is something the server operator should choose. There is another option than what you listed. You can vote to timewarp together. So you can still have timewarp and no sync issues.
  25. So what? We aren't talking about 20 player servers here, we are talking about small co-op games with 2-4 players. There are many options to mitigate the issues and those that cant are not going to be common. Even when they do haapen, it's just one of those quirk of KSP you would have to accept. There are already worse incongruties in the game. None of this is a reason that multiplayer can't happen.
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