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Everything posted by gmiddlemass

  1. That sounds awesome, can't wait to try it!
  2. I'll second that guess... the Hope-X for sure . EDIT: Absolutely love your spaceplanes by the way, and can't wait to see what you come up with next. The "Pinbol" has become my new favourite capsule for rescue and tourist missions.
  3. Firstly let me state that I am a complete modding noob and that I am just starting to dip my toe into the world of part modding with KSP via editing the config files. So far I have successfully re-textured/modified the small "Not-Rockomax Mocronode" into a working probe core/micro satellite and wanted to try something else. My plan is to try and turn one of the ore drills into a surface sample collector which can be placed onto an unmanned probe. I know, it's disgusting that I want to do this rather than send a Kerbal and pick up the samples in person but I plan on making the transmission penalty so high that the sample will have to be returned to Kerbin anyway in order to gain any useful science from them. The way I look at it it's just going to be using an unmanned probe rather than risking the life of a Kerbal to get the sample and you can already use probes to mine for ore which basically is a surface sample anyway so this seems like a logical progression of that mechanic. Anyway, that's enough of the starter now on to the main course... I can resize/re-texture the drill fine and can get it to display the "Take Surface Sample" message and run the experiment OK but I can't figure out how the animation of the part works. Ideally I would like to use the stock animation to deploy, drill for the sample and then stow the drill again when the experiment is run but I don't know if this is possible? Could someone please point me in the right direction for a tutorial on how the animation commands of the config work? I can't find much information on the "ModuleAnimationGroup" "deployAnimationName" and "activeAnimationName" commands which I am assuming are what I need to use? I should also point out that I intend to sue these parts purely in my own personal game and will not distribute other peoples code, I just want to learn and reverse engineering existing parts seems to be the logical starting point. Thank you in advance for any help offered.
  4. How about this one... Link Not sure if it's working with the latest version of KSP though.
  5. Managed to make a small warp capable space plane (SSTW) with the small version. It gets to low Kebin orbit with the Rapiers and then, very slowly over a few orbits, climbs out sufficiently far for the warp drive to activate. Thank you for the mod. Edit: Sorry, picture doesn't seem to be working. Not got used to the new forum yet! Direct link Picture
  6. Wow! Another great looking mod Roverdude.... Looking forward to trying it out.
  7. I think you can look out of that window by clicking on the "Nav" screen in the main IVA view. It's meant to be a docking view I think.
  8. A couple of my mates have ordered two of them each when the half price pre-order deal was on, the plan is to sell the second ones on ebay as soon as they get theirs delivered. A slightly risky plan perhaps but if it works out then they could potentially end up with a free drone each.
  9. Seems like a bit of a pointless poll to be honest but each to their own. I use them for planes... Both atmospheric and space versions
  10. Jeb tried out his new dirt bike... (to be honest it needs more work but he seemed happy anyway) Born to be wild!
  11. Very impressive screen shot collection... Have some rep +1
  12. Got my deep space probe into orbit round Neidon (Outer Planets Mod) 25 years after launch... Furthest out I've been so far.
  13. This is my version of the Curiosity rover. Stock apart from TweekScale...
  14. Isn't this what the "Scatterer" mod does? Not sure if it does the texture changes though.
  15. This looks fantastic! We need more base building parts in the game. Love that they are stockalike, they should be good for building rovers too. Any chance that this could be added to CKAN please?
  16. Very nice, here's my version (and the USS Reliant) from a while back... Have some rep +1
  17. Got my first probe into orbit round Sarnus (Outer planets mod)...
  18. Maybe "Steam Guages"? http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/40730-0-23-5-SteamGauges-V1-5-1-og-Radar-Altimeter-and-More! Or "Nano Guages"? http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/84409-1-0-2-NanoGauges-tiny-ana1og-gauges-for-kerbalnauts-0-7-9-1027 Not sure if they do what you're looking for though as I've not used them personally.
  19. I may as well join the party too then as I went there for the first time a couple of days ago... I'll second the recommendation for "Anomaly Surveyor" contract pack.
  20. If you'd read the rest of my post you'd see that I say no modder should be held accountable for problems with their mods on Win 64. Modders do an incredible job with KSP and for that I am eternally grateful to them, I'm sure that Kerbal wouldn't be anywhere near as successful as it is without the vast and varied quantity of mods available so that we can all alter the game and make it more like what we as individuals want. By that same logic though, why prevent someone running the Win64 version of the game if they want to, it's a single player game and doesn't affect anyone else (provided of-course that they don't moan to the modder or Squad about any problems they may encounter, they are after all running an unsupported version of the game). I say let them try it if they want, at their own risk and with no comeback at all to modders. Who knows they might even find that they are one of the "rare people who have had good luck" and it works fine for them. Edit: I run 32 bit KSP by the way.
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