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Everything posted by Dire_Squid

  1. Saw my mods weren't compatible with the hotfix. I R a sad (I'm sure this won't last long, of course ).
  2. It's a reference to Italy. (somehow I feel a reference to Proot's Renaissance Kerbal, Leon Kermanci, is in order... but I don't want to cause any conflicts with his own work)
  3. Submission: Bio for Kippon "A land where the sun rises (and also sets), the Kerbals of Kippon (or Kipponese), have a rich historical culture. Originally ruled by a series of emperors and their elite warriors: the Kermarai, the philosophical yet no-nonsense Kipponese now have long since been modernized and industrialized, yet always look both toward the past and the future; Seeking to understand and respect nature on Kerbin or any other world, as well as produce the most advanced technologies available to get to said other worlds. One of their latest projects is the seriously-named 'Mach Go Super Happy Sparky Boom Rocket'. ... Ok, not all of the Kipponese are super-serious, after all." You are free to tweak, add or subtract to my submission, if you please. Thanks in advance.
  4. Would definitely like new worlds and moons (more eccentrically-revolving planets [e.g. Upsilon Andromedae], sideways-rolling gas giants [e.g. Uranus], an asteroid belt with movable asteroids, all perhaps revolving around binary stars)
  5. I don't like a "randomizer", but I'd prefer that the Kerbals I pick STAY picked... so sick of assigning a Kerbal to fly a jet, just to see Jeb, and resort in me cartoonishly yelling "GET OUT OF THERE, JEB, OR YOU'RE FIRED!!!" I'm a wee bit sad, I know.
  6. With this mod, I can... I can... FINALLY BUILD A LAB TRUCK!!! THANK YOU, ANGUSMCBETH! EDIT: Not usable with Career Mode ...You're BRINGING ME DOWN, man! lol
  7. Uhm.... is there any way you can make these parts compatible for Career Mode? I seldom if ever use Sandbox Mode, and to have the parts only usable there... makes these awesome parts leaving a lot to be desired.
  8. Yup, that's the one! Thank you, everyone! Now to see if it still works! GOOD NEWS: It works in .23.5 .... BAD NEWS: It doesn't work in Career Mode.
  9. I don't want "broken-ness", just something that compliments the Liquid Fuel/Oxidizer tanks and can work long after they've dried up (also I'm not going to bother to tweak ANYTHING, since I'm busy as is). Also, as much as I appreciate you telling me about Near Future.... it's both: A: too much stuff, and B: kinda ugly/plain (to me, anyways... AND NO OFFENSE TO THE ORIGINAL CREATOR OF THE NEAR FUTURE MOD!).
  10. Well the "OP-ness" is only one reason I want them. After seeing the potential the normal Ion Boosters shown me when I returned a "Space Station Refueling Rocket" back into Kerbin orbit (being able to push even after the liquid fuel was all gone), I wanted those blue-energy-spewing babies of the Ion Engine Pack, especially for long-distances flights: be it with rockets, probes, or stations. How a mere alternative form of propulsion saved me from lazily clicking the X to terminate the rocket, to get it out of my station's orbit (a station I intend to get an orbit around the Mun, once it's completely refueled)... well, you get the idea.
  11. I now built up the courage to want to download the Ion Engine Pack, and found it's nowhere to be found (not on Curse, and not on here). The closest equivalents to such a pack... don't even come close, aesthetically (just tweaked Ion engines and bigger engines... not very inspirational). Anyone know where I can find it, IF I can find it?
  12. I need to find a plugin (or a series of parts) that concentrated on Xenon/Ion engines. Not a single engine, not a tweaked version of the stock Ion Engine. a whole bunch of new parts that run on Xenon and Electrical Energy. Please help? Thanks in advance. UPDATE: Nevermind, it's the Ion Engine Pack. UPDATE: Apparently, the Ion Engine Pack is no more, since it was never transferred to Curse, and I cannot find it on here. Shame: as, though I try to avoid rocket parts (but easily go for science and utility), I would loved to have tried out powerful Ion rockets (all that blue energy, and slow but efficient flight).
  13. Well, now that I've gotten into the "business" of basic station design in my Career Mode, these may come very much in handy.
  14. So, do I have to delete 0.16.1 to install 0.16.2, or can I merely drag and drop? If I have to delete, what will happen to the modified rockets I re-did in 0.16.1? Sorry to ask such bizarre questions. I am just curious and cautious like that.
  15. It didn't happen this time, thankfully. Also, I was INITIALLY going to mention the lack of varying sized parts, but once I saw the TweakScale option, I shut my mouth, and had fun scaling parts up and down. Good show, kind sir.
  16. You're right about the first one (did it accidentally, now that I think about it). Unfortunately, I have no idea how to make a log file, as the only time I encounter them is when my game crashes, and it asks if I want to send the report to the game designers. I'll re-upload Ver 16.1, tomorrow... Tomorrow because because I'm getting tired of undoing and redoing my Mun and Minmus rockets of all their IR stuff (did the whole thing 3 times... ish).
  17. Well, sirkut, I've encountered two major problems with the updated mod. #1: Since I updated to the new version of the mod, I now cannot select the menu with the Esc button. #2: Redundant parts, in the builder menus AND in career mode's tree (two normal-sized powered hinges, for example, among similar listed parts).
  18. Excellent! Thank you for taking the time to read my post (even if I'm not the first to make mention).
  19. I wouldn't be surprised if this wasn't proposed already (not looking at all 361 pages of posts), but if you have a probe pod (for unmanned flight) AND the hitchhiker can, I feel, even with one Kerbal out, so long as there's another in the rocket (or so long as the probe pod remains on the ship) the robotics added should STILL work (I felt disappointed when I couldn't "switch tracks" with a docking washer with a ladder rung on it between vertical ladder rungs and horizontal rungs on the sides, because a Kerbal was outside of the rocket).
  20. Last night and the night before, I used MechJeb to construct my first Space Station, plus a refueling rocket (for the Station), and KAS parts to fortify it (struts, and a Vertical Stack Winch to keep a Kerbal tethered). I'm not ashamed to say I used MechJeb for rendezvous and docking ONLY because I can't do either. Which reminds me, how DO I take screenshots? F1 doesn't work, for me... maybe I should change the default to F5 (which I use for TF2)?
  21. Well, thankfully I'm having no problems with Infernal Robotics save for the one "broken" hinge. My Mun rocket uses the guide rails to adjust strut height, to make the rocket "squat", if you will (so the Kethane Drill can reach the ground), and my Minmus rocket uses guide rails in the opposite means for the struts, to raise the rocket (adjusts them to lower, to clear the engines, and an additional guide rail is used on the Kethane drill, to lower the drill) and I use the closed hinges on side solar panels on my Minmus Rocket's rovers (to maximize solar catching, by "increasing" the surface of the TOP of the rover). Slowly, I'll figure out uses for the parts, in my gameplay.
  22. Basically, one of my members in the 2-person science lab was flung out of it due to a Piston being right above his head... I couldn't save him, and I ALMSOT got the roket out of orbit with Minmus. Long Story Short, we kept going with losing one of our 4 comrades, and he landed.... first with a bounce, and then again with a "poof"
  23. What I did today... almost gained 720 Science points from getting 12 different Gravioli Reports... and lost all of them because the pod's rockets HIT WATER ON KERBIN (the outer rockets "vaporized" on impact with water.)!
  24. Yesterday, made my first prototype Payload (four Kerbals and Science) Rocket to Minmus, AND it was a success. Well, except that I couldn't return, and the tall lander WITH narrow legs placement was not ideal for land-hopping on Minmus (responded by giving the MK1 Rocket 4 girders to increase the legs' width for the landing struts). I also downloaded Mechjeb (for rendezvous and orbital coupling ONLY) and... Career Mod wasn't too kind on giving me Mechjeb stuff (only certain commands are unlocked).
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