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Everything posted by Dire_Squid

  1. Welp, tried to get one last satellite around Eve for a SCANsat scan (lo-res map and radar), and this time it was a success.
  2. Well, after replacing my 6 Mainsail engines with LFB KR-1x2s (and needing to control the rocket while in in Kerbin's atmosphere with each decoupling) for my MK3 Eve satellite (with SCANsat tech) and FINALLY being able to make a low orbit to get to below 240,000 m above Eve (and it only took me less than 2 Kerbin years)... I got greedy and decided to make my satellite's orbit near-polar. Basically, my satellite got sucked into Eve's gravitational field while I was turning its orbit, and I beautifully crashed into purple hellish oblivion (in water, no less). The good news: I milked the OTHER sciences (temperature, barometer, materials bay, and Mystery Goo), and got 200 Science out of it all.
  3. Also since I have 600 points, do I spend it on TWO 300-point things, the ONE 300 point nuclear rocket thing, and wait to get more points for the science? What?
  4. Understand that I have Kethane, KAS, and Infernal Robotics... I've got 550 science (well, 600 now), and either I finally get the claws (which is useless to me UNTIL I can figure out orbiting around asteroids, which I can't do, yet) and get either Nuclear Rockets, Advanced MetalWorks (the winch and stack port, the large kethane drill, more building structures, more robotics, the tiny dock for potential rovers, as the regular ones are too big, the quad coupler and the stack separators), Ion Propulsion (dat Xenon), or Large Electrics (giant battery, and giant solar panels)... ... OR should I blow the whole cash wad, and get Very Heavy Rocketry (without them, I CAN theoretically make it to a Jool Encounter, but nothing beyond that, not even an orbit: I've done it once just to see if I could), Advanced Science Tech (the Nosecone and the Gravioli Detector seems to give a lot of science, even on Kerbin, from what I've seen, and that's JUST Kerbin, which could technically get me back all my Science I spent on them, and add more, along the way), or Hypersonic Flight (I can make my Kethane Jet reach up to a little above 20K m, and reach up to speeds, from that elevation, to well over 1100 m/s... but now I want to make it a genuine spaceplane to survive an around the world/semi-off-world flight)?
  5. You're the one suggesting slow, ridiculous ways of getting science on Kerbin. Don't scoff at me. Suggestion: Make a lab-truck mod and make us BOTH happy!
  6. >drive a car to the icecaps/desert/badlands Good luck not falling asleep in your chair.
  7. Funny, I launched a 331 ton rocket to try and get a Jool Encounter (non payload probe, with science/scansat).
  8. Finally was able to do some Badlands Science (well, crew report, EVA, surface sample, temp, barometric pressure, and seismology), NOT with Jebediah Kerman! But with Bill Kerman! Badlands Science done with anything OTHER than a rocket is tough (even with the Kethane Mod), both because of distance and endurance (it was done in a two-part trip, the first part ending near sunset and needing to fuel up. Also the Kethane field I used for the trip is already dried up, after two uses), and I was able to do it with a tough and fas Kethane-hybrid jet. (total science: 36 points)
  9. Yes, I love using Kethane, I have downloaded the KAS AND Infernal Robotics mods (I use guide rails to lift/lower my landing struts so I can mine, until I can get the bigger Kethane drill). Your points are VERY valid, Pecan, and they make a lot of sense (and yes, I place simple solar panels all around the circumference of certain areas of my rocket for effective recharge... and my Eve/Duna Probe Rockets I place 6 2x3 panels and deploy them the moment I reach 70K m)... I just wish I could dock without resorting to eventually downloading MechJeb. I try and try, and I can never catch up to/meet up with the other docked ship without being "too late", or "desperately using the thrusters to foolishly trying to catch up to align, only to realize I keep throwing myself out of alignment". I even downloaded the Navball Docking Alignment Indicator.... but no luck. I just wanna experiment with making refueling stations in orbit... That's not too big a desire, is it? lol And yes, a solar "plane" would, for all intents and purpose, be more like a "powered glider" than a plane or a jet, as I'm basically using xenon, electric power, and HUGE wings to push. Also, I've experimented with the KAS parts, and, just as a "bookmark", I built a pylon with hoses (and some solar panels and batteries) on the Mun if and when I land a Kethane tank (one of the bigger ones), fill and convert to liquid and oxidizing fuel using a drill and converter, and make a refueling point (and hopefully will be the first of a few I'll make). I need more science for the bigger drill, and a vertical stack winch and stack port. I've got 550 science, and either I finally get the claws (which is useless to me UNTIL I can figure out orbiting around asteroids, which I can't do, yet) and get either Nuclear Rockets, Advanced MetalWorks (the winch and stack port, the large kethane drill, more building structures, more robotics, the tiny dock for potential rovers, as the regular ones are too big, the quad coupler and the stack separators), Ion Propulsion (dat Xenon), or Large Electrics (giant battery, and giant solar panels)... ... OR should I blow my points and get Very Heavy Rocketry (without them, I CAN theoretically make it to a Jool Encounter, but nothing beyond that, not even an orbit: I've done it once just to see if I could), Advanced Science Tech (the Nosecone and the Gravioli Detector seems to give a lot of science, even on Kerbin, from what I've seen, and that's JUST Kerbin, which could technically get me back all my Science I spent on them, and add more, along the way), or Hypersonic Flight (I can make my Kethane Jet reach up to a little above 20K m, and reach up to speeds, from that elevation, to well over 1100 m/s... but now I want to make it a genuine spaceplane to survive an around the world/semi-off-world flight)?
  10. What I did YESTERDAY was, while improving my Kethane/fuel Hybrid Jet, I had the right amount of thrust power, aerodynamic lift, and airintake to get it to fly over 35,000 m up, AND, after it stalled from air deprivation and I corrected it, got it to fly at speeds of 1,500 m/s as it went into lower atmosphere re-entry. Yeah, it slowly burned up in the atmosphere (not enough to damage it), but MAN did it rocket. If and WHEN I get Xenon, and that hybrid engine for air and space travel, I should probably try and work on making an airless Exo-jet, for entering into Duna's or Eve's atmosphere, just to see if I can (it'll have to be attached to a rocket, but that's to be expected). btw, how DO I make screenshots with Kerbal Space Program? I HAVE to show you guys, once I learn how, so you all don't think I'm lying or anything.
  11. Welp, I got a low... enough... orbit around Eve (lowest at 300,000 km), not enough for SCANsat to do it's thing properly, but enough to get SOME science done near Eve. Jus gotta make a new MK Eve Rocket/Satellite, that can survive the trip AND get close enough to get more scan science.... maybe even a Kethane scan.
  12. *applauds your awesome efforts in vehicular landings, torqueing moon-trucks, and all other feats of your skill*
  13. I think they may have experimented with eccentric orbits with Eve's "moon", Gilly. Though perhaps Kerbol is a bit "crowded" to make an eccentric planet... however... ... if they DO expand, a binary star system WOULD be neat (but they'd have to work out how to make two suns spin around each other and not overlap, hilariously), and they could include one eccentric planet... which MAY even have separate sciences depending on what "season" it's in.
  14. I've got no pics, but, besides making a new Kethane/SCANsat satellite for Kerbin (a complete map), I jokingly made an asparagus-style rocket, to see how far it could fly out... and... after tweaking its orbit here and there, I had THREE almost close orbits with Eve! I've gotten into the planet's orbit, but never close enough to use the SCANsat or Kethane gear.
  15. Good to know *rolls eyes* Downloaded a redundant game.. check *endsarcasm.exe* Well, with Career Mode being as crippling as it is, I started with rockets, and used jets to further the science points (plus they're kinda fun to fly WITH Kethane mods, as refueling them makes long flights easier). Hell, without the Kethane Mods, I'd never be able to return FROM the Mun. I've flown to and from the Mun, so far, twice, and earlier I flew a satellite with a Kethan scanner and SCANsat tech toward Minmus (eccentricizing your orbit to match Minmus's is challenging, AND stressful, but fun). The SCANsat science has helped me a lot to further exploration. You can KIND OF tell how I play (science, plus R&D), plus... me being a sci-fi geek, exploration and science is first... but colonizing is the next step (something that ALSO Kethane makes possible:wink:)
  16. I WAS going to say "No, and you're a jerk!", but I REALLY don't want to violate the rules, here. Oh, and check out Yogcast Duncan's playlist of when he played KSP... HE MADE A SOLAR PLANE, which required no air (however, it didn't fly on Duna well enough NOT BECAUSE "there's no air" [since Xenon Gas engines appear to not need air to work], but because it seemed he forgot to put any means to correct its position during re-entry)!!!
  17. I already have, plus adding SOME weight in the back allows it to maintain altitude. BTW, after downloading the SCANsat mod, gaining science has been a breeze (both in picture relays, AND identifying biomes before popping my Kerbal's head outside.). After already getting Heavier Rocketry, Specialized Construction, Advanced Exploration and Advanced Landing, now I just need to figure out whether I want to get Specialized Control (better maneuvering bigger rockets in space, AND bigger command pods), Supersonic Flight (better Kerbin Exploration via-jet, and better wings for lifting jets AND rockets, alike), or maybe some Field Science (ROVERS, BABEH!)? I've already landed on the Mun twice AND returned there (stupidly, the second return sent me almost crashing into the Highlands on Kerbin.. WHY are the Highlands harder to land on than MOUNTAINS!??!!? Makes NO SENSE!), so soon I'd want to eventually make a Mun Base (with rovers and science, lol). UPDATE: Actually, I MAY have answered my question with a botched mission to Minmus. if these simple Solar Panels can' catch light (at any angle) on missions further from the Mun... I MAY need to invest in Advanced Electrics (retractable Solar Panels, and more potent batteries).
  18. I uploaded this mod and, apart from making new strategies to make more efficient satellites (even making orbits that run pole to pole and run laterally across each world, getting energy 100% with solar gain), the science I get from this mod is AWESOME! This is so helping me progress in career mode (since making a rocket that can make it to the Mun AND return seemed almost impossible until I got Heavier Rockets), as well as figure out the biomes of the Mun, as well as other worlds.
  19. Well, I'm not sure if I put the files in wrong, but the new cloud files overlapped the old ones, in a reverse pattern, and on only the top half of Kerbin. I click remove (after hitting Alt+N), and it removes the old layer, leaving the new "half" a layer. Basically, I dragged and dropped the files into their respected folders, since a merge wasn't being allowed (odd, since file merges happen often for me).
  20. Oh, I'm not complaining at all. I am just curious as to how the mods work, and how they can be adjusted. Nice. Thanks, rbray.
  21. Ok, rbray, I downloaded your mod (the low-res version), and I've got a couple of things to ask (mind you, I'm a bit code-ignorant): #1: Are Duna's clouds SUPPOSED to be red, like the planet? I thought they were supposed to be white... ish? I can only see them on the darkside of the planet, and even then they come off like a burned umber, in contrast to the initial Duna red color they have on the dayside. #2: Is there any way to make Eve's cloud layers seem a bit more transparent.. or should I merely download proot's Renaissance Mod to fix that issue?
  22. I suggest starting the throttle on a low setting, to get your plane/jet situated right. Build up the throttle when you know your vehicle will move straight only. Second, merely TAP the directionals, until you get it in the air (hit s or w... can't remember which, to get it to lift into the air early); THERE you can push hard into them, to get what you want (but be soft with landing, again, unless you wanna resort to parachutes).
  23. Oh yeah... I recall someone mentioned Jets not working in Eve and Duna due to them not having "air"... good points... unless you make solar/xenon-fuelled jets, which require no air intake (thank you, Yogcast Duncan, again). I actually have made my own, and it KINDA works, but it's a prototype: I need to figure out how to make it not too front-heavy, and to make it balanced enough to fly straight without me babysitting it (aka tending to the controls every 5 seconds).
  24. I too need to figure out how to accurately time a rendezvous flight.... last two times resulted in me burning retrograde hilariously, and the other with me flying an orbit in the OPPOSITE direction.... more hilarious results. That's nice an all... but how are you gonna get rovers/jet tech? Jets, being lighter and more conservative with fuel consumption, are useful if you're trying to continue Kerbin studies, and fly in airspace (like on Duna and Eve), Not to MENTION rockets with better lift... and Rovers can take you were rockets can't (continuously on the surface of any moon/planet).
  25. Hmm, good points from both of you... thank you, Sirrobert, and The Yellow Dart (aka Artie, the Strongest Man in the World).
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