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Everything posted by Gaalidas

  1. Similar effects could be produced by editing the parts so that their attachment and/or stack nodes were placed further away from the surface of the part. Amazing stuff for a non-edited set of parts though.
  2. I never did try to make a free-moving hitch with those parts. I always theorized that it would be possible to get all angles of movement available by using multiple IR hinges in different orientations, but I worried that my hitch would be way too long to be practical. At least now I won't make the mistake of trying it on my own.
  3. It all sounds a lot more interesting than trying to figure out Stats.
  4. You mean, Kerbal Horrible-fail-with-dismemberment-and-death Express don't you? The development outtakes for something like that could be extremely hilarious.
  5. I actually sent the author a message about the possibility of separating dust and sparks. I'm working out some memory issues currently, but once that clears up I will be testing a local compile of mine which might just accomplish this effect separation. Still needs an official run-over from the author though. The KF tracks definitely would benefit from the dust effect, and the repulsors might even be able to use them (especially if we can combine the repulsor code to detect when hover over water, which needed a lot of extra functionality added to work correctly without sinking, and produce dust that resembles water spray).
  6. Sweet stuff happening here. I'm a bit out of it right now. Stats class is killing me.
  7. Well, technically, you can play without LOD. You just need to load less modded parts into it. I hate not having this too, but with the author out of touch we really have no other choice. I tried to recompile it with the latest KSP libraries, and it failed on too many levels for me to even try to fix.
  8. Actually, it was the lack of a project file. I managed to throw one together though, and I have it loading okay in the game, but have yet to test it due to some kSP memory overloads I'm dealing with. oh, by the way, I was looking at my log lately and it seems there's a complaint from a few of the parts that a module by the name of "ModuleMirror" does not exist. I had a look at the code and it's been renamed to "KFModuleMirror" but a few of the parts were not updated to use that new module name. I don't know if the same problem exists in the latest release, since I work off of github instead, but it's something to look at.
  9. The sparks are being looked into. Like I said, I sent the author a message about some experimental changes i made in his source that I believe would allow you to specify if you want dust or sparks, separately, without breaking anything. Can't test the changes out myself though.
  10. I just edited my above post with my attempts to see about making it separate. I'll let you know what he says.
  11. So, I have a feeling we could probably configure the CollisionFX to only add the effects we want. I'll have a closer look at it. I know that it's configurable enough to limit what sound effects are played, but I haven't seen the specific configuration option for what effects. That tank did look pretty sweet though, even with the sparks. EDIT: Okay, so I looked into the source and made a few changes that I think could support separating the dust and the sparks into different fields that can be specified in a configuration. However, I lack access to a project file so that I can test the changes. So, I send pizza-whatever-his-name-is a private message and explained what I altered and what I think would happen. We'll see what he says. Looking at his code, there really needs to be an upgrade made to allow specifying now only separate effects, but he needs to take out the hard-coded color sets for the different biomes and/or materials and make it into a configurable node, much like the way DistantObjects or PlanetShine does it. I'll keep you updated.
  12. Wow, that's funky... do we even have a reset button in a popup menu? I can't speak for our fearless leader here, but that's some messed up stuff.
  13. I do not follow how that last statement applies to this mod. I had an idea while thinking about sun-tracking rocket-wrapping panels. What they need is for each panel to be made up of smaller radially-vertical panels that can rotate independently. The effect of a wrapping panel would persist, but each slice would turn to try and get the best angle. Probably too much detail for this application, however.
  14. Need to turn that guitar into a prop for the kerbal to hold. Too bad that really stinking old mod that added in-game modifiable kerbal animations didn't make it into a usable state. That would make it even better. - - - Updated - - - I can't help it man, my mind is always half in the gutter I think. The first image that came to my mind was a kerbal prop of a strap-on that looked like the DSR3 (and it's amazing how it's shaped rather conveniently for this purpose) and now I feel all dirty upstairs. I guarantee a bunch of you guys do now too, now that I've shared the experience.
  15. Or, if you want to save on doing checks for each individual KF module, here's a nice tidbit of info. All of the parts (in the Kerbal Foundries addon) which need to have the collision effect disabled have either "Repulsor" or "KFWheel" in them. In fact, the repulsors are the only parts without a "KFWheel" module. So, simply checking for that module will do the trick. This also maintains compatibility with a MM patch that will be included eventually (I hope) which I've been working on with lo-fi to apply the steering and suspension-handling to the stock wheels. So, if would be a lot better if that wildcard part search was run in the ":FINAL" stage. Now, just one more little fix that you need. In the second patch in that file you see: @PART [*][B]:HAS[MODULE[ModuleWheel][/B],!MODULE[CollisionFX]][B]:Final[/B] { MODULE { name = CollisionFX scrapeSparks = false wheelImpactSound = CollisionFX/Sounds/TyreSqueal } } You see the bold part? there's something missing from there that is essential for MM patches to function correctly. It's the @ symbol. That part should read ":HAS[@MODULE[ModuleWheel]" for proper functionality. I would also suggest running this one in the ":Final" pass as well to increase the compatibility chances with mods which might replace the wheel module in other parts, such as the patch I am trying to finish up for stock wheels using "KFWheel" stuff.
  16. Hopefully better than the crab mode concept, considering how horribly you could screw the orientations of all the wheels up to the point where going straight was impossible. That's why I suggest there be toggles for the different control methods, instead of simply mapping the different controls to other keys. Also, like the crawler wheels needed, a quick and easy reset action needs to be assigned so you can go back to the default orientation really easily. - - - Updated - - - I can only say "Funky" to that thing. I've had bad luck with most of the bobcat creations, but I will admit it looks kinda cool. Would make sending a KF-powered vehicle off-world a lot easier. I would say the repulsor module needs to be renamed just so it can be easily identified, by future generations of modders, as a part of your mod. Look at FS, just about everything from that mod (quite likely literally) is prefixed with "FS." Wait until next beta though, or we'll really confuse things when making these compatible with other mods.
  17. I think so mate, but where are we going to find enough jello to fill my rubber pants at this time of night? ahem... anyway... actually, I do remember "pizza the hutt" from somewhere, but I can't place it. Glad I could help with the MM patch. As I've written it, it should work. By the way, shouldn't the module named "Repulsor" actually be "KFRepulsor" in the same naming convention that the rest of your modules have been using? If you intend to bring that one in line, better advise him to use the wildcard in my example at least in front of the module name. You totally lost me on that last line, though. Are you drinking while typing again? - - - Updated - - - I just got a really sweet idea about all that translation and such. Once we have the plugin stuff worked out for complete control of these things in an intuitive form, we should really look at what it would take to allow them to be switched into an RCS mimic mode, allowing use of RCS translation controls to be used to translate/rotate the craft around with those... uhh... can we even call them wheels? I know, I'm a genius.... no need to bow...
  18. I prefer yours too, but that other one was awesome for the time period it was presented in.
  19. I would maybe suggest we add an optional dependency on one of those addons which provides node toggling. I never actually had that issue because I rarely attach things directly using symmetry when using the nodes, since the nodes were created with the idea that you could align them correctly without using symmetry, and were mostly inspired by the ASET ERS rover system which provides tons of possible wheel-attachment stack nodes that can be toggled. I believe the editor has a modifier key you can use to temporarily disable node attachment. I don't have the keyboard cheat-sheet in front of me though. Yeah, I tried to help the author fix his MM config to accurately work with the KF modules. To fix that, you need to load up his MM patch file and add a few extra exceptions to the bottom patch. I actually redid his MM patch from scratch for my local setup, so the example i am about to show doesn't actually look exactly like his original. @PART [*]:HAS[!MODULE[ModuleLandingGear],!MODULE[ModuleWheel],!MODULE[CollisionFX],!MODULE[FSwheel],!MODULE[KerbalEVA],!MODULE[TTModularWheel][B],!MODULE[*Repulsor*],!MODULE[KFWheel][/B]] { MODULE { name = CollisionFX scrapeSparks = true collisionSound = CollisionFX/Sounds/Bang1 scrapeSound = CollisionFX/Sounds/GroundSkid sparkSound = CollisionFX/Sounds/SparkSqueal } } This is the most recent build of the mod, and I'm showing only the third patch in his MM file to save space. At this time, the only parts you should need are displayed in bold. You'll probably notice the wildcards in the Repulsor entry. This is actually because at one time I believe the two repulsor styles were using separate modules. At this time, you could reference "Repulsor" without the wildcards and be just fine. Then, the module "KFWheel" exists on all the other parts that you need to exclude. Remember when I said I'd tried to help the author fix his patch? Well, at that time i was expecting imminent release of our beta, but that didn't happen and so my instructions were not accurate to the currently released package. The author seemed to be missing a few screws in his knowledge of how to set up MM properly as well. There were missing @ symbols and such that are absolutely necessary when looking for the existence of a module in a part. Either way, I tried to help and the rest of you screwed me up! Well, I'll show you when I launch my master plan and soon, very soon, I shall rule the world! Mwahahahaha!!! ... What just happened? I blacked out for a minute there... Moving on now...
  20. It seems to me that awarding a ribbon should require the kerbal to return to the place where those things would, in a natural setting, be handed out. It just makes sense that way. Unless, of course, the winning kerbal must craft his own ribbon from the materials available to him upon receiving the right to have it. I mean, the KSC isn't running on unlimited funds now is it? Them ribbons cost something.
  21. Funky. Yeah, that's the right word for it. Funky.
  22. Yeah, you're either hitting a memory limit (it can sometimes be like the piece of straw that broke Jeb's back... or was it the Kerbal that broke Jeb's rocket? anyway...) or it's having some seriously weird issues with the decouplers. Physically and technically, it should be possible to use a decoupler in a weld, with the decoupler ceasing to function of course, but why would anyone want to do that? If you've got your heart set on using that part though, I'd open up the part's configuration file and see if the welding process screwed something up that obvious to the trained eye. If your eye isn't trained... well... I didn't think that far ahead when composing this reply.
  23. Even one of those editor-style arrows rendered besides the wheel, like the orientation arrows in NodeHelper, or the ones included in the stock center-of-lift visualization, would be sufficient. Just gotta be able to let these wacko designers know what's what. I wish there was a way to make the parts spawn in the correct orientation from the get go based on which editor building you're running in. That would be an awesome stand-alone plugin.
  24. And unfortunately I am too new at all this stuff and I recently discovered that KerbPaint seems to have stopped functioning. I'm sure someone will come along eventually and try to recreate what we've lost. Awesome stuff though. I don't even really make planes, but I can imagine flying some downloaded crafts that will require your mod to be installed. Can't wait to fiddle with the coloring and such of those.
  25. Well, you can delete all the configs, but then you'll only get the added functionality in the game, and not the actual effects applied to any of the parts. I've used Hotrockets for some time now, and the only time I had problems was when I tried to install a sound update mod and hotrockets together without trying to merge the effect definitions in the MM files. If you're not into complicated sound mods and addons, then you should have little trouble with the configs. - - - Updated - - - Oh but that is the answer you're getting. BAM! Okay, I have no clue what I mean by that... so feel free to disregard.... EDIT:this works with AlphaRepulsor from 1.7 That's some awesome stuff. Now that the release is upon us, I do hope you'll continue to experiment with this. the effect is pretty, though it might be a little too... hmm... busy? A more subtle and possibly slightly smaller effect might be more appropriate. We're not trying to burn a hole in the ground when we turn them on... as awesome as that would be when the repulsors are turned on full blast. That would be one way to burn the turkey dinner in 1 second flat.
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