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Everything posted by Gaalidas

  1. I figure you just need a really heavy anchor you can throw out the back. True, it might just slam you into the ground, or your momentum could just toss the anchor back up and around the smack you... but that's just a chance you'll have to take. On another topic entirely... with the pre-release of the new B9 package, I'm hard at work now to build the largest, fastest repulsor that the psychopathic mind can conceive. It's amazing what you can come up with when using insanely over-sized parts.
  2. It would look awesome taking that thing into space though, I must admit. Too bad it's so difficult to make it happen.
  3. Not only a good idea, it's something that's been attempted many times in various forms. This is the first time I've seen it done with a custom engine though. That may be the ticket.
  4. That's funny, I was about to respond to your post when I discovered that when I got it into my reply in a quote there's a bunch of text that is not showing in the post itself. All it shows in your post below the video is: "Do you see the suspension bumping on shifting directions? And there is no adjustment dialogue on right-click." Either way, my original comment is no longer applicable. EDIT: Okay, now it's all appearing as it should. Am I just more nuts than I thought I was?
  5. Hey, I'm glad it works for you. I'm hoping squad gets around to giving us multiple launch sites eventually somewhere down the line.
  6. Looks like you got the hatch working for the hanger-bay. I'm curious to know what that problem finally turned out to be, especially after I made that long post about alternatives.
  7. I like it, I don't know why at the moment, but I like it.
  8. That's another thing that really bothers me about making rovers in KSP. In life, one may drive an off-road vehicle which may, possibly, roll over and get mashed up a bunch. BUT, it still runs. Why? Because it's just a dent. A stupid dent! In KSP, however, that dent causes the entire thing to explode, fall apart, and become completely non-functional. So, I add more structural elements to it which should, in theory, allow it to survive rolling on the wrong end with the wheels doing a sky-dance and what happens? The damn panel falls off and my craft blows up. There's no winning here! We either stay wheels-fixed-to-ground or we go BOOM! So yeah, little peeve of mine. How very odd... I haven't launched with both of those installed yet, but I will be shortly. My only guess is that it's some sort of conflict in an MM patch, or a memory issue. It's not like the plugins themselves are conflicting, since a lack of a particular module loading properly only results in a malfunctioning part, not a completely removed part.
  9. Actually, you can do it without clicking. All you need to do it hover over the part and then press P and the window will over, or if the window is already open it will start to affect the new part that was hovered over. I suggest doing this in the action grouping editor so you don't screw things up when you click in the color window. It does not have click-through protection. What I'd still like is a way to make the coloring iterate through attached parts down the hierarchy. That way you could set a base color for all parts from the parent part downward, then customize each part if need be.
  10. I don't know why, but your overuse of the word "bung" hit a funny bone in me this morning. Yeah, I liked the idea behind that thing but the nodes were hard to work with for me, and the thing was a bit hard to place. You pull it out of the toolbox and the positioning relative to the mouse was horrid. I then had to struggle with it because there was no easy way to surface attach stuff to it (I didn't have the editor extensions stuff back then which would have made it easy) and there was no easy way to adapt the two front nodes into one centered node (I was so new to KSP back then that I was still trying to connect one part to two individual nodes... which, as we all know, doesn't work.) Yeah, so that thing is really rather cool, especially when kerbtown insists on NOT using any of the toolbar plugins and instead just renders this huge button in the VAB for you to choose a spawn location, and then insists on spawning you under the ground after placing you in the intended spot. Okay, so that's a rather isolated situation I had, but it was annoying. The firespitter version was interesting, except for the fact that when trying to launch a water-craft I discovered what it was actually doing. It was first spawning you at the standard location, then it was moving you to the new location by, for lack of a better word... bumping you... in the general direction on your destination and then smacking you to make you stop. I'm sure it was more technical than that, but the effect was that it was a rather violent procedure. The visual aspect of this was that all the parts of my craft were temporarily turned to their natural orientation and, upon reaching the destination, the parts were re-orienting themselves based on their strength with the nodes they were attached to. It was like it was reassembling itself on the spot. Even worse, when my craft came to a halt it was not on the water, but actually a few meters above it and... get this... it was facing nose down into the water. I lost a lot of crafts that day until I finally gave up and either rolled my craft to the water manually, or used something like hyper-edit to produce a much more reliable effect.
  11. I just got here and I think I nearly spit my chai latte all over the screen, and I may have put my Christianity in danger with some choice colorful metaphors. So worth it! Other choice words that came out without any brain required include: "you've got to be kidding me!" and "holy crud... what have you done..."
  12. Agreed, that giant platform thing is a giant monstrous... thing. I don't blame you for not wanting to tackle that. Still, it would be so seriously awesome to see that thing fully figured out, then strap something stupidly top-heavy to it and cruise Kerbin at nosebleed speeds. It'd be so kerbal.
  13. How very vague of you. As to the question about how to paint those parts, you need to get the update package as well as the base mod. We really need to start a new thread with the base mod and the upgrades all in one place.
  14. Sounds like the kerbal decided to try dividing by zero and, as expected, he broke the universe. Alright, so that was slightly less than completely useless of a comment... but it was hilarious. It's okay, I know you're laughing on the inside.
  15. While we're talking about the RBI stuff, what bummed me out a ton is that all the work stopped on the brand new models they were showing off. I wouldn't mind getting the old ones working again, but some of the stuff they were showing off when the mod was last actually worked on were looking down right amazing. Also, I totally love that you, Haifi, tell us you're having problems with a craft that I must say looks to me like a completely insane rover that I'd be afraid I was going to break every time I sneezed. I'd love to see that thing in action though.
  16. I'm sure adjustments for specific mods, filterable by mod presence in the user's installation using MM's "NEEDS" system within the configs, could be established to make this stuff compatible with just about everything, much like we've all been doing with just about every other resource modification available.
  17. Happy to help. It's probably my first truly useful contribution, other than my hilarious wit. I can't take all the credit however, considering all I did was sift through a few dozen posts.
  18. Huh, how did I miss that there was a poll posted? Shows how much I pay attention to details I guess.
  19. That sounds awesome. As for the intake-air thing, you might just work around that issue by adding a generator to the config that takes an input of intake-air and outputs oxidizer. I'm sure you'll figure out a better approach however. Actually, if you do figure out how to make it happen without user input, we might finally be able to upgrade those dual-mode engines to actually automatically switch modes in both directions ad advertized, instead of only switching to rocket mode when flaming out due to loosing the atmospheric intake of air. That always bugged me. You might have to package that bit of code as a separate plugin if you manage it.
  20. Just thought of an excellent way to reduce craft weight. Simply toss an expendable kerbal out the back.
  21. In my case, I am trying to be a pain. Really, I am. I'm very painful... Okay, so I'm not that painful, but I have been known to be in pain at times. Just... bleh... update this thing already. eesh! The natives are getting restless and I can't keep distracting them forever.
  22. Now we just need someone to go around and update all the other pods and cockpits, even those with only teeny tiny little windows, to do that so we can see our kerbals freaking out in their normal way when we zoom in really really really close. That would be awesome.
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