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Everything posted by Gaalidas

  1. Technically, since the hypno-drive (or whatever it's called now) can be amphibious, and the module it uses is pretty much the same as the rest of the tracks (correct me if I'm wrong) then making amphibious tracks is as easy as a config tweak. I am unsure how the suspension properties of the newer track models would handle that, however. You'd probably have more luck with the RBI tracks. I'm sure lo-fi will get inspired by what we're talking about and become obsessed for the next few days on how to make a "proper" amphibious track. I've said too much already.
  2. Technically they went into dev yesterday sometime. I fiddled with them until I noticed they didn't have a frame and thus looked out of place floating beside the hull of my rover. I finally got around to trying the other tracks to made. again, the suspension and all that made my jaw drop. It's nice that RBI tracks work, but they'll never quite stand up to your quality.
  3. KerbPaint simply (okay, that's hilarious. How is any of this simple at all?) uses various shaders to apply three layers of tinting. It uses a texture that is not loaded by the game (actually, they're png files with the extension removed so KSP ignores them) that is made up of three colors, plus black for areas that are to remain uncolored. Red is the base, which also corresponds to the primary paint layer. Secondary is green, tertiary is blue. Each colored layer is applied as an "addition" so that as they intersect each other you get purple, yellow, and where all three meet you get white. You can use non-solids of these colors to control how saturated the final paint layer will be. Also, since they are not fully opaque paints layers, the original value of the texture still has some control on the paint visibility. In the end, the plugin uses the paint guide file that is specified for the particular part to define where each layer of paint will go and how it will effect that region of the part as it overlays on top of the original texture. Advanced options include the ability to "deep replace" (which helps in the case of procedural parts and/or parts with many separate objects which use the same texture) and "specific" settings (which let you specify which texture in the part is to be treated as the painted texture when the layer is applied) which help to further control what happens in the game. It also provides many different shaders to use to apply the paint for different situations. For instance, if the part uses an emissive map, you can use EmissiveBumpSpec as the shader which enables the use of those emissives while being painted. worth noting is that this mod was last updated in September of last year. It still works just as it did way back then and some people are still updating it with new paint maps and MM configs to apply the settings to new parts. The original author has been AWOL for quite a while though.
  4. Calm down y'all, it's coming and we've got the working method figured out. So far so good in testing too. Actually, I did extensive testing while lo-fi was on vacation and the first time I repulsed water I didn't even know it was integrated yet. I was about to hit the revert button and realized nothing bad had happened yet. I sat there for about 5 seconds before I got excited and started trying to push the boundaries. I'm still trying to make it break. It just won't break!
  5. At least it gets easier after you've reinvented the wheel several times (and quite literally in this case). I've been pumping out new paint templates for KerbPaint like a machine trying to expand support for the latest B9 pack. Used to take me a day, now it takes me an average of an hour for a complicated one. 20 min. for something simple. One of these days I'll see about expanding into your parts. You've talked about wheel sounds several times now and it never quite sunk in. That's awesome stuff. There has been talk in the Wheel-Sounds mod (or whatever he calls it) about adding sounds to parts that don't use the stock wheel module, and your wheel module came up as a possible breaking issue for that.
  6. That would be awesome stuff. There are a lot of amazing wheels out there that could do with a KF upgrade.
  7. Maybe the camera is so amazingly awesome that the mere thought of taking another picture is insulting.
  8. with my attention span... wait, is that a squirrel? ahem... that is... with my attention span he's probably released this whole thing already and just forgot to announce it. ... I just hate squirrels.
  9. 15m rocket engine with accompanying fuel tank and secondary engine of nearly the same size. Without a VAB-scaler the thing was basically a giant mass stuffed into the building. Smoking around that baby would produce the equivalent of 40 million Jebediah's light their own farts in tandem. I don't know why I just said that, it was completely and utterly random.
  10. I took a look at the source and I think if you just added the collider updater function to the two action group functions, you'd have the problem nicked. If you think that idea won't be "too hard" I may have an even better one for you that might just drive you nuts, but if you did succeed it would change EVERYTHING!!! So, I was thinking about the problems with adding all this suspension stuff to stock wheels without having to do a bunch of unity crud. What about a separate part that could do steering and suspension on it's own? The idea was brought about when testing the new ASET rover. His wheels look cool, but I can't use them because they're so... solid. is really sucks. So, I was thinking you could lock the wheel's steering system and stick an intermediary part between the craft's hull and the wheel part which would apply suspension and steering by simply moving the entire non-suspended part. The steering we could make a mock of, without all the cool steering specifics, with infernal robotics, but suspension is another pile of crud entirely. Something to think on anyway.
  11. Once you've experienced lo-fi's individual-wheel suspensions and anti-roll systems, as well as the variable turning rates based on wheel positions and the crawler steering... well, any other wheel no matter how cool looking will ever compete. Good news, you are not forced to use the wheels that come with this package. Last night I connected a set of lo-fi's wheels to this thing and they worked like a charm. Unfortunately, lo-fi's wheel module requires the wheel to be configured in unity in a different way than the stock wheel format so unless you can get ahold of the source units files, you probably won't be making anything happen with these wheels anytime soon. I intend to suggest to lo-fi that we attempt to make a wheel-mount that could apply his suspension to a stock wheel attached to an intermediary part that would handle the suspension and steering. The stock wheel could then have it's own steering locked and let the intermediary part turn the entire part to respond to the steering controls. Should be doable, in theory.
  12. Yeah, now we know why he hasn't released this. He's been cheating with other projects on us.
  13. That's a lot of parts. I'm not going to be able to handle anything that large, at least not all at once, unless I really want to see my laptop melt. Still, that's a pretty amazing example of what can be done if you have the power to handle it.
  14. I hear you totally with those gardening accidents. Even on solid ground those plants can be dangerous.
  15. So, this is something I've been working on a lot recently, with some pretty epic failures because I really suck at rocket building. That means I suck worse at everything else because really, building a tall rocket that goes upwards is pretty easy compared to something that actually generates lift. Unfortunately, unless you create a pre-made rover with pre-specified dimensions, a rover landing system is enar impossible to pre-build for a specific mod. On another subject, I have a few things to report about my experiences with the repulsors and wheels. First off, the water repulsion system available in the github works really well. I have yet to experience anything nasty with that. That being said, I have yet to try anything larger than a one-kerbal craft in those situations because my larger designs are too heavy and tend to hit the beach and blow up before they get the chance to repulse water. Remember, I suck at making anything worthy of being manned. Poor Jebediah, but he does so enjoy being blown to bits for science and he just won't die, not for lack of trying. The wheel groupings are interesting, however I discovered that after using action groups to change the repulsor height I have to manually right click on a repulsor and tell it to apply the settings for anything to actually take effect. It would be great if those updates could happen on their own, or at least if the action group command could include an automated update for other like-grouped units. Overall though, this pack has ruined all other wheels in existence for me. I just can't handle those rigid wheels anymore. One idea would be the ability to modify the height of the suspension on the other wheels so you could possibly have a large rover "land" by reducing it's ride-height to the point where the craft's hull, or landing legs, could rest on the ground without the wheels affecting motion. Sorta like retracting the landing gear, but with control like what you get with the repulsor height. That kind of feature would save me from having to use Infernal Robotics to handle this situation, which works well enough if you discard having your wheels attachment point in a stable orientation to the hull of the craft.
  16. We've been saying that for months now. Any moment now we'll get a new update about some huge addition to the project that's been started that will delay release again... and we'll all die a horrible slow death as a result. Yup, it'll be awesome.
  17. oooooh.... oooh oooh! screenz pleeezeee! I couldn't help myself. I feel dirty now that I've written that. Must bathe!
  18. Little update on my issue with the particles not showing up in the editor anymore... turns out if I scale up the hangar with that hangar scaling mod, and move the camera way outside the building, near to the ground, the particles will start appearing. Really weird stuff here.
  19. A few questions to the genius behind this little mod: First off, on the original post, we read: Is this still accurate? The reason I ask is that in the configuration file there is a setting called "CompressTextures" which would lead me to believe that compression is actually being done. Second, on the original post again, we read: I know this could be useful for hunting down bugs and what not, but I'm wondering if the "aim" to crash is really necessary. KSP crashes enough on it's own without a plugin purposely making it happen when it gets flustered.
  20. I've started to wonder if we're ever going to see another stable release of scansat. It's been in the release candidate stage for quite a while and you can't even download it directly from the dev thread's original post. At least they still publish to github, else this would be a nightmare.
  21. Heck no, I may have a pretty .... internet connection in my neck of the woods, but I'm not going to download that much stuff that I really can't make much use of just to get a hold of a model that may or may not be useful in the game. I'll leave it to the experienced modders to see if they can make it usable. EDIT: oh come on... it censored the word for "a person or thing that has that certain appeal that gamers see all the time in the form of a game-related female character displayed wearing very little..." okay, I give up. The word bleeped out with the "...." was supposed to be that word that you call the person of the opposite um... orientation (and not just the mindset, but the hardware to prove it) .... GAH! How the bleep do you define such a word without using the word in the definition? Okay, foot in mouth, I'm going to stop trying now.
  22. On the topic of the window scaling thing, you might start by looking into how the "notepad" mod does its text scaling.
  23. As for the non-kerbin statics, I did notice in some of the configs that there is a setting to declare which planetary body the static is being placed on. This has me thinking that technically you may be able to specify a different body for your static objects to be rendered. I do agree however that off-planet launch sites should be more involved than downloading a static mod and picking the launch site.
  24. A possible way to make this mod compatible with the other mods that use squad assets would be to place these new models in a separate addon folder and use MM to make the changes to the squad parts that would force them to use the new models instead. One possible issue here could be that many of the squad configs use the simple "mesh" parameter instead of the more complex "MODEL" node. Mods like CoolRockets force the squad configs to switch to using the "MODEL" node so that they can add a second "MODEL" node for the launch-effect mesh. Now, taking into account that we have yet to see changes to the models that are affected by CoolRockets, I assume that eventually you may decide to upgrade engines and large fuel tanks. If and when that happens, the module manager configs would have to check for whether or not the "mesh" parameter is being used or the "MODEL" node is being used and update the appropriate fields. Update: I just realized you could just have two module manager setups, one which has a "NEEDS[CoolRockets]" and one with a "NEEDS[!CoolRockets]" to be sure of what you're editing. Either way, your configs should be set to run "AFTER[CoolRockets]" and whatever other mods we can discover that make changes to the squad mesh-referencing formats. So... yeah, mod compatibility is a pain in the arse. NOTE: "CoolRockets" is just a mod name I threw in there for convenience. I believe the actual mod name has since been wrapped into the "Klockheed_Martian" stuff and cannot be referenced with the original mod name. I have yet to really dig into that, I just wanted to make the suggestion and/or voice my concerns. EDIT: I was just looking at the last pictures you posted and that "landing antenna" image is hilarious.
  25. Already done and available, just gotta do a little thread diving. We still need to set up some sort of central place for Kerbpaint addons.
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