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Everything posted by sDaZe

  1. Maybe try using a small res texture for just venus? Like if you're using 8k textures, replace the venus one with a 2k? Cant really tell the difference tbh, specially with clouds.
  2. Pretty sure this is even in the regular scatterer.
  3. Oh, ill have to check it out, thanks! Twinkling effect? Also! Heres a sneak peak at the new uranus texture
  4. Woah nice photo! What star map are you using?
  5. So, a few things.. Been trying my butt off to get a better Uranus texture, heres the one im using now. Not totally happy with it though Trying to make the individual bands stand out making it actually worth going to this poor blue planet. Next, EarthPorn
  6. It might be because phobos and deimos are such tiny bodies. Ill look into increasing their size a bit If not, ill try and reproduce the issue and go from there
  7. Go into the scatterer/planetslist and change This celestialBodyName = Earth transformName = Kerbin to this celestialBodyName = Earth transformName = Earth Will be fixed in the next update
  8. New Earth texture will be included in the new update. More blue water etc..
  9. Sorry i've been dead the last few days ( Busy ) Plus i have a friend over who doesn't have is computer yet so hes been using mine and what not Plan on doing some remakes in the next few days EDIT: Also, was working on a new texture for Earth, didnt quite turn out what i wanted it to be... Ill keep working on it: Canada and Russia have snow Different colour water for the deep parts of the ocean.
  10. Can you show me a screenshot? Of the actual ZIP file
  11. Just downloaded the mod and the right cfgs are in there... and checked the zip on my desktop
  12. Might be the new scatterer update, ill have to check it out later today after work.
  13. New wip Earth texture anyone? Everything is scaled with Sigma dimensions, so they should have relativity stock oribts. For the outer gas planets on the other hand they should be the same orbits as the OPM mod edit: You can use the optional 0 inclination config and everything is stock, even orbits.
  14. From the famous sigma.. " think of the people who download your mod like they're monkeys"
  15. Great pack, I might have to get back into actually playing the game now
  16. For clouds, all you have to do is drag the preferred sve resolution into your gamedata, for example: if you go into the folder that says PICK WHAT SVE YOU WANT IN HERE, and lets say you want the best looking clouds possible, click on ultra res and drag those two folders in your game data. And yes, you need Sigma installed.
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