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Everything posted by sDaZe

  1. Yeah, thanks though! In other news.. Got a tip from the guy who made the RSS Atmospheres and he helped me alot! The new size of the atmo of Earth is 70k, sorry for you who wanted it to be 98 but 70k works the best. Oh and you also get to see the hurricane better
  2. pls.. we all know you're working on another mod
  3. Yeah but what im trying to say is we're going for stock size and not rss size, when you get to 300k you pretty much have to physical time warp to the surface which can take 20mins.
  4. @selfish_meme I was using your Venus atmo resize, can i ask why you put it at 300,000? I feel like thats a bit much seeing as normal eve is 90k
  5. Already compatible Thanks! You gotta remember this is in Add-on Development not Add on Release
  6. Hopefully nothing broke Also would you guys be interested in something like this on titan?
  8. Ill add it into the mod and lets just hope it works ⚆ _ ⚆
  9. Venus doesn't orbit in reverse I believe it spins in reverse? Could be wrong
  10. There should be a update out tomorrow to fix and add things. Lets give @Berlin A big applause for adding the clouds
  11. I dragged your cloud cfg in there without editing it. Its your fault
  12. Ill add the stock orbit as a option in the next download, the only moon orbits i changed was the earth system not any other planets. Ill give you a download to where you can have a 70k atmo. Im at work rn so you're gunna have to wait. Edit. If you want to do it yourself add another line of code in the settings.cfg and look in the sigma dimensiona read me of how to change the atmosphere, i think its 2? Could be wrong I dont know what the hell happened
  13. Download will be down while i update the mod
  14. Seems Star Warsy
  15. Hurricane and the saturn storm are not implemented yet
  16. Its only there in map view. Might have a fix tho
  17. Ill look into it, might of messed something up XD Are you using the new textures?
  18. *Breaking news! Hurricane Kerbin has struck Eastern United States and Eastern Canada Sorry... Had to
  19. Would anyone want something like this on saturn?
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