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Everything posted by sDaZe

  1. @Sigma88 Any idea why Titan skips Near Atmo science? I tried resizing the atmo but that didnt work.
  2. Fixed. Good luck landing on the moons tho, hard af Guess you're gunna have to do it the hard way, like old times.
  3. Sorry, i died for a few days. I'm back now
  4. Have you tried loading the game with it installed? It should work
  5. Ohhh.. Landing on Pluto's Tombaugh Regio and Charon anyone? And some beauty pics Heres a pic of my upcoming trailer thing for the mod
  6. Currently really, really busy. I've been working on the mod just not that much, kinda waiting for @Berlin to get home so he can make sure everythings good.
  7. Woah, mind if we include this in the download?
  8. Link didnt work? Will test all of this and include it in the download.
  9. Dealing with some personal issues at the moment, sorry guys. Update will be delayed.
  10. A little update for everyone. Ill get a update for the mod out tomorrow but after tomorrow things will slow down for like a week, tops. Just thought i should tell you so you dont think the mod is dead
  11. Some pics or tomorrows (hopefully) update. Working on Venus and Jupiter.
  12. Have you looked into the city lights were using? They seem to work and look fine.
  13. i make over $26 an hour and i dont save lives
  14. I have a fulltime job and i'm moving out on my own next month so I have somethings to do before that, but when im not working or planning im developing this mod. Your story is better tho berlin
  15. @Table ill go through the steps i guess.. Download SSRSS Download RSS Textures from the link in the README Download Sigma Dimensions from the link in the README Drag every folder from the SSRSS into your gamedata except the EVE and PICK WHAT SVE YOU WANT IN HERE . If you want clouds go into that folder and drag the corresponding res into your gamedata and the EVE folder Drag the RSS Textures and the Sigma Dimensions files into your gamedata You dont need anything else unless you want it.. aka Kerbal enginner, scansat etc. This is the last time im explaining something like this to people, honestly read the README like it says right under the download https://drive.google.com/open?id=0BwxOlKa6Lfl0b1UxaW1qTkxZZE0 Heres a quick link for people waiting
  16. i swear me and @Berlin just fixed that in 1.1.1 update
  17. Bruh... Read the README XD Drag all the files except for the PICK YOUR SVE RES IN HERE You dont need the buildco folder because eve is included and so is SVE.
  18. That second photo is a scatterer bug, F5 and then F9 to reload should fix the issue. the airport is supposed to look like that
  19. Just drag it into your gamedata For the thunderstorms im not sure its possible with the current state of EVE Working on the hex right now And yeah i would like to add kopernicus expansion
  20. Thanks man! We've got alot more plans for the future!
  21. I was waiting for a mod like this for years but no one made it.. So me and @Berlin made it ourselves
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