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Everything posted by sDaZe

  1. 1.1 has been released. SOO EARLY?????????????
  2. Fixing the download guys, sorry this is my first time
  3. Theres the download guys! Read the README if you're not sure what mods you need!
  4. My computer decided to crash right when i was making the download... Life......
  5. Just woke up, let me get my things together ( Have a shower) And ill fix one more thing and i should have a download ready
  6. Lets all take a moment and look at this beauty @blackrack Also thanks again for making this all possible So, if all goes as planned this should be released tomorrow! Fingers crossed! Last photo album till release... i swear!
  7. Hey @blackrack Is there any way just to make the blue outline of the atmosphere more predominate without extending the atmosphere higher?
  8. So its Pluto's turn for the scatterer effect. Hoping for something like this:
  9. Im not to sure if that is in Real Solar System, ughh try going to the rss fourm and asking that
  10. Started work on Jupiter! Trying to make it pretty subtle. Tell me what you think though.
  11. It'll be ready when its ready. This is Add On Development, not Add On Releases. So please, be patient.
  12. More work on Triton, gave it a nice white Scatterer effect. Tell me what you think After Triton is pluto
  13. You'll have the option to use whatever res you want.
  14. So i was adding the small atmosphere of Triton as seen in this photo And i think i gave it a accurate representation
  15. Just 3 things. Kopernicus, Sigma Dimensions, Real Solar System and of course my configs for all 3 Oh and Scatterer if you want, not need though.
  16. @TonyC All the planets are the same inclination as the kerbin counterparts. Gas Giants use Jools Inclination, Jupiter's moons are relatively flat same with Saturn, except Titan. Pluto has the same inclination as Eeloo. I'm not sure yet. Uranus probably will get rings, yes. Axial tilt on the other hand, not sure, ill have to ask sigma about that ( He had a mod that added that to OPM) Don't worry, I like questions Thanks!
  17. New Horizions confirms the fact that Pluto is infact in the solar system. Thanks again @Sigma88
  18. I'm just excited as you, I waited for something like this for years... So I made it myself Gotta make sure its perfect
  19. I've learned from the biggest teaser ever. The man himself @blackrack
  20. No problem! What do you guys think about the new venus? I got rid of the greenish colour. The first photo is the old one, the 2nd and 3rd is the new one. Let me know what one you guys like better, i'm going to continue to tweak it.
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