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Everything posted by sDaZe

  1. 140,000 I believe. I'm actually working on Venus right now, trying to get it to look better. Dude, take your time. You just got a new job! Congrats btw
  2. You're using sve on rss? I think you should try RVE XD
  3. So all the Scatterer files are done, Mars and Venus have been changed slightly. Here are some tease pics to make all you jelly Lets all thank @blackrack for making this possible
  4. Sorry guys but the download is going to be delayed. Found a pretty substantial bug with Pluto not showing up.
  5. Uranus looking great thanks to my man @Berlin
  6. No, the download isnt available, sorry I misworded that. The Inclination change is optional. @stuff
  7. Also included in the download is... NO INCLINATION! See photos below! @TonyC The first photo in the alblum is old. This is a completely optional download. Also dont worry... pluto is just hiding somewhere... ill fix that If you're looking for a rss scatterer config go to rve. Petes new work looks astonishing
  8. I'm giving Jupiter and all the other gas planets the same inclination as jool.
  9. This is going to take awhile, have to go through each planet and change the tilt..
  10. 1.0 is pretty much ready to go, just gotta get the gas giants done. Then gotta make a config for no inclination. Here are some screens
  11. S^3 also has problems of landing on other bodies where you can sink through the ground. Venus on the other hand looks that way because it doesnt have clouds. Check out @pingopete mod for that. Look at this video i made here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-N6Pl6i-OqQ I spent hours upon hours making titan perfect, lol. I tried to go as realistic as possible, since there isnt actual sunset or SaturnSet? ( is that a word?) I kinda just guessed but yeah there isnt any pics or videos of that. @TonyC Yeah I can see if i can make a config for that!
  12. Hehehehehe Also, Atmosphere on Europa anyone?
  13. Kerbins atmosphere basically starts at 70,000m i believe and the earth version starts at 103,000 right now.
  14. If you look at the photos in the OP showing all the planets off I make sure that you can see all the info of the planets. I still gotta few things to do atmosphere wise.
  15. Yeah, the S^3 mod was really really broken. I wanted something like this for years but no one made it. So I made it myself And thanks man! Really appreciate it. edit: Yeah this is kerbin sized but with real life textures
  16. Good news! I should have a download ready tomorrow! Scatterer and SD configs included. RVE/EVE Configs will have to wait till @pingopete Releases his amazingness
  17. So it didnt work when you download the newest versions of SVE and scatterer? Like you dragged the two folders from the sve folder into your gamedata and then dragged the scatterer into your gamedata? Scatterer doesnt show up in the tracking station, you gotta actually launch a ship. Do that and press M and tell me if it works.
  18. Not right now, maybe sometime in the future.
  19. Im not to sure, you might have to multiply the science you get from the bodies. Or just fam the F* out of Earth and Moon science XD
  20. No problem! And thanks for making such a great mod!
  21. I'm hoping to make this fully compatible with RVE. I've used mods like Procedural parts, Near Future Solar, Kerbal Engineer, Scansat, Dmagics science and so on, so most mods should work. It should have all the resource mining that is in RSS. It also will have all the inclination changes that rss has.
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