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Everything posted by sDaZe

  1. I was using the wrong eve Thanks, I can now make my video
  2. Hey Pete im having some problems getting your mod to work ( hopefully im not stupid ) Here are the mods i have Scatterer works fine Edit - Am I retarded?
  3. Finally someone is making one of these what about adding the asteroid belt?
  4. What text did you use in the thumbnail? If you dont mind me asking?
  5. Some pictures from my Science save. First Satellite and first manned moon flyby mission
  6. You guys are going to love the new jool clouds, they look amazing. Here are some dev screenshots. Thanks for letting me Dev test @Nhawks17 Keep in mind these arent finished yet and anything can change
  7. Made a video with your amazing mod, check it out! Also jool looks amazing
  8. Made another video using your mod, this time with Stock kerbin not RSS
  9. Made a video of the shuttle launch, check it out!
  10. Will you upload it to github or just send me a link? lag isnt a problem
  11. I feel ya... I have an amazing video idea. Just waiting for this beauty to release
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