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Everything posted by sDaZe

  1. Thanks! Should be out really soontm Also, does anyone know what Saturn looks like at sunset from Titan??
  2. For anyone interested i've started a stock size rss mod. Since the s^3 is pretty much dead. Check it out!
  3. Ive been making my own version of this for anyone who is interested Since this is pretty much dead
  4. This mod plans to bring RSS to stock size This mod is a WIP so bugs are expected What does it do? Makes all the bodies stock size, so yes, Kerbin size. Is it compatible with Eve and Scatterer? Yes! Both are included in the download! The sunflare used in this pack is from this mod: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/138919-112-11-galileos-sun-flares/ License is CC-BY-NC-SA-4.0 http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ Donate to the " Get me a new computer fund" https://www.paypal.me/sDaZe Anything helps, thanks! DOWNLOAD HERE! https://github.com/Galileo88/SSRSS/releases You also need to download RSS Textures, Sigma Dimensions and Kopernicus for this mod to work! RSS Textures - https://github.com/KSP-RO/RSS-Textures/releases Sigma Dimensions - https://github.com/Sigma88/Sigma-Dimensions/releases/tag/v0.6.1 Kopernicus - https://github.com/Kopernicus/Kopernicus/releases/tag/release-1.2.2-2 PLEASE DO NOT REDISTRIBUTE ANY OF THE TEXTURES INCLUDED IN THIS PACK WITHOUT ASKING FOR PERMISSION KNOWN ISSUES: - Clouds do not show up in main menu - Scatterer (atmospheric haze) does not show up in main menu or in tracking station - Small amount of "z fighting" between ocean and land on Earth. I'm working on a fix. To get the correct look for the Moon, you MUST install the optional RSS-Textures included in the DL ChangeLog: 2.0.3 - Updated city light textures ( Day and night) - Updated Mars's Scatterer - Made Mars's Clouds better - Updated Jupiter's Auroras - Updated Saturn's storms - Updated terrain level for all bodies - Updated Auroras for Earth - Updated Earth's clouds - Fixed timewarp issues around Titan - Updated the cloud shadows on Earth to make them more realistic and you should get better FPS - Fixed other minor bugs - Updated the sunflare - Updated Earth's Ocean 2.0.4 - added 6 hour kerbal days - Better SVE performance - Added Ground textures to all bodies (WIP) - Reduced download size - Other little fixes
  5. So im working on a stock size rss mod and i was wondering is it possible to add a atmosphiric haze. Titan like? I remember seeing something like this with you @Poodmund but i cant find the post, i got this so far:
  6. Any idea why this is happening? It disappears when you get further away from the planet. Also it does happen to non atmospheric planets.
  7. Finally got Scatterer and EVE working in stock size rss. So happy!
  8. You just take that YFJVI part on the end an post it in the imgur album thing.
  9. Thanks for reminding me though, fixed the steps!
  10. I forgot to mention that, but when you get close to the planet the textures disappear
  11. Yeah were talking actual ground and scaled space textures. I can give a quick run down of how to install them. Step 1: download sve ( Whatever version you want ) Step 2: Download the latest version of KSPRC Step 3: Download the latest version of Kopernicus Step 4: Download the latest version of Texture Replacer Step 5: Place KSPRC, SVE, Texture Replacer and Kopernicus into your Gamedata folder Step 6: Go into the KSPRC folder and delete the following: Assets, Atmospheres, City Lights, Flags ( If you want ), KopernicusExpansion, Plugins, KSPRC_LensFlare , Textures, windowedIVA Step 7: Move all of the files from Texture Replacer - Defualt into the Texture Replacer in your gamedata At this point your folder should look like this: Now, go into the Kopernicus folder and delete the: Glow, jool_ring and particle. The folder should now look like this: Load up the game and everything should work! Edit: If Proot does not want me to post how to do this, I will gladly take this down. Also 1.1 just came out so there could be some changes that break this, because they changed some shader things in this update.
  12. Heres a video showing off Stock size rss if any of you wanna watch.
  13. Made a video using your mod @Sigma88
  14. Its pretty much the same DV map as stock kerbol. Im currently trying to get eve working
  15. Got scatterer working fine with stock size rss forget about that blue line in the second photo, its a known issue.
  16. Sorry for asking so much :3 Also i forget what should i do to make rss planets stock size? @Sigma88
  17. Does this work with 1.1 sigma?
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