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Everything posted by sDaZe

  1. New gas giant textures. Saturn has a hex storm and can see individual bands much better, Uranus has better individual bands and neptune looks better overall
  2. Ohhh okay, looks great man! Thanks We're already working on the next update.. Heres a tease Better venus texture WIP^
  3. Landed at Tharsis Montes on Mars Holy Jesus @Nhawks17 @pingopete Okk ill stop picture spam :3 For now.
  4. Enjoy! This is our biggest post release update yet New mars and moon texture pics
  5. The download will be down for a bit while we... ugh... Test things Edit: Upload was almost finished but we had to fix something. Sorry aboot the wait eh
  6. Lets thank @Nhawks17 for this beautiful cloud pack
  7. @Nhawks17 I bet your mom moon doesnt look as good, scrub. @blackrack is that scatterer making the moon look like that? I remember seeing you making something like that
  8. The man lost both of his arms in Vietnam, CUT him some slack
  9. Also included in the next update... IT LIVES UP TO THE NAME OF THE MOD! Stock Size solar system, aka Earth is as far from the sun as kerbin is etc. Here are some more teases First pic is old orbit. Second is new orbit. Also the mun is closer to the earth which means better eye candy and easierish to get too!
  10. Updated the Pics of the planets, take a look at old vs new Old New
  11. Its pretty much a team effort between Berlin and I. We both treat this mod like our baby:3 Thank @Berlin for that And it was more of a personal touch that me and berlin thought would be a cool addition
  12. While trying to figure out the Saturn system Near science thing i took this behind titan.. Also landing on the moon in the new update: @Nhawks17 Keep up the good work on sve :3 As you can see there is Lunar dust and the transition from high to low space is almost flawless
  13. The install is really easy, you just have to follow instructions. It literally says right under the download to read the readme
  14. Download SSRSS Download RSS Textures from the link in the README Download Sigma Dimensions from the link in the README Drag every folder from the SSRSS into your gamedata except the EVE and PICK WHAT SVE YOU WANT IN HERE . If you want clouds go into that folder and drag the corresponding res into your gamedata and the EVE folder Drag the RSS Textures and the Sigma Dimensions files into your gamedata You dont need anything else unless you want it.. aka Kerbal enginner, scansat etc. New Europa everyone!
  15. Also lets all give @Berlin a round of applause for making the existing textures look better @NathanKell You might have to hire @Berlin for his texture work
  16. Huge update coming soon guys. When i say huge i mean huge In other news. Some more screens of the upcoming showcase/trailer
  17. Just wait till you see all the pictures @blackrack Heres one tho
  18. Was just about to say... CANT VERY WELL TAKE PICTURES WHEN ALL I SEE IS BLUR NHAWKS! Two teases tho
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