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Everything posted by AlexanderTeaH

  1. Been working on a less extravagant ground vehicle. Turned out quite nice, I think.
  2. Stock Leopard 2A7 tank I've been working on this thing for just under 2 days. It's still not finished but I thought I might share what I've managed to do thus far. Oh and, .craft file!
  3. Guys, I'm working on a tank, got any ideas concerning bearings? EDIT: The front and sides are 8 plates thick, weighs in at 54 tonnes and has a part count approaching 600. Completely impractical and stupid, but at least it looks somewhat decent. It's based off of the Leopard 2A7.
  4. The Frigate Mk VI-C .craft file! You don't mind me using tires against you, do you?
  5. Mind if I put it up against my weapons? EDIT: Nevermind, I see the .craft file now.
  6. On the topic of new ships, here's a new carrier.
  7. Well, it's also one of [B]Jeb's[/B] favorite [I]phrases[/I] - [I][B]P[/B]lease [B]S[/B]tand [B]A[/B]side![/I]
  8. [quote name='zekes']Please. THIS brings in the big guns. [URL]http://i.imgur.com/w3BGsbB.jpg[/URL][/QUOTE] Damn, isn't that the old Wales class battlecruiser you built?
  9. Wow, cool, craft, but what really grabbed my attention was the engine. Tell me, what makes that thing glow red?
  10. Looks pretty cool, reminds me of a time when I had a massive Minmus base back in ye old days of 0.16.
  11. Is it just me or are kerbals super bouncy when it comes to impacting water?
  12. Very B-52-esque, I love it! Although the tail configuration reminds me of the 747 outfitted for shuttle transport.
  13. I second this, otherwise it'll turn into a Delta-V battle in order to escape the buggers.
  14. Thanks! Means a lot to have my ships complimented.
  15. Updated my profile pic, it's quite a bit less aggressive than my previous one. I've also been working on a Carrier Mk III-B variant. Both of which look great in my opinion, but I'd love to hear what everyone else has to say.
  16. Holy cow that battlecruiser looks menacing!
  17. A new carrier that's going to replace the existing Mk I which has been made redundant over the years. Still working on making some actual fighters to accompany this fine ship. Let me know what you think of it!
  18. Hmm, I guess it's based on personal preference, since I think it looks quite nice? - - - Updated - - - Holy cow, these look cool! I'm especially liking the Fr-104!
  19. Nice rover, looks really cool! As for embedding albums, you can do so by using the following brackets: [imgur]xzSYI[/imgur] Like so:
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