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    Bottle Rocketeer

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  1. Ksp RSS / GreyDuster / 1.3.1 +RSS + RO + RP-1 / 30-40m / Feb 2018 ( ongoing) / quality content, good primer on rp-1 Let's play KSP RSS / HardCore Edward / 1.2.2 (?) RSS Rp-0 RO / 30m-1h ( ongoing ) / December 2017 / 160+ episodes. Alternate history recreations ( kinda..) pleasant to listen to. HedgeDog / Hedgedog / 1.2.2 / RSS RO RP-0 / 15m-30m ( ongoing?) / June 2017 / quick, entertaining episodes showcasing how real the struggle really is. Beyond History / Tyler Riaz ( Riaz Space ) / 1.1.3 / RSS RO RP-1 / 30-45Mm ( ongoing ) / a continuation of realisim overhaul series - likely longest running RSS series out there. ( sorry for lack of propper formatting, I'm on mobile currently )
  2. Hello, man! Make more cool videos, I like them! :-)

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  3. Just need to say I love this thread. Love seeing how others approach the unique challenges presented by Rss/RO. Keep it rolling:)
  4. After way too long, I made a cinematic. It's my first real attempt at such, so there's bound to be a lot of rookie mistakes. All the same, I hope you like it -crash
  5. Thanks! hope you're still enjoying it. 1-18 are all posted now. 19 and 20 will be up Tuesday. gearing up for a duna shot soon, and quite possibly more failures related to such. FAR and RT are cruel mistresses.
  6. Thanks! like i said - literally no production value.
  7. Hey all! I started uploading videos again to my YouTube. This is my Let's Play with the Adios Tech Tree, and a few other mods. I'd love some feedback, suggestions, whatever. I'm shooting for posting new uploads 3 times a week. There is litteraly no production value or frills. Just me trying to talk and play some awesome KSP ( not nearly as easy at it seems ) let me know what you think. Thanks!! playlist of all is - episode 1 episode 2
  8. the lps can be found here : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCg9r-U3nfd_hOhbzezLW7A thanks for the interest! please feel free to mock me openly on there.
  9. Hey everyone I've been seriously addicted to KSP for over a year now, I try to play other games, but always find myself back here. Read a lot around the forums, just now got around to introducing myself. Ive been to every rock in KSP, though mechjeb did a bulk of the lifting, Im still no shabby pilot though. Ive started to play with jets and ssto spacecraft. Currently on an easter egg hunt. Ive started to record and upload some lets plays now that Ive grown confident enough. Looking forward to sharing my accomplishments, and maybe a few explosions with the community at large here. Hope to hit a few challenges soon too. Cosmo
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